
Chapter 6

I saw a few light bulbs hanging around the room, and a body on the floor over a dark crimson liquid. It was a body that I knew, he was still alive but nearly as someone poked at his side with a stick. I felt disgusted, yet I quickly changed my knitted eyebrows to a soother shape. Marcus turned to look at me as if asking how I felt. I glanced at him then rolled my eyes back over to the body.

It was a simple gesture to say that I didn't care, he took the hint as he continued to walk over towards a location I hadn't noticed. It was on the left side of us and as we walked over the person sitting down on the couch glanced in our direction. Marcus spoke up, "I brought the girl."

The person smirked moving forward a little to show their face, "Name." It was a soft voice, one I wasn't expecting from the bulked and scared body of the lady I assumed as I glanced up and down. I answered, "Nyx." She nodded glancing over to the body on the ground asking, "Your father, right?" I moved my gaze with hers and replied, "Not anymore."

She scoffed saying, "I heard you abandoned him and said to collect the debt by making him work, care to explain your thoughts."

There was a cold stare pointed towards my way as I looked back at her. I gazed right into her eyes, took in a deep breath, and let it out. "I only did what he had done to my family, and to make him work is like doing labor that no one would do. For example, making him clean certain areas, but I guess there aren't many places he can go now, right?" I asked glancing back at the body.

I heard a burst of laughter and another question from her, "So what do suppose we should do?" I smirked, "A dead body doesn't speak, but can provide important parts. You could make him an organ donor yet low-quality organs are quite cheap. However, it should be enough to pay off his debt by doing so." The room temperature decreased by a lot as I finished. I looked up glancing around to see some horrified, some happy, and some blank faces. The lady had a smirk on her face, her hand rose to call me over. I glanced around, before taking a few steps towards her.

"Do you know what you have just said?" She asked getting up, I gulped replying, "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." She started laughing, "That is it, here use your knife to take his life." She pulled up the hand that was holding onto the knife.

I sighed taking my hands back I walked over to the body crouching on the floor. He noticed me and crawled over to grab my legs. His face was covered in bruises as he opened his mouth to speak yet nothing. His tongue was gone, I smirked, scoffed then started laughing. It was a silent laugh that only lasted a few seconds, before I clenched my teeth, grabbing a fist full of his hair.

I moved the knife to the back of his neck where it was connected to his skull. I then placed it in slowly while holding his head still with the other hand. I took the knife out once then jabbed it in the same place much deeper this time, twisting it before taking it out. I heard his breathing stop within the next few minutes as I jabbed it in the third time. It took five full jabs before I felt his hands go limb and fall from the back of my legs. I then stabbed the side of his neck to make sure he was dead.