
Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Tenshi is a kind and gentle boy who had an accident which lead to his death. Faced with a new life, he only wishes to live happily without regrets. Turns out he received a system as compensation for his unjust death. The Multiversal Cafe System! This isn't the same type of story as my last two fics... If you're looking for something like that, then I'm sorry you'll be disappointed. This will be very relaxing and heartwarming... sometimes emotional and happy, sometimes a bit sad and bittersweet. I'll try my best to make it cause you to react with genuine and raw emotions. So! If you want to read something that will warm your cold heart and feel like a nice coffee in the middle of winter by a fire, then you should like it! Tenshi is very kind and gentle, he avoids conflict and isn't usually violent! So please don't freak out if he doesn't kill everyone he comes across.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

BIG Upgrade

[Yoriichi Type Zero]

[Cow-Cow Fruit: Model Golden Calf]

[Cow-Cow Fruit: Model Bull of Heaven]

[Cow-Cow Fruit: Model Khaulkotauroi]

Tenshi's lips twitched, man…


This is too much!

He could start a Ranch at this point!

He accepted his fate… He felt like he was going to get more and more Cow fruits if he didn't… He quickly walked out of the Cafe, flying to his house on the cliff before going to the back and holding 5 Fruits in his hand.

He wanted to cry but sighed instead, eating them one by one.

Finally, all 5 were done and Tenshi dropped them, twitching slightly.

He shook his head and felt his entire body heating up.

There were clicking sounds and he collapsed onto the backyard. He twisted his neck and groaned.

[Susanoo Armor Disassembled]

[Coffee Gates Disassembled]

[Tenseigan Mode Disassembled]

[Coffee and Milk Fruits Disassembled]

[Lunarian, Senju, Otsutsuki, and Uchiha Bloodlines Blended, Mixed, and Integrated into Angel Bloodline]

[Angel Bloodline -> Horned Angel Bloodline]

[Heaven Armor Acquired]

[???? Mode (Locked)]

[Heavenly Energy Acquired]

Tenshi groaned and his wings spread out widely behind him. His flame exploded on his back, blazing into a large Dark Gold flame that covered all over him before returning to a Flaming Halo that shone warmly.

Tenshi quickly ran into the house and showered before walking back out.

He touched his chin and held his palm out facing the ground.

A dark gold transparent goop dropped from his palm.

Tenshi tilted his head and the goop turned into liquid, splashing on the ground before turning into flames, then ice, then goop, then magma, then back to his hand before jumping into the flame on his back.

Tenshi was speechless, looking at the descriptions.

[Heavenly Energy- An Energy belonging to Host Specifically. Energy will grow as powers are added, can turn into any sort of Energy or State Host can use. Hot, Cold, Hard, Soft, anything is possible as more powers are acquired.]

[?????? Mode (Locked)- Unlockable. Embrace your true personality!]

Tenshi was stunned, not understanding at all. He was faking? How come he didn't know? He forgot about it and continued looking.

[Horned Angel Bloodline- An Angel with Horns. Lower Class level Angel.]

[Heavenly Oxen Body- Immense Strength, Impenetrable Skin, Intense Rage! You are the Star in the sky, devouring others, a being of pure destruction!]

Tenshi gawked and asked "Is that true?"

[... No.]

Tenshi's lips twitched, was this artistic exaggeration?

[Heavenly Oxen Body- Increased Strength of a Bull, Tough Skin when your Flame is lit, Able to utilize special properties of all Bulls taken, able to cannibalize other Zoan fruits to increase strength. All Devoured Zoan fruits and Animal Bloodlines will enhance the Body.]

[-Perks include-]

[Flaming Breath]

[Flawless Cross Species Reproduction]

[Armored Form]

[Famine Bringer]

[??? (Locked)]

[Famine Bringer- Able to create a Famine.]

[???- Unlockable as before will devour Famine Bringer Perk]

Tenshi rolled his eyes, when would he use the Famine power?

Forget it…

He touched his head and felt small little horns on the sides of his head. He pursed his lips and forgot about it. It wasn't a big issue, he needed to get back to his Cafe!

He flew to the Cafe and smashed into the ground in an instant, laying on the ground, groaning.

Increased speed…


A while later

Tenshi made coffee and looked out at Kakariko village.

Beth was playing with Uta, who was teaching her to sing.

Malo had a lineup for his shop.

Talo pulled on Pell, pointing at the outside of Kakariko village and laughing.

Collin was watching people walk around.

Tenshi walked out of the Cafe, letting Haku take over.

Tsunade was talking to Vegapunk, pointing at the Guardians that were walking around. Vegapunk was stunned, looking at the Guardians.

Tenshi walked over and said "I have Blueprints." Vegapunk turned to him and grinned, "Well!? What are you waiting for, boy?! How much!?" Tsunade looked at Tenshi and slowly grinned, revealing sharp canines.

Tenshi cleared his throat and took out a stack of blueprints, curling his lips, "2 New Pacifistas." Vegapunk jumped, "Deal!" Tenshi was stunned and cursed, "I should've asked for more…" Tsunade's lips twitched and he turned to her.

She waved, "Don't." Tenshi sighed and Vegapunk ran back to Egghead before bringing back 2 Super Pacifistas. Tenshi handed him the blueprints before looking at Tsunade, saying "Chakra Metal, a lot of it."

Tsunade snorted and muttered, "Alright." before leaving.

Tenshi smiled to himself, bringing the Pacifistas away.

He pulled out the Yoriichi Type Zero before looking at it. The next second, dozens of Swordsmen appeared around him. They all looked at the robot and started discussing. Zoro asked, "Hey, Tenshi. Are you going to put this in the arena?"

Tenshi paused and his eyes lit up, that was a great idea!

He replied quickly, "After I understand how it works, I'll put it in the Arena. Then as time passes, I can continue upgrading it!" he looked at all the swordsmen and said "If you all write out your Sword Techniques and how they work, along with a ton of details regarding how it works, how you move, etc, then I can incorporate them all into a Super Swordsman Robot for everyone to fight against."

All the Swordsmen gasped and looked thoughtful.

Tenshi continued to look at the Type Zero, before starting to dismantle it.

The rest of the Village was very lively, people were walking around everywhere, but they couldn't leave the Village at all. They couldn't even go up to Death Mountain. They were only allowed to roam in the village.

Renado was shocked as he looked at all the people walking around, you know they never had so many people visit Kakariko ever! Barnes was walking around in Bazaar, grumbling. He didn't have any more materials from Death Mountain to make bombs anymore.

There were so many things for him to buy in the Bazaar but he had basically no money. Nobody in Kakariko did. Tenshi was working on it, Malo was helping too, but it was very difficult.

Tenshi expected that things would only get better when the Gorons came down the mountain to help. Other than that, nothing was very unexpected. Tenshi watched as people bought things at the Bazaar, even going to Malo Mart and buying Red Potions.

They were shocked, this potion was like a miracle!

It was a big hit, but Malo didn't have much.

Tenshi thought of a fix, but he would have to kidnap someone who knew how to make potions. He had no idea how to make them. Most of the potions were from Chuus… They were slime creatures that had various effects if you eat them.

The day passed and night fell

Tenshi talked with Malo before adding Barnes and showing him an array of materials for him to make bombs. Barnes picked a few things before saying "I can make Bombs from these! But… they won't be as good as before. The materials from the Gorons are the key!"

Tenshi sighed and said "We'll have to wait for Link." Barnes grumbled, "Can't he come faster? Jeez!" Malo smirked, "Link can do it, if you can't wait then maybe you should go up yourself?" Barnes' lips twitched and he replied "Are you kiddin? Those Gorons will eat me alive!"

Tenshi asked in shock, "Gorons eat people?" Malo looked at him and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, Gorons eat people… That's where everyone went, into the Gorons' stomachs…" Tenshi closed his eyes and replied, "You're a real piece of work, kid. Never change." Malo chuckled and Barnes asked, "When is he coming?"

Tenshi shrugged and asked, "I don't know, how far is Ordon?" Barnes frowned, "I don't know, I've never left Kakariko." Tenshi and Barnes looked at each other before turning to Malo, who frowned, "I'm just a baby. You're asking me to calculate how many days it takes to go from Kakariko to Ordon and back?"

Tenshi and Barnes stayed silent, Malo added "Around 3 days."

Tenshi smirked and chuckled, nodding, "Alright so he should be back in 2 days." Barnes walked to his Bombshop, ready to sell his stock and new bombs.

Malo looked at Tenshi, saying "I need more Red Potions." Tenshi pushed out a big crate full of Hawkeyes, saying "I got your Hawkeyes and the Red Potions… I don't even know how to make them." Malo replied "I do."

Tenshi was stunned and asked "You do??" Malo nodded and took monster materials, saying "I can make a better one with these… Anyway, see you." as he took everything with him.

Tenshi sat there, completely stunned.

He sighed to himself and continued dismantling the Type Zero.

Then suddenly, he was startled as he saw a Hilt sticking out of the neck!