
Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC - OmegaLul1234

This is not my work. This belongs to OmegaLul1234 and is being shared on Webnovel if you don't know what MT is about and read just to comment hate on characters like Rudy and Paul please don't read One day in the six-faced world, a newborn child, completely conscious of his surroundings, is taken in by a certain party of adventurers... the Fangs of the Black Wolf. But not two years later, the party splits, and our main character, Leon, is greeted with the pleasant surprise of a younger brother, in the form of Rudeus Greyrat. Embark on a riveting journey alongside Leon as he navigates the uncharted territories of a world brimming with magic, swords, and imminent danger. In the face of tumultuous times, Leon strives to carve out his identity and grapple with the enigmatic memories that haunt his consciousness. As destinies intertwine and fates are reshaped, witness the unfolding of a divergent narrative in this tale teeming with action, romance, and adventure. Join Leon in unravelling the mysteries that lie ahead and shaping the course of his destiny in this enthralling saga. This is not my work. This belongs to OmegaLul1234 and is being shared on Webnovel #action #adventure,anime #fanfiction #fantasy #harem #joblessreincarnation #magic #mushokutensei #ocxeris #ocxroxy #ocxsylphiette #originalcharacter #polyamory #reincarnation #romance #rudeusxsara #sliceoflife #sword #swordsmanship

DBoblivion · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3 - Learning

—-- Leon —--

Following Mama through the dense grove, she then finds a fallen log to sit on, and as she takes out her book, I take a seat of my own, making sure I'm comfortable enough for the coming lecture.

"And this is… and here… okay! Ready to learn, Leon?" she asks after looking through her book.

While she was inexperienced, at least she was earnest.

"Yep! I'm excited!" I say with a smile.

And that was no lie.

"Good! But remember, Leon. It's okay if you can't do it immediately, okay? You have many years to learn," she says, patting my head.

"I can do it!"

Her eyes soften with a mix of affection and pride.

"Fufu, if you're so sure, then I'll begin now. Ahem!"

Taking one last look through the book, she then closes it before looking at me.

"Right, so… first, magic requires power to work, like how a campfire needs wood to burn. This is called mana, or magic power. And the amount of magic power someone has is decided at birth, so… let's hope you have a good amount! Uhh… then there are three types… Yes! Three types of magic! And they are… umm…" Mama then opens her book once again to look at the information.

…This would be okay, right?

—-- Leon POV —--

"And that's the basics of magic!" Mama says proudly.

It was a shaky start, but she got there eventually.

At first, she needed to constantly check the book, but that wasn't due to a lack of knowledge, but rather a worry that she was teaching me the wrong thing.

A sort of performance anxiety.

But after she got into the role, she got more confident and showed off her intelligence which made her one of the few S rank healer adventurers in the world.

Basically, as she explained, magic required magic power, or mana, to work. And one can use magic in two ways.

Incantations, which is when one recites a set of words to cast a spell and magic circles when one inscribes a pattern using special ink to cast a spell by pouring magic power into said pattern.

Mama didn't really know how to use magic circles, and her book didn't describe any either, so I would be sticking to incantations for my learning.

Not that I minded though. I didn't exactly trust my toddler hands to do precise drawings.

As for the types of magic, there are three main ones: attack magic, which, as the name implied, was meant to be used in battle; healing magic, which was used to heal others and cast barriers and was also the type of magic Mama specialized in; and summoning magic, which was used to summon things, again, as the name implied.

Delving further into it, attack magic was divided into four types: fire, water, wind, and earth, which allowed the user to cast spells relating to that element.

Thinking about it now… I think I might just call attack magic elemental magic instead. It makes more sense that way.

Healing magic also was divided into four types. Them being healing magic, which healed injuries; detoxification magic, which purged poisons and disease; divine strike magic, which was magic that could harm incorporeal monsters; and protection magic, which was used to create barriers.

This one too was named a bit weird, as only two of them could be called 'healing', so I think support magic would be a better way to call it.

I won't tell Mama that though, after all, she did her best to teach me the conventional way.

But I did have a question…

"Mama… I've heard you say 'Beginner' and 'Intermediate' spells… what do those mean?" I ask.

In fact, I swear the others have used that before, and Ghislaine had also introduced herself as a 'Saint'.

I thought it was just some kind of shrine maiden thing from her homeland, but thinking about it now, it was weird that she would hold that moniker when she abandoned her homeland.

Mama's eyes widen at my question.

"Oh! Rank titles! I can't believe I forgot about that! Okay, so, these rankings are used for both swordsmanship and magic, and they are-"

Oh boy, here we go.

Listening to her long-winded explanation, I think I finally got it… for the most part at least.

In this world, there were seven ranks that described one's battle strength, those being Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Saint, King, Emperor, and God, in that order.

While Mama didn't understand how the ranks worked in swordsmanship, she was able to explain roughly how it worked for magic.

Typically, spell rankings were proportionate to the amount of magic power needed to cast it, though there were exceptions, like detoxification magic, where it was more about the range of spells than the power, as one was needed for specific diseases and illnesses.

But for magic, the more mana that was needed for a spell, the more skilled one needed to be in order to cast it and control it. So someone born with a crazy amount of mana wouldn't instantly become a King-ranked magician.

But, in short, the rankings went like this: Beginner was basic mana manipulation; Intermediate was advanced mana manipulation; Advanced was complex manipulation, usually with a large area of effect; Saint was large, complex, and with elemental magic, usually affected the weather.

King, Emperor, and God rank went further in complexity and scale, but for an Intermediate mage like Mama, it was difficult to comprehend, especially since she had never seen such magic being cast in person.

What was interesting, was that for most adventurers, Advanced and Intermediate rank spells were all that were needed, as controlling the weather was not usually useful for anything but wars and land maintenance, like watering fields.

Though… it would be pretty sad for someone at the pinnacle of magic to be used as a watering can. I pity whoever ends up like that.

"I think I get it now Mama. Can… can you teach me a spell now?" I ask.

Please don't make me pull out the pleading face.

"Yep! But… don't get discouraged if you can't do it, okay? It's fairly rare for someone to be able to use magic, much less someone so young," she says kindly.

"I got this!"

"Fufu. If you're sure. I'll first teach you the most basic healing spell, Healing."

Well, that's quite a simple name.

"This is only able to heal wounds that would heal naturally, such as cuts and bruises, but it's useful to stop blood flow and prevent infections. So? Are you ready?" she asks while taking out a knife.

I nod my head in excitement.

She then pokes the tip of her finger, letting the blood bead before continuing.

"Okay, remember this chant, alright? Ahem! Let this divine power be as satisfying nourishment, giving one who has lost their strength the strength to rise again - Healing."

A green glow is then emitted from her hand, and the cut on her finger quickly closes up. And with a wipe on her pant leg, it was as if the injury was never there.

"See that? Now, do you think you can try?" she asks.

"Yeah! Can I have the knife?" I ask.

"Nope! You'll have to practice on Mama for this one!"

She then did a similar process as before, causing me to flinch as the blade pressed against her finger.

I don't know why I didn't mind her cutting herself before, yet felt so uncomfortable this time, even if it was such a minuscule wound.

Was it because it was my responsibility to heal it? Or was I simply sad she had to harm herself for my sake?

Well… I'll just have to make the owie go away, won't I?

Now, how did it go again?

Ah, that's right!

"Let this divine power be as satisfying nourishment-"


I could feel this… energy, concentrated at my core, slowly moving through my body and into my arm, like blood flowing through my veins.

It was hot, yet not uncomfortably so. More like a warm cup of tea.

"-giving one who has lost their strength the strength to rise again - Healing."

Finishing the chant, I feel the warm, blood-like sensation flow into my hand before radiating outward, creating the same glow that Mama did.

And, in a similar fashion, her small cut is healed up, as though it was never there.

"Leon! You did it! Uuu~ You're a genius! My little Leon is a genius!"

Mama then picks me up, before smothering me with her admittedly bountiful chest.


Those things… they were dangerous.

I felt like I was going to suffocate one of these days.

Squirming out of her grasp, I looked down at my hand which had just performed an impossible miracle, at least by my previously held standards.

Magic… it really was amazing.

"Mama… could I try again? Please?" I plead.

Practice makes perfect, after all.

"Of course! Here-"

"Wait. Can I be cut this time? Please?" I ask, ready to bring out my ultimate begging technique.

While I was confident in healing her injuries now, I still didn't want her to be in pain for me, even if it was nothing to her.

"I don't know…" she says hesitantly.

"But Mama, wouldn't it be better to know how the spell affects the target? And there's no better way to know than this, right?" I say.

Did I believe that?

Not really.

But it sounded logical, so hopefully, she would agree.

"...Fine! But I'm making the cut, okay? And no whining about Mama hurting you afterward!"

"I promise I won't!"


As the edge of the knife pierces my skin, I close my eyes and begin chanting the spell.

"Let this divine power be…"

…Shoot, I completely forgot the rest.

But the warmth in my arm… if I could just grasp it… push it forward…

Come on, Leon. Picture it.

The cells of the body replicate perfectly, mending the wound with each layer of skin, from the dermis to the epidermis, and all the severed capillaries.

Make it-


Hearing Mama's quivering voice, I opened my eyes just in time to see the glow emitting from my hand subside.

And the cut… it was healed.

"M-Mama! I did-!"

My voice gets caught in my throat as I'm overwhelmed with a wave of intense fatigue, and I feel my knees buckle as I fall toward the ground.

Luckily, I'm caught a second later by the shocked Mama, before my heavy eyes soon close, my vision being blanketed in black.

Damn… it seems that I passed out.

—-- Zenith Latreia —--

Catching Leon's unconscious body, I feel my mind finally clear from the haze of shock.

He… just did that, didn't he?

No, obviously he did. The proof was right there in his completely healed finger, skin as smooth as usual.

But… without an incantation?

That was only possible for the most seasoned of mages, and even then, it was extremely rare, something akin to a legend for common magicians.

I guess my Leon was that much of a genius, huh?

Combing my hand through his smooth, golden hair, I can't help but frown at his sleeping face.

It seemed that his limit was two spells, so not that much at all.

But… maybe it was because he used it without an incantation? Or… it could be that he was still able to grow the amount of his magic power.

Generally, one's amount of magic power was determined by birth and inherited from one's parents. But, in some rare cases, there have been people who grew their reserves.

Well… if it's Leon, then I could easily see him being the latter.

He was just that special, after all.

Thinking now, our party had really changed since he came into our lives, turning from a party, with admittedly good chemistry, to a true family.

And it was all because of this cutie.

Truly a blessing…

Wait, no! I needed to tell the others!

Fufu, we had another healer! And one that I taught myself!

Even if he could only cast a couple of spells, it was still useful. And knowing my boy, he would definitely be eager to help out.

After all, he was such a determined and mature kid, Leon was.

And yes… he was my boy. Without question.

While at the beginning, I took him in as my own out of a sense of guilt for that woman. Guilt for not being good enough to heal her and not being there earlier. But whether it was his natural charms, or simply my instincts as a woman, I couldn't see him as any other's child but my own.

"Everyone! Guess what?" I say, walking over to the main camp.

As the others were likely to be rowdy, I decided to teach him in the small forest grove next to our camp, where my instruction was unlikely to be interrupted.

While monsters might have been a worry somewhere else, we were in the golden plains of the Kingdom of Asura, and fairly close to the capital too, so any would-be enemies were regularly culled by the kingdom's knights.

I also separated from the group in order to protect Leon's innocence… but I had a feeling it was already too late for that.

Ideally, he would grow up remaining as sweet as he is now, but if he ever takes after everyone else's bad habits, I'll just have to teach it out of him.

"Huh? So early- What happened?" Paul says, his casual expression shifting to a serious one as he spots the unconscious Leon in my arms, making my heart flutter.

That shift in demeanour… the earnest protectiveness… that was one of the things that made me fall in love with that unscrupulous man.

The others, noticing the situation, also immediately get to their feet, with Ghislaine snarling in anger and worry.

She really was like a big sister to him.

"Don't worry! He's fine! He just used up his mana, is all!" I say.

The tense atmosphere immediately disappears, as the party all show expressions of shock.

"'Used up his mana'... does that mean-?"

"Yep!" I say proudly, cutting off Paul. "Leon is now a Beginner rank healing magician!"

Ah~ I could already feel my cheeks hurting from my wide smile.

"That's amazing, Zenny! I knew you were a good teacher," Lina says.

"Mhmm! And that's not all… he cast Healing chantless too!" I say with enthusiasm.

This second revelation sends everyone into a similar state of shock. Actually, it was more than the first time.

It made sense. A child as young as Leon casting magic put him in the realm of 'talented'. Doing it without an incantation, however, placed him in the realm of 'genius'. No, even further than that.


I send Paul a cold glare.

"A-Ah, I mean, I'd love for him to show me himself, is all! Haha!"

That's better. However, the man still needed some more training.

"If it's true, it seems that Leon is destined for great things, eh? But… are you sure he's asleep from mana loss?" Geese asks.

Hmm… I was certain it was the case, but I guess it never hurt to find out.

Placing my hand over Leon's forehead, I cast one of the basic detoxification spells that check for abnormalities in the target, and finding none, I shake my head.

"As I thought. I guess Leon just has a-"

I cut myself off as I felt my spell tremble under my control.

That… was not normal.

In fact, I had felt something off with my mana for a couple of days now.

"Zenny? Is something wrong?" Lina asks with concern.

"Nothing. It's just… give me a second," I say, waving her off.

Putting my hand onto my chest, I cast the same spell on myself, and instantly, I sense something that brings me to tears.

Oh… oh my god!


I… I…

"I'm… pregnant," I say through tears, looking toward Paul.

Seeing him facepalm, however, did not instill in me confidence that he would keep his promise.

Ignoring the pang of anxiety, I look down at the sleeping toddler in my arms.

Leon… I hope you're ready to be a big brother.

No… knowing you, you'll be the best big brother one could ever have.

—-- Information on the Six-Faced World —--

Types of Magic

Attacking Magic / Elemental Magic:

Fire: Generation and manipulation of heat and fire.

Water: Generation and manipulation of water and ice.

Wind: Generation and manipulation of gases.

Earth: Generation and manipulation of dirt and minerals.

Healing Magic / Support Magic:

Healing: Heals injuries.

Detoxification: Purges poisons, diseases, and status effects such as inebriation.

Divine Strike: Harms incorporeal monsters and spirits, kept secret by the Divine Priest Fighters and unknown to most magicians.

Protection: Used to increase one's defences and create barriers of certain characteristics, such as nullifying magic activation.

Summoning Magic

—-- Leon —--

"Leon~ Wake up, sweetie~"

Hearing the soft feminine voice, I slowly open my groggy eyes.

Shoot… I… passed out?

The last thing I remember was… casting healing. Without an incantation too.

That… wasn't supposed to be possible, at least not without a magic circle or something similar. At least not for me.

That feeling of the warmth, how it travelled up my arm, and how I pictured my skin being healed… could that be it?

An image and control of the magic power in my body? That was all that was needed?

Then… why was it said that casting magic without an incantation was basically impossible?

Was I special? Or was it some sort of intellectual stagnation, where everyone was taught to use incantations, and the world conformed to that idea?

Hmm… I'll have to do a bit more practice before I can be sure.

"There. Are you awake now? No headache or anything?" Mama asks.

I shake my head in response.

"No, I'm fine. Just a little sleepy," I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Still? You've been napping for a few hours now," she says.


I was asleep for that long?

Darn… I'll have to remember not to run out of magic when I have something important to do.

Though, seeing that the sun was beginning to set behind the rolling green plains, it was true that quite a bit of time had passed.

Looking around, I notice that the rest of the party is packing stuff up, but aside from that… there was a weird atmosphere in the camp.

"Mama… what happened?" I ask.

Mama's face forms a complicated expression as she looks down and rubs her belly.

"Well… you see… it seems like you're going to be a big brother," she says, her lips curling into a grin.

Ignoring the warmth that blossomed in my chest, I send a glare over to Paul.

Mama would be out of commission as a healer, and likely stop working as an adventurer after this… but what would that womanizer do?

"Don't worry about him, Leon. He… he said he'd keep his promise."

Turning back to Mama, I see that her face is radiating happiness as her face is glowing with flushed cheeks.

"I guess… we're going to be a family now. A real one," she says.

A family?

Like… me, Mama, Paul, and the baby in her belly?

"...I see," I eventually say.

While I wasn't exactly elated to have Paul as a father, at least he was keeping Mama happy.

But… despite the seemingly happy news, I couldn't stop the knot from forming in my stomach.

Her joyful expression as she caressed her stomach felt like a reminder that I… wasn't her child. Even if she always called me 'her baby', it wasn't exactly that way.

So it's only natural to be worried, right?

Anxiety and insecurity battled to control my thoughts as questions about the future swirled in my mind.

Would I be replaced? Overlooked?

No… I could handle those things. Especially if it was to give care to the new life in Mama's belly, but… I wouldn't be able to handle being unloved or abandoned.

"M-Mama… are you fine, keeping me-"

"Don't you even start that," she interrupts with a frown. "You're my son, Leon. It doesn't matter if I never birthed you. Besides… you'll be there to help me out, right? You know healing magic now, after all," she says, pulling me in for a hug.

"Okay…" I say through watered eyes, burying my face in her chest.

"There there… Paul, dear? Do you have anything to say to your son?"

"Huh? Well, I'm kinda busy right now-"

"Paul," Mama snaps.

"Alright, I get it."

Hearing his steps get closer, Mama then taps my back, signalling me to look at the man.

"Umm… I know you aren't as close with me as you are with Zenith, but… I'll try to be a good father, alright? And hey, now I'll be able to teach you swordsmanship without adventuring getting in the way!" he says, finishing with a charismatic thumbs up.

…I guess that's fine.

"Okay," I say with a nod.

"W-What? 'Okay'? That's it? I just poured my heart out to you!" he whines.

All you did was say you'll be a father and teach me swordsmanship, was that really the epitome of his emotional intelligence?

Actually, scratch that. Knowing the man, it probably was. Aside from whatever magic he used to rope in such a kind woman like Mama, that is.

But aside from that…

"'Without adventuring getting in the way'... are you retiring?" I ask.

He then releases a sigh before looking over at the other party members with a melancholic smile.

"Well… you see, I have this cousin nearby who offered me a job a year back. I'm just hoping that the offer is still available."

A cousin? So a noble house position… and with his strength, it was probably something like a knight or a guard.

A comfortable life, perfect for a young family.

But… what about the family here?

"Aren't you the leader though? What will happen to the party?" I ask with worry.

His smile then falls, transforming into a sad frown.

"Well, you see… it will have to disband."