
Chapter 2

Father stumbled inside the home with a bit of help from mother. I was inside the room with Leo, Ava, and Ace. Ava and Ace were deep in their dreams it was Leo who I worried for. He was trembling in his sleep so I stayed beside him holding his hand. I was still trying hard to fight the drowsiness.

I won the fight as I softly let go of Leo's hand and walked out of the room. Their conversation became clearer the closer I got. "at work." Father said as mother sighed, "Why do you reak of alcohol if you were at work?"

He smiled a little, "We just went out to dinner after work-" "Then what is this mark on your shirt?" She asked grabbing his collar, his expression soon changed and it seemed as though he sobered up a little, "I just bumped into someone, it's nothing." Mother was beyond furious now, "Tell me the truth." Her tone was cold, and a lot higher now than before. I understood that her temper could explode any minute. "I was wrong, please love, it was just a one-time thing."

Mother's expression did not soften, she stepped back saying, "You had a family and now you have lost it. Get out!" It was all she said before he fell to her legs begging her, but mother did not say a word. He understood after a few minutes that she was done and so with no other choice he left the house. I stepped out from the shadows, walking then embracing my mother as she held onto me, tightly as if I could vanish any second.

The next few days were fine as mother and I had gotten used to taking care of the kids with just the two of us. I was on break this next week so when mother realized that she asked for a few extra shifts at work. Of course, they approved and soon I was left at home with the four of us like most days. I knew mother wouldn't be back till midnight so after the kids were asleep I took out the homework I missed the other times.

I was taking a short break in the kitchen searching for a knife to cut the bag of grapes when I heard knocking on the door. I knew mother had a key and father hasn't been back since mother kicked him out so it might be him. I took the knife in one hand and walked softly towards the door. I looked outside the peephole to see father standing with a group of men.

Why is he here and who are those men, were the first two questions I thought about before I looked again and noticed that they all were carrying weapons, I sighed, what did father do after getting kicked out? The questions haunted me as I looked at the clock it was only 10 and mother will not make it home in time. I need to think of some way to stop them. I was thinking when the people on the other side spoke, "Hey, I know you are looking through this hole, so let me say this, we just want to talk. It's nothing too extreme."