
The Day It All Changes

"Get up Kaito," Haru said loudly. Hearing no response Haru then jumps on top of Kaito who's sleeping helplessly in his bed.

<Gawk. A loud wail is let out from Kaito's now crushed body>

"What the hell are you doing to me? And get off me." Kaito is now irritated at his little sister Haru. Haru trying to look innocent says as if almost mumbling, " you big dummy it's 7:05 a.m. and your alarm has been going on for 30 minutes". Kaito with now worry on his face sits up and puts his hand on the back of Haru's head and pushes down as he gets up and runs to the bathroom to get ready.


Haru's head was slammed into the bed. She sat there in disbelief for a moment then sat up, rubbed her face and walked back to her room to sleep more. Kaito was showering while she did this and then got out wrapped a towel around his waist and ran back to his room and closed the door. He got ready and dressed in a suit and opened the door and rushed downstairs.

He was trying to slip his shoes on when his collar was grabbed by his mother, who dragged him to the table for some breakfast. Looking at the clock that read 7:20 a.m., Kaito stood up, grabbed toast, kissed his mom's cheek and went to the front door and left.

He then started to quickly walk to school so he wouldn't be late. In about 30 minutes he was at the front gates and walking in panting because he ended up having to run his way there. As he walked in his friend Ronald wrapped his arm around his shoulder and greeted him.

"Morning K" Ronald said cheerfully.

"Oh morning Ron" Kaito said breathy.

"Did someone have to run because he woke up again late?" said Ron mockingly.

"Yeah, then Haru jumped on me."

"Well at least you weren't late for this tremendous day."

"I know that would've been awful, and I'd miss out on getting a ritual as punishment."

"Yeah then your mom would kill you."

"Yeah yeah."

"I mean it K you gotta start getting up on time"

"I'll try"

Then Ron released his arm and they walked into the doors. They chatted more as they walked to their classroom. Anna walked up to them and began to chat with them. She was one of the only girls in the class that wasn't crushing on Ronald. So it made it easier for the two of them to talk with her. They all were voicing their excitement and worry for the day. Then a bell rang and they split up and walked from the end of the classroom. And proceeded to sit down at their desks, until the teacher walked in to begin class.

"Okay, everyone settle down. I know how exciting today is for you all to be receiving your system and abilities. So if you all are ready follow me to the gymnasium and we can get you all lined up and ready for integration." said the teacher.

The class then stood up and followed the teacher down the hall to the stairs. Small chatter could be heard as the class walked and glee on the faces of the students. They made their way downstairs and to the gym. The teacher then instructed them to lign up by alphabetical order. Kaito was at the very end, Ron was closer to the middle, Anna was a little after Ronald. They all quieted down and looked front an center waiting for the event to begin.