
Lemillion In The MCU

WHAT-IF during the battle against Overhall, Mirio dodged the Quirk-Erasure bullet, avoiding the loss of his quirk? As the battle progressed and Eri grew more terrified, her quirk activated, but instead of rewinding Mirio's existence, she instead unconsciously fast-forwarded his quirk, granting him a potent increase in strength that won the battle. Sadly, with the strengthened quirk came the future Mirio's shadow - a will that made up the essence of his future self... With a powerful quirk, a quirk he could not control, Mirio permeated through the barriers separating the Multiverse, finding himself in a new universe - The Marvel Cinematic Universe. What will happen next? Patreon --> patreon.com/The_Young_Flash Discord: https://discord.gg/krTzF4bXfV

The_Young_Flash · Movies
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46 Chs

Chapter 20 - Battle of New York IV

Mirio expected the arrow that Clint shot to bounce off Loki's tough skin, but it seemed that Clint was much more knowledgeable of Asgardians after being controlled by Loki…

Instead of opting to pierce through Loki's head, Clint fired an arrow that split apart into a magnetically charged chain…

The chain attached itself on both sides of Loki's neck, trapping The God of Mischief against the metallic surface of the quinjet…

Clint prided himself on possessing an arrow for each situation and from what Mirio could tell, Hawkeye indeed had the right to brag…

The magnetic chain was theoretically strong enough to restrain Captain America, so Clint was appalled when Loki snapped the chain around his neck effortlessly…

"What the fuck do Asgardians eat?" Clint complained, placing another arrow in his bow…

Loki hopped to his feet and attempted to strike at Clint, but a shield impacted his face before the attack could bear any fruit…

Luckily, Steve rivaled Loki in strength, or perhaps, Steve was even a bit stronger than Loki…

Loki was blown back into the wall…

Steve rolled and caught the shield that bounced on Loki's face, then twice on the wall...

Still, with one smooth motion, Steve tossed the shield once more, predicting the trajectory it would follow using his super-soldier heightened intelligence…


Loki deflected Steve's shield with his scepter and struck a blow with his fist, but his fist was met with a taser arrow from Clint…

It took a lot out of Mirio to phase both himself and Loki into the quinjet, especially since Loki's physiology was a lot harder to phase than a normal human's…

Actually, Mirio blanked out a bit, and regained focus to a battle between Captain America and Hawkeye vs Loki…

All the while the quinjet was spinning erratically, tossing everyone all over the place...

Loki swung his scepter in a wide arch, carving a chunk out of the quinjet, damaging the aircraft even more than it already was…

"We're definitely going down now!" Natasha yelled from the pilot seat, desperately smashing buttons in hopes of stabilizing the quinjet…

Using the erratic movement to his advantage, Loki kicked Steve into the wall, and rushed to the weaker Clint to deliver a strike that would kill the petty mortal…

Mirio hopped to his feet and dashed behind Loki, grabbing The God of Mischief moments before he could take Clint's life…

With a grunt, Mirio permeated both himself and Loki through Clint's body, but Mirio lost his grip on Loki immediately after…

Instead of striking Clint, Loki's scepter continued unhindered and struck at the control panel just right of Natasha…

Mirio was a bit startled because he didn't notice Natasha was on the quinjet until the very last moment before he and Loki permeated through Clint…

It was like she was invisible to his senses even though he knew she was always right there…

Loki elbowed Mirio in the chin, sending his head swinging back but Mirio refused to let go of The God of Mischief in fear that Natasha would be unable to compete with Loki…

However, Mirio grew wide-eyed when he realized that his concern for Natasha was not required…

Natasha leveraged the tiller of the quinjet to flip forward and place both feet on the glass of the quinjet…

Natasha pushed off the glass while still holding the tiller, delivering a kick to Loki's knee bringing The God of Mischief to a lower level…

Without any pause and with fluid movement the likes of which Mirio had never seen before, Natasha wrapped her legs around Loki's head and twisted the lower half of her body…

Mirio didn't even have time to process what happened since Loki was falling in his general direction…

Natasha reminded Mirio of Nejire… a distinct indication that, much like his own Universe, the women in this Universe did not require the protection of men…

To add to Mirio's disbelief, Natasha flipped back into the piloting seat without her hands once leaving the tiller of the quinjet…

'Obviously, a flexibility quirk…' Mirio thought…

Sadly, Mirio couldn't admire Natasha further because Loki fell directly into his hands, sending them both rolling backward, to the spacious center of the quinjet…

Steve picked Loki off the ground and bashed The God of Mischief into the quinjet, shaking the already spiraling aircraft…

Steve's bashed was proceeded by a shield bash that Loki swiftly dodged and retaliated, forcing Steve to leave his shield lodged in the quinjet as he dodged…




Loki and Steve battled blow for blow, neither backing down nor losing in terms of strength…

Mirio required a special combat technique to utilize his Permeation Quirk efficiently, and that special combat technique was an amalgamation of many martial arts from all across Japan…

However, Mirio noticed that Steve's combat technique was even more refined than his; it contained combat styles from all over the world…

Mirio tried to permeate once more, but the beeping of the watch Brian made, to synchronize his body with his quirk, made Mirio all too aware that he was approaching the limits of his strength.

The slight tingle in Mirio's spine reappeared for a split second, but soon, he was on his feet and ready to continue the battle…

Steve and Loki clashed with a force that dented the walls of the quinjet, and one had to note that the quinjet was made of alloys that were near indestructible by normal means…

Clint held an arrow in his bow, searching for the perfect opportunity to shoot, but Loki always ensured that Steve was immediately in his sights, evading all clear shots available…

Still, Clint was not called Hawkeye for nothing…

For a split second, Loki's back faced adjacent to Steve's shield buried in the quinjet wall, and that split second was all that Clint required to trace a viable trajectory…


The arrow left Clint's bow, deflected off Steve's shield embedded in the wall, and made its way into Loki's shoulder…

The arrow had difficulty piercing Loki's skin after losing so much momentum from the deflection, but an exploding arrow need only reach its target…


"Arrrgggghhhh!" Loki fell to the ground while clutching his head in pain…

And it was easy to see why… the entire left side of Loki's face was covered in black soot from the explosion…

"We're going down!" Natasha shouted from the front, finally unable to salvage the controls of the quinjet "And it's coming down on a building with people inside…"

"Can't you put it somewhere else?" Steve questioned…

"If I could, we wouldn't be having the conversation, Cap…"

"I got it!" Mirio yelled and slammed both his hands on the floor of the quinjet, permeating while dragging the entire quinjet along with him…

A world of darkness filled Mirio's vision, accompanied by the familiar feeling of nothingness and then, there was the unknown, unfathomable sensation of forcing a square in a circular slot…

It felt like he was attempting to fit something where it didn't belong, but Mirio reveled in the first sensation he ever felt when using his quirk…

Gritting his teeth, Mirio pulled that much harder and the quinjet was completely intangible…

Clint, Natasha, and Steve didn't know what Mirio was about to do but the moment their feet began to sink through the quinjet, the trio reacted like the professionals they were…

Mirio had managed to permeate the quinjet just seconds before it would collide with an office on the forty-second floor of a skyscraper….



Clint, Natasha, and Steve sunk through the bottom of the quinjet like it was not there to begin with…

The feeling of losing his footing startled Clint for a split second before his instincts as an elite assassin forced his body to react while his mind was still at a loss of what was happening.

Clint twitched his fingers like a star guitarist, selecting the perfect combination of arrows that would save him from the three hundred feet fall…

It seemed that Mirio had overestimated the height at which he chose to permeate the entire quinjet, but there was not much of a choice given the building in front…

After sinking through the floor of the quinjet, Clint immediately cocked his bow and added three of his most powerful arrows aimed at the ground…

By the two hundred feet mark, Clint fired three arrows at the ground, creating a perfect triangle on the ground…

Even falling through the air did not hinder Clint's aim, and that was the least of what he could achieve with his precision skills.

On the ground, the arrows flickered with electricity for a bit, magnetizing the ground with a negative charge potent enough to support a falling human, and that's exactly what Clint required…

With a couple of clicks, Clint's bow similarly flickered with electricity…

Clint placed his bow beneath his feet just before the collision with the ground, and the negatively charged ground pushed against the negatively charged bow…

This stopped Clint's descent for a split second and he was quick to tilt his body away from the electromagnetic field before a slingshot reaction could rebound him upwards…

Clint rolled away, dodging blue rays of energy from the nearby Chitauri Soldiers…

Within a couple of seconds, Clint was back on his feet with an arrow cocked aiming at the nearest Chitauri Soldier…

Then… he released the arrow and the battle for New York finally had another Avenger present…




Author’s Name: The_Young_Flash

Discord: https://discord.gg/tPwgVgU

*******: https://www.*******.com/The_Young_Flash

Fandom: https://crawfords-multiverse-of-madness.fandom.com/wiki/Zeel_Crawford

Note: Ever watched an awesome movie/anime/series that just didn't have the proper ending? Then this is where you belong, as I intend to give all movies/animes/series the proper ending they deserve. Nothing will go untouched.

My Flash Fanfiction is also now on my *******... go check it out!

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