
Lemillion In The MCU

WHAT-IF during the battle against Overhall, Mirio dodged the Quirk-Erasure bullet, avoiding the loss of his quirk? As the battle progressed and Eri grew more terrified, her quirk activated, but instead of rewinding Mirio's existence, she instead unconsciously fast-forwarded his quirk, granting him a potent increase in strength that won the battle. Sadly, with the strengthened quirk came the future Mirio's shadow - a will that made up the essence of his future self... With a powerful quirk, a quirk he could not control, Mirio permeated through the barriers separating the Multiverse, finding himself in a new universe - The Marvel Cinematic Universe. What will happen next? Patreon --> patreon.com/The_Young_Flash Discord: https://discord.gg/krTzF4bXfV

The_Young_Flash · Movies
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Chapter 18 - Battle of New York II

Mirio raced back to the site of the Bridge Street, and dug around for a couple of minutes before he found a bag buried amidst the rubble…

Anyone else would puke discovering all the dead bodies buried beneath the rubble, but Mirio was relatively unbothered.

In a world of heroes and villains, Mirio had witnessed his fair share of mutilated bodies and absurd destruction…

Actually, he lived nearby during an incident where All Might fought Gigantomachia… an entire section of the city was destroyed before All Might chased Gigantomachia away…

Countless lives were lost, but not nearly as much as it should have been…

Currently, as Mirio looked around and examined all the rubble, the only thing that came to mind was 'This is a world without All Might…'

If this World had no defender, then that was exactly what Mirio convinced himself that he would need to become…

Mirio opened the bag and was greeted by the sight of a cargo pants, and a shirt that had his signature logo printed on the chest…

This was the last gift he received from Brian and Alisa – specializing clothing that could permeate along with him, not that dissimilar to his hero attire from UA.

He retrieved the bag from the rubble and walked casually into a nearby building…

Mirio walked across the hall and up the stairs of the building, walking on autopilot as his mind swam in his thoughts…

Every step he took built upon the momentum that was gathering inside his body…

The damaged stairs of the building cracked under the pressure of Mirio's feet…

Up until then, it had not really dawned on Mirio that he was in an entirely new Universe, about to introduce the heroics of UA into a completely new environment where, as far as he could tell, had little heroes.

"One…" Mirio whispered, slipping the gold-striped boxers out of the bag and onto his body…

Mirio slipped on the blue cargo pants next "Two…"

"Three…" Mirio leaped into the air, avoiding the collapsing stairs beneath his feet as the '1,000,000' shirt was dawned on his chest…

Next, Mirio placed the black visor that hid his face "Four…"

Unlike his usual yellow visor, this black visor was Brian's way of convincing Mirio that a new world may not be as accepting of Quirks as his old-world…

With his entire attire coordinated, Mirio held the last piece of equipment in his hands – a watch that Brian designed to aid him with the transition between permeations…

"I guess he knew I would need it…" Mirio murmured, a silent tear sliding down his cheek as he thought about the passing moment of Brian and Alisa…

He pushed open the last door that blocked his ascent and was relieved by the fresh air that bombarded his face…

The wind blew a gentle caress as if reminding him that everything would be fine from henceforth…

Mirio slipped the watch on his wrist, and it didn't even take a second for the device to calibrate to his vibrational frequency…

"Sometimes I forget how much of a genius Brian was…" Mirio wondered, but then he thought about Brian's goofy face "Nope… he was an idiot…"

Mirio walked to the edge of the roof and peered outwards at all the destruction…

New York City seemed destroyed beyond repair…

Even as he stood there and watched, Mirio could literally see skyscrapers falling apart, but luckily, the damage seemed centralized to a couple of miles around the Stark Tower…

"A world without smiles and humor has no bright future…" Mirio paced back and forth on the edge until his mind was decided "So I need to smile brightly…"

With a small smile on his face, Mirio backed a couple of feet away from the edge of the roof, and got a running head-start…


With a great leap, Mirio shot himself ten feet in the air, directly in the path of an oncoming Chitauri Chariot…

Mirio permeated through the front of the Chitauri Chariot, grabbing the strange creature by the head and dragging it along with him through the air…

The Chariot spun out of control and crashed into the nearby building…




Mirio held the Chitauri Soldier firmly in front of his falling body, forcing the creature to tank all the incoming shots from its comrades…

He spun his body in the air just in time to slam the Chitauri Soldier head-on into a quickly approaching Chitauri Chariot, then Mirio permeated through the collision and continued his gravity-guided descent.

Mirio was thankful that the equipment Brian made worked as advertised, but the redness of his skin showed that the technology was not yet mastered to its full potential.

Ever since arriving in this Universe, Mirio was afraid that the incident that brought him to this Universe would repeat itself, so the watch gifted by Brian was a way to synchronize his Quirk with his body…

It also placed a limit on his permeation ability, allowing him to permeate through all forms of matter, but not certain signatures of energies…

Mirio fell from the air with near terminal velocity, sinking into the ground like it was non-existent…

In a void of nothingness, Mirio sunk and sunk until his quirk was deactivated, and he was sent shooting up from below the streets and thirty feet into the air…

Luckily, or unluckily, Mirio managed to permeate through the bottom of a passing Chitauri Chariot, firmly setting his feet on the strange vehicle for the first time…

There were three Chitauri on the Chariot, and Mirio knew they could probably take a couple of his punches before they went down…

"I'm just hitching a ride… don't mind me…" Mirio encouraged, gesturing for the Chitauri Soldier that turned around to continue his flight unbothered…

The Chitauri Soldier spun around and pointed its weapon at Mirio's head, but he just stepped forward while activating his quirk, the weapon went through his head…

[Super Touch Eyeball Crush]

Mirio's head may have been intangible, but his fingers were far from such…

Faking a punch with his fist, Mirio instead opted to stomp the first Chitauri Soldier off the Chariot…

Usually, he would have faked an eyeball crush with his fingers, but seeing that the Chitauri had no discernible eyes, Mirio opted for a move that would actually work…

The moment the first Chitauri Soldier was kicked off the Chariot, the pilot spun the Chariot countless times in an effort to toss Mirio away…

Thankfully, he was able to grab the second Chitauri Soldier, managing to hold on while the Chariot continued its journey upside down.

Mirio wrapped his legs around the second Chitauri Soldier, twisting until he heard the click of a broken neck…

UA was the number one hero school in Mirio's world, and along with such a title came a rigorous curriculum that prepared future heroes for all forms of physical and mental combat…

Heroes were never allowed to kill Villains, but there were rare exceptions where a hero license allowed death during combat… and that was in a state of fighting for the country…

All the years of knowledge in Mirio's mind convinced him that the Chitauri were no Villains, tormentors, or even terrorists…

The Chitauri were simply soldiers and Mirio had no qualms about treating them as such…

Now all that was left was the Chitauri Pilot, but things would never be so simple…

Before Mirio could kill the pilot and fall to safety, he failed to realize just how close the Chariot had brought him to Stark Towers…


At the moment of the explosion, Mirio activated his quirk and the blast sent him through the outside walls of Stark Tower, and into the building just one floor below Tony's loft.

There were a couple seconds of confusion at suddenly being in a luxurious room, but Mirio quickly took note of the sounds of battle coming from just a floor above…

The Stark Tower shook with the might of the two Gods battling on the huge terrace…

Mirio ran towards the west wall, and pushed himself to the ceiling using the wall as leverage…

Unlike a normal human, who would hit their heads on the ceiling, Mirio's permeation guaranteed that he passed through the ceiling and onto the highest floor of Stark's Tower…

But he didn't like what he found…




Thor and Loki battled with flashes of green energy and lightning clashing…

The booming of thunder even overshadowed the destruction caused by Chitauri happening all over the place…

Everywhere touched by Loki's and Thor's collisions were instantly reduced to blackened pieces of Earth…

Mirio watched the blurring figures strike at each other's throats with a ferocity unmatched…

Anyone else would think that they were not qualified to participate in such a battle, but Mirio would even dare to fight Allmight, and the battle in front was definitely not All Might level as yet…

Mirio observed for a couple of seconds, trying to adjust to the rhythm of the battle, but even with his superhuman vision, he was barely able to keep up with the speed of both figures…

Lightning fought against illusions of green energy, and Mirio was able to distinguish a few words of disdain and teasing that instantly made him aware that Loki was the villain…

Loki used his scepter to blast Thor through a nearby glass window, and just as Loki was about to head for a killer strike, Mirio found his chance to attack…

"Better give it my all…" Mirio murmured, disappearing into the ground and reappearing with a shout next to Loki "PHANTOM MENACE!"


Mirio's senses returned and he clenched his fist as his veins bulged… the unexpected strike turned Loki's head but Mirio was far from done…




Mirio disappeared into the ground and reappeared three more times, each time landing a powerful, superhuman blow on a disoriented Loki…

However, as Mirio was about to strike the final blow of his combo, Loki's body straightened and Mirio's fist was caught with Loki's hand effortlessly.

Only then did Mirio realize that his superhuman strength did minimal damage to a more superhumanly absurd Loki…

Here it is...

Your friendly neighborhood Lemillion is back!

Anyways, the wait was a bit long but the hero is here, but don't get the impression that he won't have problems in the future.

This is meant to be realistic so we will be re-exploring what it means to be a hero in a new Universe where everything is not so black and white...

Wanna read ahead?

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