
Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC - OmegaLul1234

This is not my work. This belongs to OmegaLul1234 and is being shared on Webnovel if you don't know what MT is about and read just to comment hate on characters like Rudy and Paul please don't read One day in the six-faced world, a newborn child, completely conscious of his surroundings, is taken in by a certain party of adventurers... the Fangs of the Black Wolf. But not two years later, the party splits, and our main character, Leon, is greeted with the pleasant surprise of a younger brother, in the form of Rudeus Greyrat. Embark on a riveting journey alongside Leon as he navigates the uncharted territories of a world brimming with magic, swords, and imminent danger. In the face of tumultuous times, Leon strives to carve out his identity and grapple with the enigmatic memories that haunt his consciousness. As destinies intertwine and fates are reshaped, witness the unfolding of a divergent narrative in this tale teeming with action, romance, and adventure. Join Leon in unravelling the mysteries that lie ahead and shaping the course of his destiny in this enthralling saga. This is not my work. This belongs to OmegaLul1234 and is being shared on Webnovel #action #adventure,anime #fanfiction #fantasy #harem #joblessreincarnation #magic #mushokutensei #ocxeris #ocxroxy #ocxsylphiette #originalcharacter #polyamory #reincarnation #romance #rudeusxsara #sliceoflife #sword #swordsmanship

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Chapter 4 - New Home

—-- Leon —--

"Well… this is where we part. If you guys ever need anything, just come find me. I'll do my best to help you out," Paul says, a hint of guilt in his voice.

No, not a hint. There was quite a bit of guilt there.

Lina, who had been giving Paul the cold shoulder for the past week, released a sigh.

"Right. Just… take care of Leon and Zenny. Leon especially deserves to finally have a good place to call home. And take care of the new kid too, got it? If Zenny comes running back to me crying because you cheated or were a bad father, I'll race back here to make you regret it," she says with a glare.

"H-Haha! Yeah, I get it, I get it," Paul returns.

Looking at the slightly gloomy group, I couldn't help but feel my mouth twist into a frown.

The Fangs of the Black Wolf was a party of misfits, and as much as a rash, womanizing man Paul was, he was the binding glue that brought them together, both in combat and in regular interactions. So with him retiring into fatherhood, the obvious result was the dissolution of the party.

While most parties wouldn't be the worst if they were disbanded, these guys were a bit different. As a band of outcasts, this party was the only place they had felt welcomed. The only place that felt like home.

This was also why Lina was pissed at the guy, as his constant sex drive was what led us to this point, and also why Paul was rightfully feeling guilty. 

But it seemed that she could accept the situation since Zenith was happy and that I would be living a somewhat normal life, safe from the dangers and erratic lifestyle of adventurers.

I then made my way over to Ghislaine, who was also in a downcast mood, gesturing with my arms for her to pick me up.

Smiling at me, she grants my request, and I immediately wrap my arms around her neck.

"Are you sure you can't stay with us, Big Sis?" I ask, trying not to release the dam of tears I was holding back.

While I definitely felt comfortable being with Mama and could endure being with Paul, I was saddened that I would be leaving this little family of mine.

"Sorry, Leon. I'm going to the Sword Sanctum after this to hone my strength. Hopefully, by the next time we see each other, I will be a Sword King," she says, gently patting my head.

Right. These people also had their own lives.

I couldn't hold them back because of my selfishness, no matter how much I wanted to.

"But… we'll see each other again, right?" I ask.

"Of course," she nods. "So get bigger and get stronger, and make sure to take care of your sibling and those two. You know that Paul isn't very smart."

"Hey!" Paul shouts in indignation.

Giggling at her insult, I sniffled back the snot that was pooling in my nose.

"I will… but, I'll miss you, Big Sis."

"I as well… here, take this."

She then takes the wooden ring she kept on her finger. It was covered in scratches, showing its age and use, and reflected a slight greenish tint under the sunlight.

"This is a talisman that is passed down in my clan. They say it protects the wearer from bad wolves at night, but to me, it's simply a keepsake."

Taking the ring, I take a glance at it before returning my gaze to her eye.

"Are you sure, Big Sis? It's… it's special to you, isn't it?" I ask.

"That is why I want you to have it. Wear it," she insists.

"Umm… it, doesn't fit though."


I nearly burst into another round of giggles from her frozen expression.

"Hehe, don't worry. I'll keep it as a necklace until I'm big enough to wear it. I'll keep it safe, I promise," I say with narrowed eyes, trying to convey my sincerity.

But she only smiles in response, as if my sincerity was only cute to her.

"Good boy," she says, patting my head.

Letting me down, I then walk over to Lina, who picks me up without asking and smothers me into her chest.

"Uuu~ Little Leon! I'm gonna miss you! Make sure to keep Paul in line, okay? And make sure Zenny is taking care of herself-"

With her giving me a lecture that could contend with one that Mama would give Paul, she eventually wrapped up our talk by setting me down before the remains of the now-disbanded Fangs of the Black Wolf departed, leaving me and my new family alone outside the walls of Roa, the fortress city of the Fittoa Region of the Asura Kingdom.

While it was not my first time seeing a walled city, as many cities near monster-infested places, which our party went to, had ample defences, this was the first time I had been to Roa.

I didn't understand the family dynamic that was going on too well, but from what I could pick up, Paul's old family was of the Greyrats, specifically, the Notos branch. And this place here was ruled by the Boreas line.

The two family lines likely held bad blood, if my knowledge of medieval families was to be remembered and what I knew of politics in this world, so this 'cousin' of Paul's probably hated his guts, but perhaps the fact that Paul discarded his Notos name gave him some merit.

"Alright… I'll deal with that Philip alone. After all, he's got quite a slick tongue. You two just stay behind, okay?" Paul says.

"If you say so… h-husband," Mama replies.

Ugh… now I'll have to deal with these two as newlyweds. Alone.

Ghislaine… Lina… come back, please. I'm begging you.

Walking through the large gate of the ginormous walls, I can't help but gasp as the city itself comes into view.

The mix of brown wood, grey stone, and white plaster created an appealing contrast as we walked past the stalls and shops that lined the cobblestone streets.

As you approached the city center, the larger and richer the buildings became, and at the very center of the city was a large castle, its towers piercing the cityscape.

And that very castle was where we were headed.

Quite high class… I sure hope Paul isn't in over his head.

As we passed through the castle gate, it appeared that Paul had the foresight to notify them ahead of time, as we were admitted by the guards without any trouble.

Walking through the courtyard, I couldn't help but marvel at the various plants and flowers that adorned the flowerbeds, as well as the towering walls of the surrounding castle.

Wow… nobles were loaded, huh?

And there were even windows of stained glass!

Following the beast race maid, we eventually found ourselves in a lobby-like room, with a pair of fancy couches and various decor lining the walls.

Thinking about it now, nearly every maid I've seen so far has been of the beast race.

I suppose these guys had a type, huh?

My thoughts are interrupted as a man enters through the door, his steps calm and practiced, holding a certain elegance to them.

"Ah! Welcome, Paul Notos Greyrat. This must be the Zenith and Leon you mentioned in your letter," he says, his eyes narrowing with his smile.

"You know I've already cast away the Notos name, so just call me Paul Greyrat."

Mama then curtsies, "And I am Zenith Latreia, though I've also discarded my noble lineage. And this here is-"

"Leon. Leon Greyrat," I say, finishing my words with a small bow.

The man seems to find my attempt at manners cute, or at least amusing, as his smile grows wider.

"You're quite mature for such a young age. About as young as my daughter, if I was to guess. Anyway, I am Philip Boreas Greyrat. Please feel free to take a seat," he says, gesturing to the couch.

Taking a seat next to Mama, I took another look at the man who was, hopefully, going to be Paul's boss.

He had a slender physique, brown hair that was a tone darker than Paul's, and a sharp face. Dressed in an aristocratic suit, he perfectly suited the word 'gentlemanly'.

"Thanks for meeting me, cousin. As you know from the letter, I'm hoping you can grant this selfish request of mine," Paul says with a deep bow.

Huh… I've never seen the man act so… civilized.

I guess that noble etiquette he grew up with was still in there somewhere.

"Yes. Here, come into my office. We can talk more in there. As for you two, please don't hesitate to ask the maids for any food or drink you require."

And like that, the two men left behind the same door that Philip entered, leaving Mama and me alone on the couch.

"Well… they are likely to take a while, as Paul will need to understand his role and responsibilities… so how about we practice some magic?" Mama suggests with a smile.

"Yeah!" I exclaim in response.

I was relieved. As cool as this place was, sitting here for hours on end would be mind-numbingly boring without anything to do.

"Alright. Today you will learn your first detoxification spell. Make sure not to use too much mana, okay? I wanted to touch on your reading too," she says.

"That's fine!"

"Good. Now, remember this chant, and watch me closely, okay? This is meant to heal non-fatal nausea, like headaches and seasickness."

She then shows me the spell, and trying it on my own, I perform the spell quite easily.

While it was difficult to see how effective it was on a personal level, as I couldn't exactly give myself seasickness to fix, I was able to see if it worked by using it on Mama, as her pregnancy put her in a constant state of slight nausea.

Okay… now, it was time to try it without an incantation, this being the first time trying it with anything other than healing magic.

Taking a deep breath, I place my hand on Mama's forehead before concentrating.

The flow was quite similar to Healing . The magic power flowed through my body and my veins before reaching my hand.

And the image… it was a bit difficult. After all, the spell was meant to cure a headache or seasickness, so it was quite hard to visualize on a cellular level. It was more like I was curing a symptom rather than the cause itself.

Well… did I have to get scientific with it for it to work?

After all, while I pictured cell mitosis and the layers of skin for Healing , the process was much more complex than that.

Maybe… if I just pictured something similar… a torrent of water representing nausea… the sickness, or the cause, being the whirlpools that were churning the water… and my magic, if it simply removed the whirlpools, and calmed the water to an even flow…

"Amazing, sweetie! I knew you could do it!"

Opening my eyes, I can't help but unconsciously match Mama's proud smile as I stare at my hand.

I could do it… casting without an incantation, chantless magic… I could do it for more than just healing!

"So, Leon… do you think that detoxification magic brought you closer to your limit?" Mama asks.

I shake my head in response.

"No, I still feel fine. Although…" I frown, "I wish I could tell how much mana I had left."

"That comes later with experience. I'd be sad if you got too far ahead of Mama!" she says, patting my head.

As I had discovered on my second time trying magic, my magic capacity could improve. 

While Mama and I were originally ready for me to pass out after two spells like the first time, I discovered that the next day, I could do three.

And the next day five.

And then eight.

So yeah, it seems that my capacity was growing with each time I went through my mana. Like this, I could get pretty strong in the future, couldn't I?

"Hey, you! How did you do that!"

Suddenly hearing a high-pitched, nasally, childish voice, I look over to see a small girl with blazing red hair and a matching set of red eyes, about my age if I guessed.

Her face seemed to be a mix of violent condescendingness and astonished curiosity as she crossed her arms over her chest.

But… who was this kid?

I don't think children are meant to wander around noble castles like this… maybe she was Philip's kid that he mentioned?

The hair colour didn't match, but the age did, and I couldn't find any other explanation.

That aside…

"Do what?" I ask.

"The shiny hands! How did you do that?" she asks, pointing her chin in the air.

Hmm… I don't know if a normal toddler would understand what 'detoxification magic' was just yet, so…

"I just did it," I say with a shrug.

That seems to send the child reeling, but she quickly composes herself before marching over with a stern frown on her face.

"You listen! I asked you- Waagh!"

…Before promptly tripping over her feet and gracelessly falling onto the floor.

"Ung. Ung. Waaah!"

And now she was crying.

Oh dear.

Hopping off the couch, I walk over to the girl before placing my hand on her face and casting healing magic on her nose, which was trickling a little bit of blood.

Luckily, it seemed my practice hadn't been for nothing, as her pained expression quickly turned into one of wide-eyed surprise, her red eyes shining in excitement.

Oh? When she's like this, she's actually kind of cute.

Like an actual toddler.

Though… I was also one, so it felt a little weird saying that.

Wiping the small trail of blood off her upper lip, I gently pat her head with a smile.

"There we go. All better now, right?"

It takes a moment for her to break out of her state of shock, as she quickly swipes away my hand before scrambling to her feet.

"U-Umm… th-thank you," she stutters out with a red face before quickly running out of the room.

Huh… what a weird kid.

Turning back to Mama, I notice that she's wearing a large grin, one of intense amusement and a little bit of pride.

"Fufufu… how adorable."

…For some reason, that smile made me a little uneasy.

—-- Information on the Six-Faced World —--

Fittoa Region

A fiefdom in the northeastern part of the Kingdom of Asura of the Central Continent, the Fittoa Region is a vast agricultural area with many forests and primarily rural village settlements.

Under the crown of the Kingdom of Asura, the Fittoa Region is governed by the Boreas Greyrat family, with Sauros Boreas Greyrat as the current liege lord of the region.

Citadel of Roa : It is the largest city in the entire Fittoa Region and is the center of trade, commerce, and administrative matters in the area. An ancient city with a noble history, four hundred years ago, it stood as the last defence during the war against the Demon race but is now seen as nothing more than a backwater city of adventurers in the capital city of Asura. Philip Boreas Greyrat is the current mayor of the city.

Buena Village : A small, peaceful hamlet that specializes in farming. There are nearby forests that are infested with monsters that often need to be subdued.

—-- Leon Greyrat —--

The wind sweeping through my hair, I rest my chin on my arm as I watch the rolling hills and the odd house pass by, the stench of farmland and manure permeating my nose.

We were currently making our way to our new house, which had been given to Paul as he was the new knight of Buena village, a small hamlet which had been having problems with monsters the past few years, hence why such an unassuming village needed a knight as strong as Paul stationed there.

"After we move everything in, I'll be heading to meet the villagers to get a better read on the situation. Do you mind cleaning it up while I'm gone?" Paul asks.

"Asking a pregnant woman to clean your house… quite shameless, father ," I say with a smirk.

"S-Shut up! I said I'll post the housekeeper job tomorrow!" he explains hastily.

"Leon, don't bully him. I'm still feeling fine, so I want to be the one to settle in our new home, which includes cleaning! Besides, you'll be there for me, right?" she asks.

"Of course, Mama," I say with a huff.

"Good boy!" she says cheerfully.

Mama then turns to Paul, "But, honey... I'm a bit worried we don't have enough things. And there will probably be some stuff we can't buy from the village, like tableware and candles."

"It's fine. We have enough rations to survive for a week, and I'll get anything we're missing when I post the job tomorrow in Roa. So just leave it to your dependable husband here!" he says confidently.

Just before we had left for the village, Mama and Paul… my new father, I suppose, got formally married by the resident Millis priest in Roa, exchanging their vows in a small ceremony with the rising sun as their background. Of course, I was the only guest.

I only hoped the man would keep his promises, or I would go running to Lina. Maybe I would even beat him up myself if I got strong enough.

"Well, here we are," Paul says abruptly, stopping the cart in front of the gate of a large house.

It was…

"It's beautiful!" Mama finishes for me.

Indeed. With the wooden beams cross-crossing the plastered walls, wooden shingles lining the roof, and crown glass windows seemingly in every room, it was a very nice house.

And that wasn't even mentioning the beautiful walled garden that surrounded the home, giving ample room for training, as well as any other general activities I wanted. And I knew that Mama liked plants, so she could even have her own garden.

And paired with the scenery…

"Know what? You did good, father," I say, patting the man on the back before hopping off the cart.

Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air, I raise my arms overhead and stretch out the stiffness of my body before heading towards the front door.

As there was no need for any locks on the door, I was able to enter without any trouble.

It would be a pretty stupid decision to rob the house of someone who was not only your lord, but also the strongest person in the area, after all.

Inside, it was just as I had expected.

A nice big fireplace in the centre of the house for heating and cooking, straw beds with fur blankets, tables and chairs set up near the kitchen, and a bathroom, which amounted to nothing but a hole in the ground.

In most houses, this hole would be quite useless, and only stink up the place with… waste, so most people would prefer an outhouse. But with the existence of magic, you could just burn it with an elementary fire spell, and wash what was left with a beginner water spell. 

Luckily, Mama knew both magics, so we'd be able to use the bathroom properly.

It was also pretty dusty, which made sense as this place had been abandoned for the past year.

Eventually, our modest number of belongings were moved in, and Mama and I started cleaning up the house.

We also planned out how we would set up the house while checking for any mould, pests, and repairs that needed fixing. Fortunately, save for a few creaky doors, there weren't any issues.

"Hey! I'm back!"

Putting down the washcloth, I looked over to Paul who was carrying a basket of what seemed to be sandwiches.

"Looking good, guys! Guess what? The villagers even gave us some food to welcome us! Hehe, my natural charisma is truly terrifying sometimes," he says smugly.

…Are you sure they weren't just buttering you up? You're their boss now, after all.

"Really? That's awfully nice of them. Villagers are often a little unsettled when a new lord is stationed, but I guess this is pretty far from the capital, so they're probably more laid back. Anyway, did you find anything interesting?" Mama asks, resting the broom against the wall.

"Yep! I found out that there's a clinic here, but all they have is a herbalist. A perfect place for you, right? And Leon too, I guess," he says with a shrug.

"We are not letting a one-year-old work, Paul. But… a clinic, huh? I've always wanted to work in one after adventuring," Mama says with a smile.

Paul places down the sandwiches before wrapping his arms around Mama and resting his head on her shoulder.

"It almost seems like fate, eh?" he says. "Anyway, I also talked to the guy who had been defending the village for the past year. Nice dude. Laws… I think his name is. His wife is also pregnant, so maybe Leon and the Little Man will have a new friend."

"'Little Man'? It's definitely a girl," Mama replies with a huff.

"Nah, my gut's telling me I'm getting a son."

"We already have one, Paul."

"Ah, right… well, either way, we can always try for another after this one, right? Hehe. Come here."

"H-Honey! Not in front of Leon! Mmm~"

…I'm going to my room.

Seeing that the two were getting quite into it, I might just practice my magic until I passed out. I preferred that over having to endure the sound of them christening our new home.

Jeez… even when Mama was pregnant, that womanizer couldn't contain his lust. Wasn't it supposed to be a bad omen to do that when a woman was bearing a child?