
Life in Classroom of the Elite

A veteran weeb dead because of Truck sama. And he got a chance to reincarnate one of the series he loves the most. Of Course, Our veteran weeb chose to reincarnate in Classroom of the Elite with his three wishes from God. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ English is not my native language. Since COTE is my favourite novel currently and I really wanted to write fanfic of this masterpiece. This is wish-fulfilment fanfic. I write this fanfic to improve my English skills and my writing skills. Words count - 2000 words per chapter Please support me https://ko-fi.com/aharlequin20 you can support me with PayPal [https://www.paypal.me/aharlequin10] My twitter account - Aharlequin[@Aharlequin10] I don't own this series. Credits to respective owners. I also don't own cover if you want to take down please tell me Tags - romance, Harem, smut, Wincest

ArchbishopOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

CHAPTER 16: Special Test Startto

It had been a month since I went on a date with Masumi. Our relationship improved a lot compared to last month. Kasumi started to use my Given Name. I didn't have Family Name in my previous life so that was pretty interesting for me.

Now I was preparing for a Special Test that would hold on outside of school. No one would knew when would a special test start. Well, except from me. Sae told us the last month that a special test would hold but students didn't know the exact date. Sae only informed that Special Test only existed. Most students thought the Special Test would start after we came back from our vacation.

We were going to spend the Summer Holiday that school-sponsored for the first year.

I was checking my bag that I put my uniform casual clothes and some daily uses. I went on a date with my girl including Haruka, Misuzu, and Mitachi. They brought some bikinis, underwear, and swimsuit.

We needed to gather in Our Class at 9 am and Now was 7 am.

" Pant, Uniform, Clothes. " I checked my clothes. I was wearing a uniform and I would bring an additional uniform. After a few minutes later my door was knocked, I opened the door.

" Michi comes in, " I told her while Mitachi was holding her school bag.

" Yes, Master. Good Morning " Mitachi bowed to me and entered my room.

" Good Morning, Michi " I patted her head and Mitachi's posture looked like a dog who was enjoying a lot. I patted her head a few minutes.

Mitachi sat on my bed and I went to the Kitchen to prepare for breakfast. Another person knocked on my door and Mitachi opened the door.

" Kuroro-chi, Good Morning" Haruka came to me and kissed my lip softly.

" Good morning, Haruka. Sit down. I am preparing breakfast" I told Haruka and kissed her lip back.

" Ok " Haruka replied to me and went to the bed. Haruka sat beside Mitachi. They both chatted.

I prepared French Toast and fried eggs. I used Juicer to make Organic Orange Juice. I bought the Fresh Orange yesterday and I prepared Apple Juice for Haruka. I had a lot of puddings for Mitachi. I didn't need to worry about gas, electricity, and water because the school allowed us to use them Freely. There were no limitations for them.

I put plates on the table and I prepared breakfast. I told them to come here yesterday and Misuzu was from a different class so I didn't tell her to come to my room. Misuzu would go with her classmates.

" Let's eat breakfast, Michi, Haruka," I told them to come here and they stopped their conversations. Mitachi sat beside me and Haruka sat on the other side.

" I am really looking forward to this vacation, Kuroro-Chi. Now I can spend with you more " Haruka told me with a smile.

" Wow, this is good. Kuroro-chi " Haruka told me while eating.

" Well, I am glad you enjoy my breakfast. I am also looking forward to this vacation" I replied to her.

" Well, I really feel sad for Misusu. I feel like we neglected her " Haruka told me. Haruka called Misuzu as ' Misusu 'and Mitachi as ' Mii '. I also called Mitachi as ' Michi '.

" Well, I spent with her whole yesterday and Misuzu has a strong mentality so I don't worry about her that much. By the way, who are your roommates, Haruka? " I said. We got mail this morning to share a room on the cruise. Students started to celebrate when they heard that they were going to spend on a cruise. We needed to share four students per room.

" I am really lucky. Mii is my roommate and the other two are Inogashira and Shinohara. Well, I talked before with Inogashira but I never talk before with Shinohara. At least, I am glad that I know two person. Who are your roommates? Kurorochi " Haruka asked me while drinking Apple Juice that I prepared for her.

" Well, I don't need to stay with other students. I got a private room. Sae called me yesterday. I heard that class D's students only need to share with Four students. Class A's students got their own room " I told her. I was cheated existence so those kinds of things didn't work on me. This school was very harshed on Lower class especially in Class D. I was ok if I needed to spend with other students. My relationship with other classmates was not bad or good including Hirata.

" Wow. You really lucky and that is also lucky for me. I can spend it with you more. I don't need to watch out other people. Yay. I am going to spend in your room. That's not that bad. " Haruka told me while laughing.

Haruka helped to clean dishes and I cleaned the whole room with them because I would not use them at least one week. Both Haruka and Mitachi cleaned their room. I washed clothes that needed to wash yesterday.

" Let's go, Michi, Haruka," I told them and I locked the door. We went to the Class while talking in the way.

When we entered the class, most students were already there. I sat on my chair and Haruka also went her chair.

" Well, Michi. Are you looking forward to this vacation? " I asked Mitachi. I still got time and Haruka searched for students who would stay with her on a cruise.

" For me, As long as Master is with me I am looking forward to every day," Mitachi told me with a smile.

" I see. Did you learn those words from Ai? These words are too high for my Michi " I told Mitachi while patting her head. Mitachi nodded me and said

" I miss Ai. " Mitachi told me. Ai was only her friend and they both were very closed.

" I also miss her a lot. Don't worry, we need to wait only a few months" I told her while still patting her head. Sae entered the class with her usual uniform

" Everyone take your seat. I will check attendance. When I call your name, stand up from the chair. Hirata checks the students " Sae told us. Sae checked attendance carefully.

" Yes, teacher " Hirata stood up from the chair and replied.

"Ok. Now let's go. Follow me " Sae told and Hirata followed behind all of us. Sae went outside of School Campus. Buses were already waiting for us and other classes also went like us.

I took my bag with me and entered the bus. Well, we didn't need to go that very far with bus because our school was built on Island so the distance was not that far from bay.

Mitachi sat beside me and our bus went to the Tokyo Bay . It took only 20 minutes and we reached Tokyo Bay. I immediately spotted a cruise because of the size. Well this was not my first time so I didn't amaze that much but other students. told loudly.

" Wow, this is my first time seeing a cruise closely "

" me too " other students also replied.

" Let's go. Put the bag in your room and you can spend whatever you want. " Sae told and Class D's students followed behind Sae.

Well, my room was exited on Deck 9 and this Cruise had a total of 13 Decks. I was really lucky to compare to other Class D students. Class D students got 5 Deck. There were a lot of free rooms because the school hired the whole cruise. The student's rooms were Deck 4 to Deck 9. Class D students needed to stay on Deck 5 but I got Deck 9. This was probably done by my sister. Most of the special tests were did by Student Council so my sister could influence them.

I entered the room and my room was really great to compare to other students. I put my bag on the floor and I went to the outside.

Haruka and Mitachi were already there while watching the Ocean. The ship sailed at 9:30 am and we enjoyed the Ocean while sitting on the deck of a luxury liner.

My hands were on Haruka and Mitachi's waists.

" That is really beautiful. I am really glad that I got a chance to spend with you, Kuroro chi " Haruka told me with a little tear on the eye.

" Don't worry. We will get a lot of chances in the future."I told and I brushed her tear.

" Haha. I become little emotion " Haruka replied to me.

" What should we do Haruka? We have a lot of time " I asked her

" Mii. What do you like to do? " Haruka asked Mitachi back.

"I just want to sit here. Master and Hakura can play in the pool. I will watch from here " Mitachi replied.

" Ok Mii. Let's go Kuroro-chi. " Haruka held my hand and we went to the changing room. I wore simple pants and went to the pool. I saw other students relaxing and chatting with their friends.

Haruka wore a simple red swimsuit but she shone greatly due to her big breasts and other students looked her jealous and lust. Well, they could look at her but if they tried to do something, I would punch them until their mom could not recognize.

" You really look amazing, Haruka, " I told her while holding her waist and our face was very closed

" Sigh, I needed to bring my own swimsuit even though I wanted to wear the swimsuit that they have but I can not wear most of them so I decided to wear my own swimsuit. You know that is also your fault because my breasts got bigger compare to last months. You really love breasts " Haruka whispered to me while punching my belly. Well, Haruka had really big breasts and the biggest among my girls so I pumped her breasts a lot.

" You should prepare that your breasts are going to bigger a lot. " I told her with a smile

" Pervert," She told me with a smile. Haruka became pretty bold and she didn't afraid to show her love even in class.

Haruka went into the pool while holding my hand. The pool was pretty big and so we didn't need to worry about other students.

Haruka loved to play in the pool but she could not in middle school because of her breasts. But she could spend with me without worrying anything. Haruka swam around the pool and we played in the pool.

I sat on the chair beside Mitachi and Haruka sat on my lap. I spent with her while feeling each other warmth. I held her waist and Haruka's hands were around my neck. My head was resting on her breasts. I didn't care other people look and Haruka also didn't care about them.

" Are you satisfied? Haruka "I asked her.

" Yep. I am really happy and I will sleep in your room. I already discussed with Mii " Haruka told me. When I looked at Mitachi, she nodded me back.

" Mii will spend with you Tomorrow's night, " Haruka told me and she held my hair lifted my face. She kissed me.

" Are you fine? Kuroro-chi. I still don't know about Misusu because she is also busy " Haruka asked me.

" Well. I am fine. I can die if I don't hug my girls at night " I told her. It was extremely rare for me to sleep alone.

" Misuzu will come if she needs or I will go to her. I heard from Misuzu that her roommate is Ichinose. So that is pretty difficult for her to sneak out. Class B's students only need to share with one student and Class A's students get their private room" I explained her.

" Sigh. Their treatment is always unfair but I can not do anything and I don't want to do. I will spend my whole high school with Kuroro-chi " Haruka told me with a smile.

" Well let have lunch. I am hungry " I told her.

" Well, how about you Michi? " I asked Mitachi who was closing her eyes and relaxing.

" I will also eat Master " Mitachi stood up.

" Then, wait here, I am going to change my clothes back, " I told Mitachi and she nodded me. Haruka also changed back to her school uniform. We went to the restaurant to eat lunch

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