
Chapter 8

"Bend over and I'll add in a 20." He said as I passed his bill to him. I gulped and just kept smiling, as he placed the money inside. He added a $10 bill saying, "Here for your smile." I took the bill away walking to the back as that was my last table. I changed out of my work clothing to get ready so that I could pick up Leo from school. It was around 2 in the afternoon as I walked outside on a sunny Friday, yet my day only got worse when I saw a car parked outside the building with its windows down.

I didn't pay it any mind as I kept walking towards the bus stop a few feet away. I rode the bus to Leo's school but when looking outside the windows I still saw the car. He was tailing me, I sighed. I got off a few stops near an abandoned housing complex. The car also stopped there.

"So are you going to bend over now, beautiful?" I heard the question from, Marcus, as I turned around, "What do you want?" I asked hands in my purse ready to reach for the knife as he raised his hands up, "Relax will you, not everyone is-" He stopped talking realizing what he was about to say, "I ask you again Marcus, what do you want?" He lowered his hands pulling something out from his pocket saying, "Here, this is the next job, you have till next weekend to finish."

I took the envelope from him, folding it before putting it away as he asked, "What happened to school?" I looked at him taking my hands out, "I only go to work on Friday and the weekend. Let her know that I can manage."

He raised his hands to circle his temple before saying, "You know you get paid more than enough with your job right." I sighed, "That is none of your business." I said as I walked past him to the road. He didn't follow me this time as I walked towards Leo's school. It's been a few months now since that day, every other week I get another task and payment for each work done. It was simple and to the point, just get the people to a certain location without getting caught and let the other take care of the bodies.

So far mother hasn't found out about anything, since she is watching the twins when I go to school and working when I am home. I told her a few weeks ago that I got a job to help her she just nodded, the look in her eyes said something else though. It felt like she was disappointed more so in herself than anyone else. It felt weird, since she just hasn't been the same since the man left, yet every time I look at her I don't feel any sense of guilt or sadness for the loss of that man.

It was more of a feeling of relief and happiness now that he was gone and the family at least seemed happier than before. I felt joyous after a long time so I smiled as I saw the boy sitting down on the bench with a book in his hand reading quietly.