
Chapter 9

"Thank you, ma'am," I said to the teacher as she smiled walking back inside. I walked towards Leo and sat down next to him. I took the book away and asked, "Ready to go home?" He seemed unhappy, so I asked, "Leo did something happen at school today?"

He shook his head and I smiled, "Alright, then are you ready to go home?" I asked and he just got down as I held the book in one hand and his hand in the other. We walked to the bus stop quietly, arriving home within the next few hours. My mother was going to be home today so I could go out to get some work done.

"You are going to work?" Mom asked as I walked outside in an all-black uniform. "Yes, mother I will be back by 9, make sure to lock the doors and stay safe," I said as I tied my shoes and grabbed the keys.

I walked out quickly so that I could catch the bus back to Leo's school. I arrived there in time since there were still cars left and there is one particular car I was hoping would still be here. I saw the silver-colored Toyota near the front office and knew that was her car when she walked out towards it. "Excuse me, miss Thermel," I called out to the teacher from before.

"Oh, hello Leo's sister, what can I help you with?" She said a shocked expression on her face. I smiled before asking, "I wanted to ask if anything happen at school today, Leo's been acting differently than normal?"

She gulped I noticed that as well as the change in her tone when she said, "Oh it was nothing, the kids just had a little rough time getting along today."

I blinked acting surprised. "Do you perhaps know the details?" I asked in a concerned tone. She smiled, "It was just a small disagreement, I hope you understand." Her tone made it clear that I should back off. I smiled and took a few steps back as she reached out towards her car door. I waved to her goodbye before walking to the front doors.

I then proceeded to the receptionist at the front desk but she didn't reveal anything. I sighed, "Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoy your day ma'am." It was the last time I said to her before walking towards the front door. Marcus was waiting across the school but I didn't walk to where he was. I walked to the bus stop, waiting for the next bus.

"So what happened to work?" He asked as I sat down on the bench. "Marcus, you know anyone who can get me CCTV footage from this school?" He asked why and I answered with silence so he said, "I know many, I can get it to you by tomorrow at work."

I smirked saying, "Marcus let her know that this job will be done by tomorrow afternoon." I heard his gulp as the bus came into view. He placed a wallet inside the bag I brought before I got up. I grabbed the bag and entered the bus smiling at the driver as I walked towards the back. I held a phone in one hand and the bag in the other. My headphones are in my ears as I listen to the teacher's voice from our previous conversation which I had recorded.