
Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Tenshi is a kind and gentle boy who had an accident which lead to his death. Faced with a new life, he only wishes to live happily without regrets. Turns out he received a system as compensation for his unjust death. The Multiversal Cafe System! This isn't the same type of story as my last two fics... If you're looking for something like that, then I'm sorry you'll be disappointed. This will be very relaxing and heartwarming... sometimes emotional and happy, sometimes a bit sad and bittersweet. I'll try my best to make it cause you to react with genuine and raw emotions. So! If you want to read something that will warm your cold heart and feel like a nice coffee in the middle of winter by a fire, then you should like it! Tenshi is very kind and gentle, he avoids conflict and isn't usually violent! So please don't freak out if he doesn't kill everyone he comes across.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Special Chapter- Haku's Training

That night

Tenshi touched down in the forest and Kakashi was waiting with Haku.

His wings flapped powerfully behind him before folding up, sticking out above his shoulders and by his waist. They relaxed and drooped down to the ground, curling around his legs as he walked over, smiling "So you picked up my prized Employee!"

Kakashi waved "You went out? And even let people see your wings??" Tenshi was startled and nodded, "Mhm! They didn't tell anyone anyway. By the way, how did you find Haku?"

Kakashi explained what happened before adding "I fed him the pill and brought him back to life." Haku looked awkward just standing there and listening. It seemed… he would have a new life now.

Good thing he always wore a mask!

Tenshi pulled up his hair and tied it up before sighing "I meant for you to use that for yourself, you know!" Kakashi waved his hand and rolled his eyes, "Anyway! You shouldn't show people so easily! How many people have tried to dig my eye out since I got it… I lost count! I can't imagine how many would come for your wings."

Tenshi snorted, "Who cares? However many come, is how many will be sent running! I'm strong, I can protect myself! Not to mention, the Lon Lon Milk has healing properties, nobody came to steal it yet." Kakashi retorted angrily "And?! You're comparing Milk to wings!" Tenshi was speechless before saying "Same thing!"

Haku was speechless and said slowly "Milk and Wings are the same?" Tenshi shushed him before adding, "What I mean is, both good things, but nobody stole my milk yet. When would they come for my wings? Also! My wings only work for me, how braindead do you have to be to not realize that…"

Kakashi looked at him flatly, "You'd be surprised how many there are…" Tenshi's lips twitched, "This world is inhabited by idiots… I get it… Anyway, Haku will be with me so there won't be an issue. I'll be more careful, jeez!" Kakashi sighed and tossed Haku to him.

Tenshi jumped back in shock, flying up with a flap as Kakashi appeared behind him with a kunai at his neck, "Be very, very careful. Understand?" Tenshi sighed "Okay! Okay! Jeez! Look at poor Haku, eating dirt like a worm because of you!"

Kakashi jumped down and retorted "You didn't catch him." Tenshi replied angrily "I have a condition!" Kakashi walked away, saying "Ha…" Tenshi clicked his tongue, "Damn edgy bastard, doesn't know that I know he acts cool all the time… Scum, trash, ugly…"

Tenshi flapped a wing and feathers shot out, carrying Haku in the air before he flew off back to his house.

He landed on the ground and put Haku down as the feathers dropped the sludge on them before being covered again and rejoining his wings. They folded up on his back into a little hump as Tenshi smiled, "Come in. You can live with me for now… But you have to get a home of your own… What if I bring a girl over, or you do? I don't wanna hear that."

Haku's lips twitched and he followed Tenshi into the house, looking around.

Tenshi's wings shot out as he yawned, "Anyway! Tomorrow, I'll show you the ropes. Train you a bit, normally I make the coffee and the employees take orders, serve customers, clean up, and collect the money… But since you have Ice powers or whatever, you can help me make cold coffee!"

He scratched his chin and grinned, "It gets hot in Konoha, not to mention the Sand Ninja are in town for the Chuunin Exams! I bet they're dying for a nice cold drink…" then he muttered, "But I should make an ice machine… Or just buy one and improve it… Decisions, decisions…"

He clapped and smiled, "Alright, well, goodnight! Your room is on the far right, there's clothes in the dresser and some special sandals that don't go in between your toes cus I don't like the ones that do. If you like that sort of thing, you'll have to buy 'em yourself. That should be all… Yep! That's everything! Goodnight."

Haku was dumbfounded before asking strangely, "Aren't you worried I'll run away? … Or kill you?" Tenshi was baffled and looked at Haku strangely, "Huh? Are you planning that?" Haku was speechless, "No." Tenshi smiled, "So then? Ask dumb questions… You need to work on that, Haku." as he trotted to his room, adding "Mocha! Were you bored without me? Hehe~"

He scratched Mocha's ears before closing the door and going to sleep, leaving Haku out in the hallway, stunned.

The next morning

Tenshi opened Haku's door and saw him sprawled out on the bed, snoring without a shirt on. Tenshi confirmed, he's really a guy! Before turning to the side and throwing a sandal at him.

Haku was startled and woke up, "Hm?!" Tenshi sighed, "Come on! We have work!" Haku looked at the time while squinting, "So early?!" Tenshi rolled his eyes, "When else?! You think only Ninja wake up early!? I have a line up in 10 minutes! Tie up your hair… make yourself look a bit more manly! Damn! I'm only too handsome, but you really look like a woman! Sheesh!" as he walked away, Mocha trotting behind him, meowing at Haku with a nod before turning to follow Tenshi with her chin up.

What she said was 'You may rise, pet' before leaving.

Haku sighed to himself, this was going to be difficult…

Tenshi brought Haku to the cafe. He was wearing an oversized white t-shirt, jeans, and the sandals, but the jeans were ripped at the bottom and tapered. His hair was also all tied up in a messy bun even the bangs that framed his face for whatever reason, were tied up.

Tenshi threw his head back and ran his hand through his hair, sighing "You look a bit better, but I think it's the lips." Haku touched his lips and sighed sadly "What do you want me to do… I was born this handsome." Tenshi's lips twitched, correcting "Beautiful. I would describe it as beauty not handsome. Handsome is masculine."

Haku looked at him strangely, saying "You're the same! Look at your eyes, so gentle and soft like a woman!" Tenshi shorted, sneering "I'm an Angel, and what are you? A walking freezer. An Ice-boy, if you will. So tell me again, why does your opinion matter?"

Haku grinded his teeth, "I'm gonna quit!" Tenshi laughed, "You haven't even been hired yet! Let's see your skills first… Then we can talk about quitting…" they got to the cafe. Guy and Lee were waiting.

Tenshi pointed at them, smiling "This is Guy and Lee, they train early every morning, so they're here before everyone else. Guy was my first customer, so it's alright to give him some stuff for free sometimes. Though… He usually insists on paying. He's a nice guy. That's his disciple Rock Lee. You see those leg warmers? It's not the 60s, those are weights!"

Haku nodded, "I see." Tenshi nodded and waved, "Guy-san, Lee-kun! Goodmorning!" Guy and Lee grinned, "Tenshi! Morning! Who's this?" Tenshi waved, "This is my new Employee, Haku. Don't be fooled by his strange appearance, he is a man!"

Haku turned to the sky and sighed.

Tenshi laughed and opened the door, smiling happily, "It's always fun when the joke is on someone else, isn't it, Guy?" Guy chuckled and replied "I remember when everyone thought you were a wo-" Tenshi shushed him angrily, "I'm not! I'm a man! A real man!" he lifted up his shirt and said "You see these muscles?! Women don't have these! These pecs, heh! Even flat chested girls are jealous!"

Lee gave him a thumbs up, "You're ripped, Boss Tenshi!" Tenshi nodded, "Mhm. Lee understands." he flexed, "YOUTH!" Guy and Lee laughed and made different poses, flexing, "YOUTH!"

Tenshi waved Haku over, "Come try!" Haku looked embarrassed and waved his hands, Guy pulled him over and laughed, "Come on! If you want to be a man, you have to show it, Haku! Like this and do this and then shout 'YOUTH'!"

Haku flexed and the veins on his neck throbbed from the force as he growled out "YOUTH!" Guy and Lee clapped happily, "You got it! Nice job, Haku! Awesome!" Haku smiled happily, he never had friends before. This was very new.

Tenshi smiled gently and walked inside, saying "The doors prop open with a latch at the back. Come on." Haku nodded and followed him, they walked behind the counter as Tenshi let down Mocha, saying "The first thing I do is make Guy and Lee their coffees. I make myself one as well, before pouring Mocha a bowl of warm milk."

He said seriously, "Now this is important, when you walk in, you have to check the temperature of the water in the coffee machine. If it's above 87 or under 85, you need to restart it. The perfect flavor spreads its wings at 86 C!"

He squatted and pointed, "You see? It's at 86 now. If the number goes up during or after a coffee, don't panic! That's normal. It'll quickly readjust itself. If it doesn't adjust itself within 3 seconds, then you'll need to restart it."

He got up and pointed at the grinder, explaining "For this, there's only one button. I adjust the coarseness of the grind myself so you should never have to do it. As you get more experience, you'll understand."

He held a handle and pressed a button on the machine, saying "This will let the water run. The temp says 86 but you always have to double check. If the water makes a 'psss psss' noise that means steam is coming out too, which is not good at all. Let the water run until the noise calms down. Don't worry about wasting water, we're not the Sand Village."

He wiped the handle with a brush, saying "There's a drawer here. So when this is full of grinds, you'll dispose of them there. I'll show you in a sec- I think you should write it down." Haku smiled gently, "I remember."

Tenshi looked at him carefully, "Alright, you'll make my coffee then. See if you really remember or not. Watch carefully, "I'm going to make Guy and Lee's coffees now." he started making the coffee and showed Haku the pressing motion before saying "This is key! The harder you press, the stronger the coffee. If someone says they want a light coffee you only have to push just a bit."

Then he put it in the machine and continued "Always heat the cups, very important. Now come here and watch carefully." he pressed the button and explained "You see how the coffee comes out a light brown color? That's how it should be, it looks thick and creamy. If it comes out like water, stop the machine, toss the grinds into the trash and try again."

He stopped the machine and tilted the cup, pointing at it, saying "You see the dark coffee under the light brown layer? That's the coffee, the light brown layer is just coffee cream. It enhances the richness of the coffee. If there isn't any of this in it, then you might as well smash the cup and kill yourself because you failed to make a satisfactory cup of coffee. I only serve excellence here and my customers expect a good product, not some bullshit trash coffee that looks like piss."

He swirled the cup and started heating the milk, saying "Now this is important, pay attention. When you're heating up the milk on the steam wand, you'll want to move the jug up and down. Listen-" there was a 'PSSSSSSSSSSSST' and a bubbling sound.

Tenshi showed Haku, "That's the milk frothing into a foamy cream. If you make too much foam, it'll result in an inferior quality product. The foam has to be just right to be a bit thick, not like soap bubbles, like snow." he touched the jug and added, "Don't make the milk too hot or it will burn and lose its taste, ruining everything."

Tenshi turned off the steam wand and cleaned it with a rag, tuning it back on as he wiped it up and down quickly. He turned it off and wiped the counter before putting the rag back.

He swirled the Milk around, saying "Now, this will take some practice, but because the milk foam is like snow instead of soap, it'll flow with the regular milk. This way you can make intricate designs in the coffee. This is called 'Coffee Art'."

He held Guy's cup and made a swan with wings and a flower in Lee's.

Tenshi poured the milk in Mocha's bowl without looking as he picked up the chocolate tin, explaining "Guy likes a Cappuccino, which is a coffee with half milk half foam, topped with chocolate powder. Don't overdo it with the chocolate powder, just enough is okay! What Lee ordered is a Macchiato which is an Espresso but with a bit of milk."

Tenshi put the chocolate tin away and smiled "There. That's their coffees done. Enjoy, you guys." Guy and Lee smiled happily and went to sit down. Tenshi waved Haku back to the machine, pulling a drawer as he explained, "You see this metal basin? There's a rubber beam in it. You take the handle and turn it over, smacking it down to get the grinds out."

He showed Haku the handle with bits of grinds in it before adding "You cannot serve another customer with a dirty handle! This is disgusting and not to mention, makes an inferior product! Use this brush and really get in there, twisting it to get all the grinds out."

He showed Haku a clean handle and said "Then you repeat. Start with letting the water run to make sure that it's fine and that there aren't any grinds stuck on the upper half." he put the handle in and dusted his hands, "And that's it. You should put the handles back in after cleaning them to keep them warm for the next customer."

Haku nodded.

Tenshi nodded and said "Alright! Now you're gonna try. I'll be the customer."

He walked around the counter and walked outside before walking back inside. He came to the counter and said "Yo, where the fuck is my coffee, you stupid shemale freak!?" Haku was dumbfounded and Guy spat out his coffee on Lee's face before quickly cleaning the table while laughing.

Tenshi made rocker hands and crossed them, acting like a hoodlum. Haku asked in confusion "What sort of coffee?" Tenshi sneered "Yo, Bitch ass pussy boy, I want an Espresso, sicko, Yow!" Haku slowly made the coffee like Tenshi did but Tenshi shouted "Yo yo yo yo~! I'm in a hurry, my wife is giving birth to 2 cats and a dog for my gangsta ass! If you don't hurry up, my bitchass wife's gonna make someone else the daddy, fo' real cuz! I ain't even playin' dawg!"

Haku hurried a bit before pushing a cup to Tenshi, he waited for Haku to remove his hand before taking the cup and sipping.

He spit out the coffee in Haku's face and spat out his tongue, walking outside before tossing the coffee on the ground, "Ugh! What the fuck!" Haku wiped his face with a rag and looked at the coffee in confusion, what did he do wrong?

Tenshi walked back inside, gagging "What did you make me?! Did you actually piss in it?! Gross! Jesus Christ!" Haku was dumbfounded and looked at the grinds in confusion, scratching his head, "It looked so easy…"

Tenshi looked at the handle and said "Idiot! You didn't even press the coffee!? Are you mental!? You have to press it! Not to mention, I like it very strong! Your sissy femboy arms need to press hard! Damn! Another one like that and I'll send you to meet Zabuza! Damn it! Again!"

Haku nodded firmly and they spent the rest of the day training hard.