
Explanations 2

Meghan's POV

~Next morning~

I woke up to sound of my alarm blaring in ear, and immediately remembered yesterday. I got up, cleaned and wore my denim shorts with a white crop top and my sandals. My dad picked up Stacy and Ryan then dropped us at Emily's then went to work.

"Emily am at your front door, yes am with Stace and Ryan, Ok Yeah." I said as I ended the call

"Hi guys come in," Emily said as we went in

"So Emily about yesterday?" I said withdrawing all the questions I wanted to ask her.

"Let's seat first," Emily said as we sat in living room and her mom sat beside her.

"Well....." I said trailing off.

Emily's POV

After I told them everything they were speechless, Meg did that thing she does when she shocked she widen her eyes and twists her mouth, Stace just sat there not moving and Ryan turned red.

"Wow, that good news we can find your dad and best part is I have a new topic to blog on," Meg said practically screaming.

"Honey, you didn't quite tell how you knew it was me who signed the map," my mom said

"Oh that, well Ryan do you remember that 4th grade trip to the zoo, i signed my mom's name on the slip so i could go." I said chuckling at the memory.

"So are we going to rescue dad or what?" I said before mom could say anything

"Yeah," they said in unison

" Emily we are going to talk about that zoo trip later, now you all know that i was in the SSS before i became a lawyer-" My mom was cut short by our question.

" What is an SSS," we said in unison

"Swissville Spy Squad," My mom said "You didn't know."

"Of course I knew my mom was a spy," I lied

"You didn't, did you?"

"No I didn't," I said sighed in defeat

"Well I was and i had pretty cool gadgets or may i say dope gadgets,"mom said in a teenager tone.

"Mom!!," I said

"Fine, anyways i had cool gadgets that i think we can use," mom concluded

"Okay Operation Save dad is a go," I squeaked