
Life in Classroom of the Elite

A veteran weeb dead because of Truck sama. And he got a chance to reincarnate one of the series he loves the most. Of Course, Our veteran weeb chose to reincarnate in Classroom of the Elite with his three wishes from God. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ English is not my native language. Since COTE is my favourite novel currently and I really wanted to write fanfic of this masterpiece. This is wish-fulfilment fanfic. I write this fanfic to improve my English skills and my writing skills. Words count - 2000 words per chapter Please support me https://ko-fi.com/aharlequin20 you can support me with PayPal [https://www.paypal.me/aharlequin10] My twitter account - Aharlequin[@Aharlequin10] I don't own this series. Credits to respective owners. I also don't own cover if you want to take down please tell me Tags - romance, Harem, smut, Wincest

ArchbishopOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

CHAPTER 15: Masumi Kamuro

I helped Mitachi to clean her body as Mitachi stayed like a doll. After that. we ate dinner while I was feeding her. Mitachi ate a lot because she used a lot of energy yesterday.

We went to school after eating our breakfast. I held Mitachi's hand and we went to school. When we reached the class, Sae was already there.

" You are late. Kozuki, Shirogane. Sit down " Sae told us and she checked the attendance.

" Let's start the Homeroom. " Sae told and the class started. Sae taught us with her a serious voice and her face was always strict.

"We have a special test next month. We don't know what kind of exam. Any questions " Sae told us.

" Teacher, What is a special test? " Hirata asked.

" You will know when the time comes. This school has a least three special tests per year. The test will change depending on the student's performance and ability. This time the special test will probably take place outside of the school " Sae explained.

After that Sae exited from the class and the other teacher came in immediately. Classes were boring for me especially when it was Class C's teacher class.

Kushida already talked to other classmates as I told. I had her devices so she waited for me outside of class when the lunchtime came in. Kushida denied her friend's invitations. I needed to silent her device because of a lot of messages came in and calls. For Kushida, that was the best punishment.

I texted Haruka to eat with her friends today. We usually ate together almost every day. I also went to Haruka to associate with other female students.

I found her immediately and I walked in front of her.

" Wait for me in yesterday's room," I told her and gave her key. I went to the market to buy lunchboxes for us. I brought 3 lunchboxes, 3 puddings for Mitachi. I brought orange juice and green tea for Kushida. Of course, I used Kushida's device to buy our lunch.

Kushida had ' 50200 ppt '. That was pretty high for the lowest Class D.

I went to that Free room that we met yesterday. I entered the room and Kushida was sitting on the desk.

" Give me my device back, Kozuki. Please " Kushida said with very a deep tone. Even though She pleaded but tone more like threatening me.

" Of course, I will give your device now. Don't you think, you need some punishment for trying to betray me " I told her and gave her device. I also didn't want her standing got lower because of me.

She checked her devices immediately and saw a lot of messages and calls. Kushida cursed with a very low voice.

" Here is for you, Kushida " I put her lunchbox beside her and I ate my lunch while watching her. Mitachi also ate. Kushida's mind was on her device and she didn't even touch the lunchbox.

" Are you done? Kushida " I asked her after I finished my lunch. Kushida put her device in her pocket and said

" I am done. " Kushida said

" Ok, Let's resuming our talk," I told her and Kushida glared at me with her very cold eyes.

" Kushida, Which punishment is suitable for a disobedient Slave? " I asked her with a smile.

"I don't know" Kushida replied

" But I know. If you betrayal me next time like this, your punishment will become worse than this time " I told her and I closed the distance between her. Kushida suddenly stood up but she knew if she resisted this punishment will become worse.

I sat on the table and I put Kushida on my lap. I flipped Kushida's body and her face was faced with the floor and Kushida knew what I wanted. I spanked Kishida's ass with a little force.

" Please release me, Kozuki " Kushida begged me but I slammed her butt many times. Until I felt satisfied. Of course, I didn't use my force too much. If I used her she would break.

Kushida moaned with pain every of my hit. She tried to resist but our strength was very different so her resistance was futile.

I stood up from the desk and her body fell into the floor but she could not stand up due to pain.

" Next time. I will spank you harder. By the way, your butt is really soft and big, Kushida " I told her with a smile but she looked at me with a full of hatred. I exited the room with a satisfied smile. We got a few minutes until lunchtime was over. So I returned back to my class.

I had a date after school. Masumi invited me to go date after school, our relationship really improved in past months. Masumi was a very straight girl and she would tell what she wanted from her mouth directly so It was very easy to improve our relationship. I really looked for those kinds of people. Her personality was very closed to Sae. Except that, Masumi looked at everyone like insects. But Masumi was a very loyal girl. Because she didn't accept my offer but our relationship was pretty good right now. From the start, I intended to use Masumi as a scapegoat to protect another spy from Class A.

Sae would use everything to achieve her goal, unlike Masumi.

I went back to the class and Mitachi followed me from behind slowly. Mitachi could feel pain from her female genital.

Before class started Kushida returned to the class with her usual friendly look face. Kushida looked pretty funny because she could not sit on the chair due to pain. Kushida sat on her chair with a bittersweet smile the whole time. She would go to the toilet after every class ended.

" Michi, you should go back to your room and get some rest, " I told her after school finished.

" Yep. Master. Please be careful " Mitachi intended to follow me but I shut down her every time. Mitachi exited behind me and I went to the cafe to meet Masumi.

Masumi was sitting as the edge of the table. Masumi was using her device while waiting for me.

I went to her table and Masumi looked at me with her usual 'wanted to step up other people's face ' expression.

Because of that expression, Masumi lacked a friend and I was the only person she usually hanged out.

" Sigh, What kind of fault did I make that you look at me like that Masumi, " I told her with a smile while sitting on the chair.

" I was born with this kind of face. Do you get some kind of problem, Kozuki? " Masumi said with a very serious tone.

" Well, I don't have any problems and I didn't hate honestly," I told her. Masumi already ordered Orange Juice for me.

" Are you some kind of pervert? " Masumi asked me while protecting her body with her hands.

" Finally, you know Masumi. Since day one I have met you, I have entered your room. Did you forget that? " I asked her with a smile.

" How can I forget that? " Masumi told me.

" Well, Enough chitchat. Why did you invite me Masumi? or you decided to accept my offer " I asked her.

" Well, Sakayanagi has another plan for today so she didn't come to school. I am bored so I invited you to go on a date with you. Are not you also waiting for my invitation? Kozukib" Masumi told me with a smile.

" Well, I am not gonna denied that " I answered back with a smile.

" What do you think about my second offer? Masumi " I asked her with a smile. Masumi loved to go straight so I asked her to become my Girlfriend after our second date.

" I am thinking about. You are a really perfect material boyfriend but I need to think about the future. Don't worry, I will reply to you later. Right now, I don't have the intention to reject your some kind of confession " Masumi told me.

" Well, that is not confession though. I was asking you, I will confess to you when the time comes or our relationship improves a lot " I told her while a smile.

" Then, I will wait for your confession, " Masumi told me with a smile.

" What do you want to do with your future husband? Masumi " I asked her with a very serious tone. Masumi took out two movie tickets from her bag and she showed me.

" I wanted to watch this movie but today is the last day so I booked two tickets this morning and I got tickets before you reach here. " Masumi told me.

" So you are planned from the start to go a date with me. Even if Sakayanagi comes to school. We still have one hour before the movie starts" I told her.

The movie would start in at 4:10 pm but the time right now, was 3 pm.

" Well, how about we tour around this campus," Masumi told me.

" Ok " I got up from my chair and I followed behind Masumi. Masumi slowed down and she walked with me side by side. We chatted while walking around the school campus. Mostly, Masumi complained about Sakayanagi but Masumi would not her class's affair.

You could see other students doing their club's activities. Running around the school and students playing football. We toured around every field that was used for the club's activities. This school was really big and every building looked neat and clean.

" Which club did you enter in middle school? Masumi " I asked her while we both watching a tennis match.

" Well, I entered the basketball club in middle school and I changed the Kendo club in the second year and third year. My relatives owned Dojo so I decided to take part in the Kendo. How about you? Kozuki " Masumi said. Masumi height was around 166 cm. She was pretty tall for a girl at her age.

" No wonder, you are pretty strong, Masumi. Well, I am also like you. I played volleyball in the first year of middle school and basketball in the second year, I didn't join the club in my last year. " I told her.

" Well, I already know that though. You are very popular in middle school. I heard some rumors about you in classes " Masumi replied to me.

" What kind of rumors? " I asked her.

" You become an ace in the first year in volleyball and like an absolute ace in basketball. I bet you received invitations from Volleyball and basketball Clubs " Masumi said

" You are right but I don't have no intention. Courting and spending girls are better than joining those clubs " I replied to her.

" Let's go. Time is already 4 pm " Masumi said and we went to the cinema while chatting in our way. I already watched this movie with Misuzu. The movie was pretty interesting so I would not complain about that.

I watched a movie unlike watching with Misuzu. We did a lot of lewd things while watching so I missed a lot of scenes.

Masumi also watched a movie with great interest. We spent the whole day like that. Masumi paid for everything. Masumi knew I had a lot of ppt but she would not say, other people and I had her weakness so she would not tell anyone.

" Bye Bye, Kozuki see you later " Masumi told me.

" Sigh, I told you to call, Kurose. Even though I call you Kasumi " I told her.

" Then, see you later, Kurose " Masumi greeted me back.

" Ok, See you later, Masumi " I told and waved my hand. She also waved me back. We separated the way and I went to my room.

When I opened, I saw Misuzu was cooking dinner for me.

" I am back, Misuzu " I told her and hugged her from behind.

" Welcome back, Darling" Misuzu told and kissed my lip softly. I kissed her passionate kiss and she replied to me with the same aggressive kiss. We both kissed around 5 minutes and separated.

" Sit down, Darling. " Misuzu told and I sat while watching Misuzu's cooking.

Here is New chapter. The fourth chapter for this week will come tomorrow and please support me guys.

Thank you

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