
Chapter 3

His words weren't comforting. I stayed quiet waiting, hoping that they would leave and I wouldn't have to do anything. However, they didn't leave, instead, the man from before knocked again and spoke, "Come on man, we just want to talk." I was surprised by how calm they were.

I sighed, there is no way I could survive even if they did break in not to mention the little ones. I held the knife tightly before softly unlocking the door. I walked outside, closing the door behind me. "Why don't we talk inside?" He said trying to reach for the doorknob behind me.

"No, I would feel better talking out here," I said looking up at his eyes as I grabbed his hand. I let go after he tugged. "Do you really need that?" One of the men holding my father asked, "I don't know, you tell me." I responded pointing at the pocket knife he held to fathers throat. He chuckled a little looking at the man who had been speaking before.

"Why don't I introduce myself, my name is Marcus, this man is he related to you?" he asked gesturing towards my father. I sighed, the only word that came out was why.

"He used to drink at the liquor shop near that fancy pub, and he is in debt now, about 20K. He said you guys would pay it back." I glance at him than father he was aware but couldn't respond with the knife at his neck. "Yes he is related to me, but we are not going to pay back his debt."

"Nyx, please help me. You know I love you all." He begged to be saved and I scoffed at him. "Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded, "Then what are the twins' names?" I knew he wouldn't know. He wasn't even home when they were brought back from the hospital.

"Eveh and Leo?" He asked full of doubt, my anger rose. I looked down saying, "You do not love us, if you had then you would at least know our names," I looked at Marcus, "Take him away before I do something." He seemed surprised at my statement. "You know he will die if no one pays his debt?" he asked out concern, "I know, and he will still die if you leave him here."

"Nyx you, don't you love me even a little." He said trying to see if I had any emotions left for him but I didn't. "I used to love you, but you stopped caring for us." My words were sharp and cold and he frowned, "I never stopped caring for you all."

"Then why the hell would you come home drunk and every time you disappear for weeks on end without any notice. You weren't home to take care of us, if you cared you would at least know your kids names." I raised my voice the anger I kept contained for so many years just couldn't be held back anymore. "I do care, I gave you all life, a home, a fami-"

"Don't say that word, yes you gave us life, but life is worthless without care and you didn't care." I cut him off, holding back my tears. He kept talking about all the things he did for us as if it could change anything.

"Marcus, what do we do?" one of the men asked him, as I opened the door. "You all can take him and make him work so that he pays off his debt because our family has nothing to do with that man." Those were the last words I spoke before I closed and locked the door.