
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs

The Chase

In the chilling aftermath of Shisui's tragic end, the fabric of fate seemed to weave a cruel and calculated path. It was as though destiny had predetermined the sequence of events, orchestrating the arrival of several Anbu operatives to the heart-wrenching scene. Their stark demands cut through the air like a blade, shattering the fragile silence that had settled over the riverbank.

"You, hand over those eyes," their voices rang out, their accusatory fingers pointing with ominous intent toward Itachi. In his hands, he held the last vestige of his dear friend's existence – Shisui's precious pupil, a haunting reminder of the life that had been extinguished before their very eyes.

Unbeknownst to Itachi, his own eyes, once a source of prodigious power, had transformed. The once-familiar Sharingan had evolved into the Mangekyo Sharingan, its design an intricate interplay of shadows and patterns that hinted at the depths of his sorrow and rage. The shift was an involuntary response, an outward manifestation of the turmoil that consumed his heart.

A tempest of emotions surged within Itachi, an all-encompassing storm fueled by grief, anger, and an overwhelming sense of injustice. His Mangekyo Sharingan blazed to life with an intensity that matched the inferno of his emotions. With a singular purpose, Itachi unleashed the Tsukuyomi – a forbidden genjutsu of unparalleled potency.

In an instant, the Anbu operatives found themselves ensnared within the nightmarish realm of Tsukuyomi, a realm where time distorted and reality bent to the whims of Itachi's will. The experience was a harrowing descent into a realm of agony, an unrelenting torture that transcended the boundaries of the physical world. Their senses were assaulted by an overwhelming assault of pain and suffering, each second an eternity of torment.

As the moments stretched on, the Anbu's bodies writhed in agony, their voices reduced to anguished screams that echoed through the mindscape. Shadows danced and contorted, their forms a macabre representation of Itachi's anguish. With every passing second, the bonds of their sanity strained and fractured under the weight of the relentless onslaught.

And then, as abruptly as it began, the Tsukuyomi released its hold. The Anbu operatives fell to the ground, their bodies trembling and broken, their eyes vacant and haunted by the traumas they had endured. The remnants of the genjutsu dissipated into the air, leaving behind a stark and chilling silence that hung like a shroud.

Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan faded, its brilliance dimming to reveal the haunted gaze of a soul burdened by the weight of its own actions. The enormity of what had transpired, the lives that had been shattered, and the depths to which he had delved in his grief-stricken rage, all crashed upon him like an unforgiving tide.

In the wake of the devastating outburst, Itachi's strength wavered, his body succumbing to the toll of his emotions and the immense strain he had endured. With a heavy and ragged breath, he collapsed, his consciousness slipping away into the abyss of unconsciousness.

Fear and dread clawed at Kai's insides, an overwhelming sensation of helplessness washing over him as he bore witness to the horrifying aftermath. The sight of the lifeless anbu, their bodies twisted and contorted in grotesque angles, ignited a sickening churn in his stomach. The brutality of their deaths painted a stark portrait of the ruthlessness that had unfolded here.

But amidst the raw terror, Kai's mind raced, driven by a potent cocktail of shock and adrenaline. He understood that these anbu were mere pawns in a sinister game orchestrated by the enigmatic puppeteer, Danzo. Itachi's pain and anger made sense, he had just lost his best friend.

Setting aside his own emotion, Kai's instincts surged, urging him to act quickly. The urgency of the situation pressed him to make a critical decision – to ensure Itachi's safety and secure the truth that had been unveiled in this chilling scene. His senses, honed through weeks of training and perseverance, warned him of imminent danger. The approaching presence of more anbu was a dire portent, a harbinger of impending conflict.

Swiftly, Kai gathered Shisui's suicide note, a somber testament to his friend's ultimate sacrifice. Placing it reverently by the river's edge, he focused his attention on Itachi. The man clung to Shisui's eyes with a mixture of reverence and despair, the weight of a bond severed too soon etched onto his features.

In an instant, Kai's resolve was solidified. He had to get Itachi to safety, away from the mounting storm that threatened to engulf them both. With a determined exhale, he carefully cradled Itachi's unconscious form, his movements purposeful and deliberate. Every step he took was laden with urgency, the gravity of the situation propelling him forward.

Navigating through the labyrinth of trees and shadows, Kai's instincts guided him to the Hokage Mansion. The sight of the anbu guards stationed at its entrance was both an obstacle and a challenge. It was clear that this revelation needed minimal attention and Kai was unwavering in his commitment to ensure only the Fourth Hokage can know of this.

With a careful shift of Itachi's body, he placed his friend in a secluded corner, sheltered from prying eyes. The anbu guards who had unwittingly become obstacles were dealt with swiftly and silently, their unconscious forms a testament to Kai's agility and determination. "Sorry," he whispered, a conflicted mixture of regret and understanding.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the village.