

"Gotta run. God why do i have to deal with "them" couldn't it have been anyone else". He said gasping quietly and solemnly.

He knew he was in a hurry to seek refuge from his current doom but he was extensively injured throughout his body. His wounds kept him from running, yet the mental strain of trying to keep his will alive was more tiresome than the wounds engraved in his flesh.

Scraping his side along the wall and using his body's weight and all his arm strength to pull himself forward.

<groans and moans quietly from the slow blood loss>

He was leaving a crimson trail right to his back. His bloody handprints along the wall, his droplets helplessly being smeared deep in the tile floor as he tried to move forward. Till finally his injuries overcame what his will could triumph. He slid down the wall causing his knees to hit the floor and he fell forwards. His body laid still on the floor, blood began to pool out of his body. As his life was ending out of the corner of his eye he say his nightmares come into the light.

A Reaper clad in black and silver had come to make sure his mark was extinguished. The man now lifeless on the floor was scanned with a blue light by the Reaper.

"Kill Confirmed. Payment will be provided to the usual account."

The Reaper then clicked the side of his neck to release his face mask. He let out a cold breathe of an experienced killer. His face still hiding in the low light casted room to where only the white of his eyes reflected any light. It was a terrifying sight, a beaten bloody and lifeless man laying in the middle of a blood soaked hallway, while a tall slender man stood in the shadow at the end of the hall.

The man then walked lightly forwards to see his handy-work with a large grin. His teeth now glowing from reflecting in the light revealing his devilish face every step he takes.

Now clearly visible his face becomes known, he's a young man early 20's, with jet black hair, a clear complexion, thin light peach coloured lips, and round silver eyes with hints of red around his pupils.

<Splashing made from his boots stepping in the dead mans blood echoing down the silent hallway>

The man leans slowly over to see the mans face and moves his hand to shut the dead mans eyes. Stands back up and walks down the hall to a wooden door opens the door and exists calmly to the street, leaving the door wide open to the nights breeze.

______________________________________________________ This is a world of greater technological and medical advancements. People no longer have to worry about disease, famine, war, and crime so long as you have the money. The rich have everything and the poor have nothing. Your life will be perfect so long as you have the means to pay. Whether you want buildings, businesses, food, medicine, drugs, people, or even lives themselves everything one can imagine was attainable with the help of a Reaper. Reapers are people who accomplish missions or tasks for compensation. Some Reapers will do anything, even if it means slaughtering dozens of people just for the right sum. Hiring a Reaper was simple. All that was needed was to go to the guild service building and fill a form of what one wanted and a payment amount. And a Reaper may take your job and pay you a visit to collect there reward.

There were several Reaper guilds worldwide and all of which were followed by mayhem and destitution for those that were in their way.

This story is based in the U.S. Reapers guild. The largest of the guilds, also one of the most dangerous guilds available. Competition is fierce and rivalry is high.