

😘Stacy POV

When I got out of the shower i saw a bunch of texts from Meg and they were strange

Megbear :

Hi, Emily's acting strange she didn't text me even though she told me she would

Can you call her and ask

Heyy text me back


I tried calling her but she won't pick up so u try

I am going to Emily's Tommorow


Sorry i was taking a shower

And yes i tried calling and texting her




Emily POV

As I got home I went upstairs and Into my mum's room, the map in My moms face

"Explain," I said dryly

"Honey where did you get that from," Mom said turning pale

"It doesn't matter and like I said EXPLAIN," I said still holding the map

"Watch your tone young lady," Mom said regaining her posture

"Sorry please explain," I said in a more polite tone but not giving up on the my question

Mom let out a sigh and told me to sit

"Well honey, when your dad was alive he and I were explorers we went on journeys before we had you and Jake, one day we were on our usual journeys we found something in a cave in Africa. A map it led somewhere more importantly it held something your dad and I had been searching for, for over 2 years, Answers to Mayor Williams . I was feeling dizzy every now and the so I told your dad and we went to a hospital. I was confirmed 2 weeks pregnant of Jake, I had mixed emotions, happy and sad, happy that i was pregnant sad that i wasn't going on the journey with your dad, but your dad said it was for the baby. And so he went alone taking a copy of the map and leaving me with one because he called everyday telling me where he was so that i can track his movements on a certain day he didn't call i thought it was because he was tired so i let it be but the next day he didn't call i was worried, the next nothing after a month i heard he was dead i was devastated. i didn't eat for weeks. so i signed the map took it to the museum and said i was an explorer with artifact and sold the map $1.2 million moved on and had you when your brother was five," Mom said a blank expression her face then she quietly sobbed

"Mom, am sorry," I said wiping her tears

" It was my fault i should've gone with him," She said in between sobs

"No mom he cared about you and b-baby that why he did what he did," I said and I immediately got a thought "Mum, who told you about dad's d-death?"

"The Swissville Police Squad, Why?" she said not sobbing again

"Maybe the faked his death, maybe they have him captured in a safe house, maybe dad's not dead because you did say that you were finding answers to Swissvile's mayor, Mum he's being tortured. bring the map," i looked at the map turning it and found something "T...T...S Yes TTS Terry's Toy Store, Mum do you know the abandoned toy store in the bad part of town, there keeping him there am 100% sure," I said jumping enthusiastically

"Honey i have only one thing to say, are you ready for an Anderson Adventure," she smiled that motherly but dangerous smile.

"Heck Yeah," i screamed