
Lightning and Fire Given Form(DxD)

When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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117 Chs

Tobio's Lament(Rewrite)

Kurayami was the happiest he had ever been as he looked at Shin who had a new collar and cross on his neck. His sacred gears had evolved and fused into one that was stronger than both. Lavinia tried to pet him and as dogs loved people she was allowed.

She sighed in relief and looked at Kurayami with some worry in her eyes.

"How do you feel? You just did something insane. You still have blood flowing down your eyes and nose too and it's black. Why is it black?" 

He reached up for his face and wiped off the blood. When he looked at his blood he was confused. 

"That is weird."

Azazel walked in front of him and took the blood into a beaker. I will run some tests to see why it turned out like that. On another note, You need to be more careful. No matter how strong you are everyone has limits."

"I understand. But you don't get what it felt like to see Canis Lyacon. It was weird as both our souls called out to each other. He needed me, and I needed him. And on top of the matter he hated Tobio. Imagine getting locked away for 15 years and being awake the entire time. 

Akeno understand that, but she was still pissed as he put his life in danger. What if his body and soul could not contain such power at once? What would have happened to her if he died? What if she died? 

Their soul link was something even they did not understand. 

"How could you do something so stupid? You could have died. This is not funny, what if you were wrong and died? What would I have to tell mom and dad?

Raynare also chastised him.

"What if you couldn't handle the pressure? Your soul could have burst like a damn if you were weaker."

Esdeath had her own choice of words.

"My love, you are not alone anymore. You have friends and family so don't go and kill yourself." 

Kuroka, who was in cat form began to slam her paws on his head.


Azazel threw a pencil at his head which made him hold his head.

"If you died, Baraqiel would kill me and Shuri would rip my balls off. Plus your pets take more resources that need to return. Who will replace me with you dead, all my effort would go with you.

Kurayami sighed and accepted it.

"I get it. I knew I could handle it. Tobio, cousin, we did all we could to keep you alive and in good health. You will be weak for a few weeks, but you will recover as you are a Fallen Angel now. We can seal your memories and bloodline away, but Sae will remember everything. 

If you choose this, you will be left alone." 

Tobio sighed. 

"All that for nothing?" 

Shin himself jumped onto the floor and ran to Tobio's leg. He patted his leg before he turned around and walked back to Kurayami. 

He said he forgives you, but to leave him alone.

Tobio sighed.

"Take care of him." 

"I will. My sacred gear fused with him and is now bound to me. With his power, I will save your girlfriend, but what will you do."

Tobio felt a weight come off his shoulders as he was alive and Sae was going to be saved 

"Thank you." 

Kurayami nodded. 

"If you ever need help. Call. Me and Shin will come to your aid."

Azazel was now curious. 

"So, what powers did you get?"

Kurayami put down Shin and focused on his fused Sacred Gear. He held his hands out. In his right hand, several flames flames appeared. Purple, White, Black, and now a bright volcanic red. 

This was from Kagu-tsuchi the god that had been killed by Ame no Ohabari which made Canis Lyacon. On his other hand the same, but as lighting thundered. As he drew on Canis' power he felt his body begin to change.

His Mana Capacity had doubled while his bloodline was seething and writhing. Things were changing in his body and soul but he felt it more in his wings. It was like his feathers were becoming both biological and blades.

'Very interesting.'

Another perk he felt was on top of Death Magic, he felt more power over Shadows.

"This is interesting. I will need time to process what just happened." 

Azazel was fine with that. 

"Take all the time you need. Now, who is next?"

Akeno looked the list over and pointed at the next person.

"Some guy called Kouki Samejima."

Natsume spoke up remembering that guy.

"The delinquent? I saw him at the funeral where he seemed pretty broke about losing his friend on the ship."

Kurayami looked at the hawk and squinted his eyes. Natsume noticed his gaze and hugged Griffon tighter.

"I am not falling for that."

Azazel raised his hand.

"You don't need to worry about Kouki as I sent Vali for him. When he finds out what you did he will be after the Red Dragon Emperor to do the same."

Kurayami thought about him and knew he had done his missions for Azazel.

"How was he the day after?"

Azazel began to laugh. 

"He was so hung over he couldn't get up. It was hilarious." 

Ares snorted. 

"I am leaving. Kurayami, expect me to put even more power in our spars now."

"Your own." 

Ares stepped out as he was quite excited to fight Kurayami in a stronger form. He too was growing stronger after years of stagnation. Once he was gone, Kurayami asked about the next target.

"Kouki is going to be picked up by Vali, then we just have two more targets. Azazel did you send anyone else after them or do we have to go."

Both Shin and Aurora jumped on his lap and the girls noticed how the little lion had changed a great deal after he got Canis Lycaon. They all began to pet her as she flipped on her back to get belly rubs.

Aurora's fur was mostly gold, but she had black lines running through her like a tiger. Kurayami had a goal now 

"We need to find Agusta, take her sacred gear give it to Akeno, and save my cousin's girlfriend."

Tobio blushed and shook his head.


Kurayami looked at a picture of her and felt she was cute.

"I forgot you Japanese are weird."

Natsume frowned at the insult.

"What do you mean weird?"

"Not direct and are very conservative. I much rather be in America, but that is the land of the Greeks. Maybe I can scam Zeus off another pet if I go there."

Tobio and Natsume were confused.

"Scam another one. You act like you did that already."

He pointed at Aurora and they were shocked.

"You scammed a god to get her?"

He pointed at Azrael.

"The old man did it. I just benefited from it."

Azrael frowned.

"Old man. I will let you know I am still in my prime."

"You are a grandfather you know. Grandfather-in-law you should sit. Your old bones could break."

Azrael glared at him and smacked his head. 


Raynare chuckled. 

"Don't take it to heart?" 

Azrael did not take it to heart as he was ancient. 

"Whatever kid."

That reminded Kurayami of something. 

"How old are you anyway?"

Azrael and Azazel were left thinking and answered.

"The millennials just go by I lost count."

Azazel shook his head to get back his focus.

"For the two other targets, I sent Baraqiel along with Jack and Clarise. They both have taped into Ares' power some and they were rather powerful. With the training they went under, it's time to allow some of the demigods to go on field duty."

Ares nodded with pride.

"My seed is supreme."

Esdeath brought up a good point of worry.

"Hey. What about their auras attracting monsters."

Azazel shook his head as he had long solved that issue.

"No problem. Some of them have learned basic magic and can use that to protect themselves. Plus, I added it to their uniforms.."

Lavinia yawned as they had gone for two people and it was late at night. Kurayami decided it was time to go home.

"Well, it is late and we should go home. Come on then."

He walked toward Tobio and dragged him along. Akeno, Esdeath, Raynare, and Kuroka who was still on his head got close to him, but before he could leave he was stopped by Azrael.

"Wait. What about, Lavinia, and Natsume? You just leave them here."

Kurayami looked at them and saw how Lavinia looked a little sad.

"I can make more rooms if that is what is needed."

Azazel decided to do something else. 

"Just give me some time and I will get you a bigger house." 

Azael rapidly agreed.

"I was planning on it. With bastards like Kokabiel and Zanatel around, I am planning on moving you out. Right now Shuri is with her very strong niece, but in the future, she can't be left alone as she will be a target."

Tobio was curious why Kurayami's mother was exiled. 

"Why was she exiled?"

"Our dad is a Fallen Angel. Is that not enough reason to kick her out? They exiled your grandmother just for using a different branch of magic."

Lavinia hugged him from behind and pushed her breasts into his back without meaning to. She was a hugger and an airhead so she saw nothing wrong with hugging him.

Kurayami was barely getting used to Kuroka so that was odd to him. He did like it though.

"I still have a chance to get Aurora to like me."

Aurora harrumphed and jumped into Esdeath's arms. Kurayami felt that was amusing.

"Give it time. She will come around."

She jumped back in his hands and he teleported them all home. When he got there his cousin Suzako was still there, but when Shuri saw the new people with them she smiled. 

"Is that Tobio?"

He nodded.

Shuri smiled and introduced herself.

"I am Shuri Himejima, your cousin as well. First removed to be exact."

Tobio saw how she resembled his grandmother when she was young from her pictures. He bowed to her as she was related to his granny.

"I am Tobio Ikuse, or Himejima. It's good to meet you."

Suzaku looked at the small black dog in Kurayami's hands and went back to Tobio.

"Tobio. I am Suzako, your cousin as well, but what happened to your sacred gear? Why is Kurayami carrying it."

Tobio answered that question in a way to not incriminate Kurayami. 

"When I was born, my grandmother placed a seal on him. Turns out he was awake the entire time and he was imprisoned in me. In a bid to get free, he freed himself of being my Sacred Gear and joined Kurayami. So he took it." 

Despite that, Shuri was not happy. She glanced where Kurayami was standing but they just saw a note stuck to a black sword saying. When Shuri read the note she was really upset.

"I can see you mad. Tobio is not lying and this was Shin's idea."

Kurayami appeared back in America at Camp Half-Blood. When Dyonisus felt his presence and felt the familiar feeling of Canis Lycon he shuddered.

'How the hell did that kid get that thing? His flames alone were a threat and now this. When will it end?'

Kurayami at the moment had Aurora and Shin in his hands and a few campers who saw him recognized him. Percy ran over.

"Kurayami. How is it going?"

"Doing good.

Chiron trotted over and when he saw Shin he nearly had a heart attack.

"Where did you get that?"

Kurayami held Shin up to show him off.

"My cousin gave him to me."

Chiron sighed and he needed to know.

"How are the kids you took?"

Kurayami put down both creatures who began to wrestle and he nodded.

"Great. Ares has been a great trainer and some of the kids like Clarise and Jack are clear for field duty. They also started to tap into their god powers better."

Kurayami looked over at the tree and noticed it was beginning to wither.

"What's wrong with the tree?"

Chiron scowled and lamented.

"I shall explain what has occurred, you were right. Luke was a traitor, but I still allowed this to happen. I am such a fool."