
The Day Before.

It was the late spring and it was starting off like any normal day. There was a slight warm breeze and the sun was shining. Kaito's sister Haru was shaking and rattling Kaito's bed in an attempt to wake her lethargic brother. Which then follows the usual morning ritual where Haru jumps on her brother's bed. Which causes Kaito to wake suddenly and violently.

Now Kaito's slumber has been interrupted by his "loving" sister. Resulting in some play wrestling between the two. After a little bit of time Haru leaves his room to go downstairs. Kaito takes this initiative to head to the bathroom. He stops to look in the mirror before hoping in the shower.

His body is muscular but not exaggerated or overwhelming. He's 6'2", and weighs around 190lbs. Kaito has midnight black hair that people say is like looking at the night sky. It's quite peculiar and alluring to people who first meet him. He has soft round blue eyes, which a lot of girls in his class like to comment on. He has soft light peach lips and is considered one of the more attractive males in his class along with his best friend Ronald.

Ronald's quite the ladies man as Kaito puts it. He's always been the type of guy girls confessed to since elementary school. And nothing changed even as they went through middle school and began high school. Kaito isn't far behind Ronald in the looks department so he's had his fair share of girls coming after him. But, not nearly as many as his friend. Which is understandable, Ronald is popular, handsome, an athlete, and he scores high on all his exams regardless of the class. He's 6", fit, soft clear skin, light brown eyes, a nice jawline. He has golden brown hair, broad shoulders, and is very fashionable.

Kaito has always had a large bond, they do everything together since they met. Whether it's gaming, going to the mall, or family trips. Ronalds has been involved.

It all started when Kaito lost his father in a construction accident. Kaito was in elementary school when it happened so at the time he didn't respond well. He shut down and self isolated from people. That was until Ronald kept showing up around him at school and not letting him feel alone. This helped Kaito move past the loss and begin his lifelong friendship.


Kaito finished his shower, brushed his teeth, went to his room and got dressed. Soon after his mother called him down for breakfast. Kaito wasted no time to make it to the table. He loved his mother and listened to her without a second thought. He learned life wasn't long for everyone. And all he had was his sister and mother in the world so he cherished them dearly. Meaning if his mother said something he listened and hung on to every word.

They ate the breakfast his sister and mother made, it was pancakes with omelets. Kaito's favorite, so of course he had to ask why.

His mother reminded him of the special occasion at school the next day. "Kai did you forget tomorrows the day the school implements you with your own system."

"Your right mom, I totally forgot. Thanks for reminding me."

"Anyway eat up Kai, Ronalds been calling. He'll be over in a bit."

"Thanks mom." Kaito then started to scruff down the food. His sister looked at him like he was a wild beast. She had a lot of caution to not get in the way of his fork when he reached for seconds.


Now that food was finished, Kaito picked up the dishes and washed them and told his mom to go sit and relax. "You've done enough mom. Go sit, I'll handle the dishes." But as Haru tried to go he pulled her back and made her help before she could make her great escape.

Soon after Ronald knocked on the door and entered. "Hello?"

"Ronald dear over here, come in and have a seat. Kaito will be done soon." Kaito's mother said from the room next door.

"Will do Mrs. Hikari."

Ronald walked over and sat on the sofa across Kaito's mother. They chatted for a bit about his excitement for tomorrow. Then came Haru who jumped on Ronalds lap and sat there all smug. Haru had a big crush on Ronald, which was clear to everyone, yet they all played along and didn't say anything. Then came Kaito, he walked to the stairs and paused and looked back.

Ronald then excused himself and walked with Kaito upstairs. They sat in his room for a bit and talked about school and doing the homework. Then they began to go back downstairs after a few minutes. "Is it ok if we go out to the shops?" Kaited asked his mother.

"Yes. But be home by dinner, don't waste your money on pointless things. And be safe." She said as the boys began to leave after hearing the initial yes.

"Those boys." Kaitos mom said, smiling.


Kaito and Ronald walked to a large open building. It resembles a mall and a flea market combined. It had lots of shops selling random nick nacks, groceries and games. It was meant to sell everything people need or wanted.

Kaito and Ron walked and looked at shops, they walked in gaming and clothing stores and all around anything that entertained them. Until they walked by a television store that played a clip of the Reapers. After that both rushed to the window and voiced their excitement. Neither could no longer keep their cool and expressed how excited they were about tomorrow. They were gonna unlock their latent abilities and this will affect the rest of their lives. And if they ranked high they might be able to become Reaper's too.

They continued to walk around until dark where they then started to walk home. Kaito split from Ronald and walked to their respected homes. As kaito entered his home his mom told him to wash up for supper. He did so promptly, he sat and talked to his mom about tomorrow.

"Kaito you have nothing to fear, regardless of what number you get I will be so proud. And you will do amazing things." said Kaito's mother.

'I know mom but i still have some worries."

"Baby everything will be fine, everything works out the way it should. Don't hang on to the small things."

"I'll try, thanks mom."

They then ate dinner and Kaito headed off for bed. He had to wake up for school the next day.

And he had to make sure he wasn't late or he would be punished by having to wait a week till he was allowed to be given a system.


The school is named Forderung High School (AKA Advancement high school). A school for the rich to send their children. The school was created to teach students about the world and then when they start Senior year introduce them to the system. Which then the school teaches them about growing and unlocking the potential of their abilities. Then they can choose to start working or further advance their abilities at specialized colleges. The colleges were of course for the elite, those who had the best abilities or the most money. If they're strong enough they can attempt to join the Reapers, or if when unlocking their abilities they could be scouted to join a private group or Reapers directly.