
Live in Hunter x Hunter with Archer Emiya Abilities

In this thrilling crossover fanfiction, the worlds of "Hunter x Hunter" and "Fate/stay night" collide as our protagonist, Gon Freecss, finds himself in the midst of the Hunter Exam. However, Gon isn't alone; he's accompanied by his loyal friend Killua and a mysterious newcomer named Shirou Emiya. Gon and Killua's goal remains the same: to become Hunters and search for Gon's father, Ging Freecss. But with Shirou's unique abilities reminiscent of the heroic spirit Archer, their journey takes an unexpected turn. As they navigate the challenges of the Hunter Exam, Gon and his friends encounter the enigmatic Phantom Troupe, a group of deadly thieves with nefarious intentions. With Kurapika's quest for vengeance against the Troupe and their interest in the elusive Scarlet Eyes, tensions rise. The story is filled with action, suspense, and strategic battles as Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and Shirou face off against the formidable members of the Phantom Troupe. Along the way, they uncover dark secrets, form unbreakable bonds, and unlock the true potential of Nen. With the fate of their world and the safety of innocent lives at stake, Gon and his friends must rise to the challenge. Will they succeed in their quest to become Hunters and bring the Phantom Troupe to justice, or will the Troupe's sinister plans plunge their world into chaos? "Live in Hunter x Hunter with Archer Emiya Abilities" is an exciting fusion of two beloved anime universes, offering readers a unique and action-packed adventure filled with unexpected twists and epic battles. Whether you're a fan of "Hunter x Hunter," "Fate/stay night," or both, this fanfiction promises an exhilarating ride through a world where magic, Nen, and destiny intertwine.

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Chapter 3: The Enigmatic Hunter Exam Begins

The lush wilderness of the Hunter Exam site stretched before Shirou and his newfound companions. The Nen beast they had encountered the previous night turned out to be a harmless guardian of the exam grounds. It seemed that even nature in this world had its own peculiarities.

As the sun rose on the first day of the Hunter Exam, Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Shirou joined hundreds of other aspiring Hunters at the starting point. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and excitement. The Hunter Exam was renowned for its difficulty, and only the most determined and skilled candidates would succeed.

The examiners, a group of seasoned Hunters, stood before the participants. A stern-looking woman with silver hair and a distinctive scar on her cheek addressed the crowd.

"Welcome to the 287th Hunter Exam. I am Biscuit Krueger, your chief examiner for this phase. The Hunter Exam is not for the faint of heart. It will test your intelligence, strength, and resolve. If you are not up to the challenge, I suggest you leave now."

Shirou observed Biscuit Krueger closely. Her aura was unlike any he had encountered before. She radiated power and experience, making it clear that she was not to be underestimated.

Gon nudged Shirou with a grin. "Don't worry, Shirou. We've trained hard for this. We can handle anything they throw at us."

Shirou nodded, his resolve unwavering. He had been through countless battles as a Master in the Holy Grail War, and he was determined to prove himself in this new world. He couldn't help but wonder how Archer's abilities would come into play during the exam.

The first phase of the exam was a simple test of endurance. Candidates were instructed to run a marathon through the dense forest, with the condition that they could not use any Nen abilities or weapons. It was a test of raw physical stamina.

As they ran, Shirou couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. The forest, the physical exertion, it all reminded him of the countless training sessions he had undergone with Archer. His Reinforcement ability, honed through years of practice, allowed him to maintain an incredible pace.

Gon, who was running alongside him, noticed Shirou's speed. "You're really fast, Shirou!"

Shirou smiled. "Years of training pay off."

After what felt like hours, they reached the finish line, where Biscuit Krueger awaited them. She examined the exhausted candidates with a critical eye.

"Well done, all of you. You've passed the first phase," she announced. "But the real challenges are yet to come."

The second phase of the Hunter Exam involved a test of resourcefulness and strategy. Candidates were divided into groups and tasked with reaching a specific location in the forest. However, they were given no instructions on how to get there. It was a test of problem-solving and teamwork.

Shirou found himself in a group with Gon, Killua, and Leorio. They huddled together to discuss their approach.

Gon suggested, "Let's use our unique abilities. Shirou, you can create tools with your Projection, right? That could come in handy."

Shirou nodded. "Agreed. I can create a map of the area, and we can use it to navigate."

With their plan in place, they set off into the forest. Shirou used his Projection ability to create a detailed map of their surroundings, marking key landmarks and potential obstacles. It was a testament to his versatility as a Hunter.

As they made their way through the forest, they encountered various challenges, from treacherous terrain to hidden traps. Each obstacle tested their skills and determination. Shirou's Reinforcement allowed him to overcome physical challenges, while Gon and Killua's Nen abilities provided invaluable support.

Hours turned into days, and their determination never wavered. They faced trials that pushed them to their limits, but they pressed on, fueled by their shared goal of becoming Hunters.

Finally, they reached the designated location, where Biscuit Krueger and other examiners were waiting.

Biscuit Krueger smiled, a rare sight. "Congratulations, you've passed the second phase of the exam. Your teamwork and resourcefulness are impressive."

Gon beamed with pride, and Killua gave a nonchalant nod. Leorio pumped his fist in the air.

Shirou couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The challenges they had faced had only strengthened their bond as a team. He knew that the true test of his abilities as Archer was yet to come, but he was more determined than ever to face it head-on.

As the candidates moved on to the next phase of the Hunter Exam, Shirou couldn't help but wonder what other mysteries and challenges awaited them in this enigmatic world. One thing was certain; he was ready to face them with the skills and determination of a Hunter.

To be continued...

[End of Chapter 3: The Enigmatic Hunter Exam Begins]