
Amazing Discovery

"Emily!! Open up, we are late" yelled Stacy as she pounded on the front door with Meghan and Ryan.

"Coming!! am dressing," yelled Emily back

"Where to honey??" came an angelic voice from the kitchen which belonged to Emily's Mom

" I am going out with Stacy, Meg and Ryan, today we are going to the museum. Meg's Dad got us VIP passes" said Emily as she grabbed a toast

"Ok Be back by 4," said Mrs Suzie

"OK," she said opening the door "Hey guys, lets go."

"Finally, we're so late," Stacy says

"Stace, you know we are just like 7 minutes late," Meg says while texting on her phone. Her hair packed in a bun, she was wearing a pair of denim shorts with a large sweater even though it was scorching hot outside, she was obsessed with fashion.

"Yeah stace," Ryan said turning red, He was so shy even though we've known each other since 3rd grade meanwhile his twin sister, Stacy was a bolder and nerdier version of him.

We all piled up in my car as i drove while Stace and Meg were fighting over the music to play and Ryan staring at Meg with a smirk on his face.



" Hello and welcome to Swissvile's Grand Museum," said a rather too enthusiastic receptionist with a British accent

" Hi we're uh in the VIP section," I said pushing back a loose strand of hair

"Okay just give me your passes," the receptionist said

We gave her our passes and got to the VIP Section, which wasn't that hard to find considering the large, gold VIP SECTION sign above the door. We were in and looking at paintings, maps, sculptures etc. Meg pulled out her phone and starting taking pics, Stace and Ryan wandering around while stared I at a map when i saw something like a note. I immediately took out my black light and saw an note It read:

'In the deepest, darkest lands lay the secret that was lost yet to be found'.

Signed Suzie. ~A~

Meg must've seen me go pale because she was holding my hand asking what was wrong but I told her everything was alright even though they weren't. I went to the receptionist with the map in my hand, asking if i could buy the map she gave me a look saying it wasn't for sale but I pleaded and we agreed on 20 bucks.

I bought it and told the guys it was time to go, as we got into the car no-one said anything it was so quiet. I dropped Stace and Ryan at their house first, as soon as they left Meg started asking me questions

"Emm whats wrong," Meg with a tinge of fear

" I-I saw something," I muttered

"Was it the map," she said knowingly

" Yeah, but i'll text you later," i said pulling up at her house

"Oh yh," she said getting "Hey Emm, Its okay I am there for you."