
Life in Classroom of the Elite

A veteran weeb dead because of Truck sama. And he got a chance to reincarnate one of the series he loves the most. Of Course, Our veteran weeb chose to reincarnate in Classroom of the Elite with his three wishes from God. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ English is not my native language. Since COTE is my favourite novel currently and I really wanted to write fanfic of this masterpiece. This is wish-fulfilment fanfic. I write this fanfic to improve my English skills and my writing skills. Words count - 2000 words per chapter Please support me https://ko-fi.com/aharlequin20 you can support me with PayPal [https://www.paypal.me/aharlequin10] My twitter account - Aharlequin[@Aharlequin10] I don't own this series. Credits to respective owners. I also don't own cover if you want to take down please tell me Tags - romance, Harem, smut, Wincest

ArchbishopOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

CHAPTER 17 : Special Test 2

Yesterday, Haruka sneaked my room at midnight when her roommates slept. And also Mitachi was with her so she could cover up Haruka's absence from her bed.

Haruka came to my room and we both fucked like dogs until 1 am. Haruka liked rough sex and she was very bold on the bed.

We didn't need to get up like usual hour because school was closed and we could also spend today whatever we liked.

I hugged Haruka while feeling each other warmth. Haruka also woke up and her face was on my chest and she hugged me back tightly.

My hand traveled around her back and one of my hands held her butt.

" Let's go another round. We didn't go that much yesterday because of me. I could only come here at midnight, Kuroro-chi " Haruka told me while sniffing my body smell.

" Well, I don't mind. We can go two around Haruka. Now is only 6 am " I told her and kissed her lip softly. Haruka kisses me aggressively and we went until 9 am because Mitachi knocked out the door. I cleaned every part of her body and Haruka also cleaned me. I wore my student Uniform and Haruka wore her school uniform that was brought by Mitachi.

" Well, let's go hurry up. Haruka or we will not get breakfast" I told Haruka who was fixing her hair in front of mirrors. She slightly wore makeup to cover up her lack of sleep.

" Ok. Let's go, Kuroro-chi " Haruka told me and We exited from the room. Mitachi was standing beside my room.

" Mii-chan Good Morning" Haruka greeted Mitachi and Mitachi greeted me after that she greeted Haruka.

" Michi, Good Morning" I patted her head and I kissed her lick softly.

" Did something happen when I was not in the room? Mii-chan " Haruka asked Mitachi .

" Yes. Chabashira-sensei asked about you when she was checking our room. I told her that you are in the bathroom and she just walked out. " Mitachi told Haruka.

" Well, she probably noticed but don't worry Sae will not do anything that to my girl " I answered Haruka because I could see some worry on her face.

' That's Sae's way of showing me that she is on my side ' I thought.

We all went to the restaurant on Deck 13. I ordered simple French Toast and Mitachi also ordered like me. Haruka ordered a Full English breakfast that included beans, sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, hash browns, and toast.

We ate breakfast while watching Ocean, Haruka really enjoyed it a lot.

" Really beautiful. " Haruka said while eating her breakfast.

" Let's watch the theater after breakfast. I never watch before " Haruka said.

" Attention, students. Please assemble on the deck. You will be able to

see the island soon. This is a good time to take in some rather significant

scenery. " We suddenly heard the sound that came from ship's PA


" School owned Island to the South. They mean that Island " I told Haruka who looked me with a surprised face.

" Really this school is full of surprises. " Haruka told me and she looked at the south. I could see a small Island. Many students started assembling on Deck and filled with students in a few minutes.

Class D's students were intimated by others because that was how this school worked. We got literally the best view because I knew this would happen. But other students didn't come to me.

The Cruise toured around the Island 2 times and some intelligent students picked up immediately especially Class A and B students. They started writing down on their notes.

I also looked at the Island carefully. The Cruise toured around the Island second time slowly. Most of our Class D's students were behind the crowd.

Another announcement came after the Cruise ended touring around the Island.

"We will disembark in

thirty minutes. Please assemble on the deck. All students should have

changed into their jerseys. If you forget your jerseys, ask your teacher. Make sure to check your designated bag and your

luggage, and do not forget your devices. Please keep all other personal

items in your room. There is a possibility that you will not be able to visit the

bathroom for some time, so please do so now."

Haruka was also surprised by this announcement and looked at me.

"I feel something is wrong. You know something, Kuroro-chi " Haruka asked me with a smile.

" Well, you will know later, " I told her with a smile. I went back to my room and changed the Jersey that I wore in the GYM Class. After that, I returned back on the Deck. And I stood in a Group. Class A's students stood at the top of the Group and our Class D's students stood at the end of the Group. No one was left behind us. Each class stood in a Group.

" Everyone, Quiet"Sae came out and told us with a serious voice. All of our class's students looked at Sae. We could hear other teachers greeting their students but Sae started with harsh words. Even Class A's teacher who looked like a professional GYM trainer and famous for his stubborn disposition said ' Good Morning ' to his students.

" Now I will check the roll call. If you hear your name, tell me loudly. " Sae told us. Sae wore a jersey cloth-like us. Sae called our name and we answered loudly.

" Ok. Give me your devices and we prohibited carrying other things" Sae told us and every student looked at us weirdly.

" What are you looking at me? Give me your Devices Now " Sae told us again. I also gave my device to a student in front of me and our devices went to the Sae. Sae checked a number of devices and she nodded at Class A's teacher.

Class A teacher climbed to a white platform that was prepared. And he told

" Now We will start the first year's Special Test ". Class A's homeroom teacher , Mashima went straight to the point. The students looked at him like looking a rare animal in a zoo.

" What do you mean special test? Didn't we come here for vacation? " every student on Class D asked exactly like that.

" This special test will test Today August 7th and this will end on 14. This special test will determine, students can live on deserted Island as a group . In addition, I should warn you that this

special test is both practical and realistic, designed based on real-world

corporate training." Mashima explained like a solider.

"Living on a deserted island. Does that mean we're not staying on the

boat, but the island?"

Some students from Class B and C voiced their obvious concerns.

"You are correct. During the test, you will not be allowed to board the

ship without a suitably justifiable reason. It will be necessary for you to fend

for yourselves on this island while you are here, from creating a place to

sleep to preparing food to eat. Once the test starts, each class will receive two

tents, and two flashlights. You will be provided with one box of matches.

There is no limit to the amount of sunscreen you can have. Each student will

be provided with one toothbrush. As a special case, girls will be allowed to

have as many feminine sanitary products as they'd like, without any

restrictions. Please ask your respective homeroom teachers for those. That is


Ike and Yamuchi complained to Mashima but he explained the facts and told them carefully unlike Sae.

" Enough, Both of you. Shut your mouths "Sae shut down them and they didn't say anymore.

" You can ask your private teacher if you want to know more" Mashima told.

"Follow the Class C's students, " Sae told and we exited from the Cruise. We went to the Island.

" Everyone takes this " Sae told us when we reached the Island.

" Wristwatch " Hirata said.

" Yep, this watch can determine your health and location. But if you remove it without the teacher's permission, you will lose all of your CP. Please aware that " Sae took out watches and gave to us. I also wore a watch and power on the watch.

Each class students stayed in a group and teachers gave us time to discuss within us

Sae gave us rules books and manual lists that could buy with Class Point. We would get 300 CP and we could spend them whatever we liked. A-Class started from 270 CP because of Sakayanagi absent.

" let's don't spend CP. We will get 30,000 ppt next month ." Ike said with a very exciting voice.

" No that is impossible, Ike," Hirata told Ike while looking Rules books.

" We need to find water for ourselves and also food. Absence at morning and evening roll calls will lose 20 CP for each student and violence against or stealing from other classes. " Hirata told while reading a rule'book.

" We can get a spot around the Island, we will get bonus points when we secure the 'Spot'. And we need to decide our class leader and if we can guess A, B, C's leaders, we will get 150 bonus points. However, for each one guess wrong, you lose 50 CP "

" A Basic Toilet, that is pretty hard for girls. Well, let's buy Regular Toilet " I told them.

" No, they should refrain from spending CP This is our big chance to score CP, " Yukimura told me.

"Well, Don't you read, Rule's book, Yukimura. If they retire from sickness or other reason, we will lose 30 CP per student. Reckless self-deprivation will build up stress and will lead to heat up the situation. And that is pretty impossible to use 25 students one Basic Toilet. " I told Yukimura and Yukimura tried to complain to me back.

" let's decide with voting, " Hirata told. Most students raised their hands and we decided to buy two basic Toilet.

" Let's go," I told Haruka and we went to the forest to find the spot for our class.

We walked into the forest around 30 minutes and that was pretty scary for other students. Hirata walked in front of us and he was our class President. He took most of the responsibility and tried to talk to other students who didn't agree on buying a regular Toilet.

We rested in the middle of the forest and made marks on trees because Ike suggested Hirata. Most students agreed. Ike stood out in this special test because of his knowledge about survival. Ike, Sudo, and Yamauchi went ahead of us to find a spot for class .

" We need to find a Temporary Camp base and other necessary things. Please raise your hand if you want to help. " Hirata told us in the middle of our Class D group.

Koenji was the first person who raised his hand. The other students volunteered to take part in searching. Of course, I also raised my hand because I needed to look around this Island.

" Koenji will come with me. " I looked at Koenji and said.

" Yare Yare. Why should I come with you?. " Koenji said

" Because I know what will you do , Koenji " I told him and while walking in front of him.

" Yare Yare Kozuki. I will come with you. This beautiful me will bless with my gorgeous presence and trying to fight a monster like you meaningless for a perfect Human-like me " Koenji told with a confident voice.

" I don't hate that part of you, Koenji " I replied to Koenji with a smile.

" Can you stop Koenji, Kozuki? We get ten people so we will divide three groups " Hirata told us.

" Kuroro-chi, Can I come with you? " Haruka asked me

" You should stay here, Haruka or Mitachi will go with you," I told Haruka and she nodded me back.

" Ok, I want to look around this Island so I will go with Mii-chan ". Haruka replied to me.

Our group had Koenji, Hirata, and me.

We walked around the forest while Koenji walked in front of us.

" Are not you know about this test? Kozuki " Koenji asked me suddenly.

" Why did you ask? Are not you also already know about special test ? You have pretty high intelligence" I told Koenji.

" Of course, I already knew about this and this is pretty easy for me. This test is only designed for common folks. I didn't have any interest to take part in." " Koenji told me. Hirata listened to our conversation seriously but he didn't ask any questions.

" Well, How about you try to go back to the Cruise right now? Koenji " I told him with a smile.

" I have hundreds of percent confident winning against you but this beautiful me will show mercy. Because of your face, I will try to take in this test. Kozuki " Koenni replied to me.

" That's enough," I told Koenji and Koenji sped up his pace and went in front of us.

This vol 1 will end in this week. I will try to do that. Writing Koenji's character is really challenging for me. I guess I am not good at this kind of arrogant and prideful character but Escanor is one of my favorite characters all time

I will write Side chapters after vol 1 and introduce characters that are mentioned in my Fanfic.

Please support me guys.

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