
Legendary Drengr

Vemir, the 4th years old son of the Drengr Bjornson the Bearknuckle, the brave warrior of Nordland, suddenly awakens his past life memories he lived in 21st century Earth. [Ding! Astralchip successfully installed!] [Detecting new body! start reading the Biometric DNA...] [Reading Completed! Initiating Assistant Interface..] [Successfully Installed] [Finish installation, System ready to be dormant forever in 3 seconds] [1... 2... 3...] [Beep!] With a lifeless voice suddenly appeared inside his mind, memories of his past live started flowing inside his brain. Thus, his Saga to become Legendary Drengr in the mysterious land of EDGARD started within the simple hut his father leave behind....

Douglass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 

The journey toward the center town of the southern region continues.

Throughout the journey, Vemir learned a lot of things.

Starting to set up a camp, to hunt for their food besides the ration their brought.

Even thou he never had archery training before, with this journey he at least could shoot and hit a stationary object. Of course after numerous reprimands and guidance from Irgrid, his mother.

When night comes the group will sit together surrounded by the campfire and hanging out, killing their boredom.

From this, Vemir began to know more people and get acquaintances with them.

One pair of particular person that happened to catch his interest is Lagertha and her daughter Astrid.

Similar to his family, Lagertha is a widow, and Astrid is her only daughter.

On one particular night during the journey, Vemir and Astrid have conversation and got closer as a friend.

"So, your father was also a Drengr? Not only your mother the Shewolf Irgrid you also had a strong father too?! That's awesome!" (Astrid)

"I know right!" (Vemir)

Astrid has a golden hair and blue eyes like ocean.

she has a vaint freckles on her nose and cheeks, made her looking cute.

That's why, having such a cute girl looking at him with adoration, Vemir fulfilled his little vanity, and became slightly proud.

Though it was his parent that was amazing, he can't help himself to be proud to have such great parents.

As for his previous family, the memory of them was blurred and he can't remember much. That's why, for Vemir, his mother is the most important person for him.

"How wonderful! Even though my mother was a strong shield maiden too, but she was not as famous as your mother you know! I dream to become strong as your mother in the future and sailing to the vast sea!" (Astrid)

"What did you say Astrid?! Did you just looking down on your own mother?!" (Lagertha)

*Giggle giggle*

Hearing her mother's scary tone from the back, who got angry after seemingly eavesdropping on their conversation, Astrid started to giggle, making a dimple appear on her cheeks.

And thus their night passed with some cheerful atmosphere.





"There! The great town of Agderfilk!" (Random person of Katterggat group)

After going through 4 nights of the harsh journey, Vemir and the group finally arrived at the precinct area of the Great town Agderfilk where the King Herald resides.

As the center place of the southern region of Nordland, Agderfilk is a vast town which was surrounded by thick and high wooden walls.

From the information Vemir got from his group during the Journey, the wooden walls were not built from ordinary wood.

Apparently, in this world, they had magical wood called blue oaks which only grew in Nordland area.

This wood is extremely strong and its weight is heavier than ordinary wood.

Throughout history, the wall made with this wood was stronger than wall made of stone.

Though it sounded ridiculous to Vemir, since he was reborn on this fantasy world in which people could get blessings from some Gods, which only he heard from myth in his previous world, such magical woods exist is not that big surprise for him.

"Everyone, Let's go.

looking at few carriages outside the gate, It seems we are coming slightly early than others" (Hilda)

"That's not sound so bad to me though *murmur*" (Vemir)

Ignoring Vemir incomprehensible murmur, Irgrid pulls the rein and steers the horse to follow the others who already heading toward the town led by Hilda.

Entering the town, a great spectacle of Viking period architecture greeted Vemir, which made him surprised in awe.

Viking-dressed warriors walking around with various weapons on their backs and belts, rough farmers trying to sell their harvest, Fishermans bringing their fishes, hunters with their big ass preys in their backs, and children running around with cheerful appearances.

The Town is looking very prosperous.

"Vemir! L-look! Is that a thrall? T-they looks so skinny? I wonder if they even could kill a rabbit with that bony arms" (Gram)

Hearing Gram's words, Vemir moved his head toward the direction Gram pointed and saw a Viking-dressed warrior dragging a group of skinny people wearing rags with scrapped iron chains around their necks.

Their hands were tied with some thick rope, pulled by the Viking-dressed warrior, who forcefully dragged them to walk behind them.

Looking at their various appearances which were different from the people of Nordland, Vemir knows these people coming from places all over the world of Edgard, outside of Nordland.

Vemir who looking at their pitiful condition had a grim expression and began to remind himself that this world is not cloud and rainbow.

This is clearly a harsh world that still adopted the law of the jungle to the extreme.

Human rights? It can go to the garbage, people in this world didn't have some leeway to think about those things as their focus are only on themselves and their group.

"If mom remembers, Son, is this your first time seeing Thrall right?

Do they look pitiful?"

Hearing her mother question, Vemir unconsciously nodded.

"Mom like your compassion, but mom really hopes you know how to control it wisely and not make it become your weakness someday.

Look at them, they ended up chained like an animal because of their weakness. Mom already saw countless scenes of how the weak are treated in this world. That's why Mom always instills the importance of strength in you since your childhood.

For you to become a respectable warrior, and have your honor as a respectable human"

"After all, without honor humans are no different from animals"

Irgrid moved her eyes to the Thrall at the end of her words.

"A Drengr rather die fighting, taking their last breath with the weapon in their hand, than living like an animal"

"That's how your father dies, with an ax in his hand and arrows in his body, he died standing, unfazed with a thousand enemies coming to him.

To let me and you live... so always remember, to not dishonor your father by living proudly whitin your life"

"I know mom"

With a determined expression, Vemir answered.

"Come, I'll bring you guys to our Clan's settlement within this town" (Hilda)

Unfazed by the crowded people littered around the dirt street, Hilda leads them toward the direction of our stay with her horse.

On the way there, the locals glance at them from time to time and then nonchalantly continued with anything they did, minding their own business.

Apparently, they were already used to outsiders coming during this time as they know this town always had outsiders during the annual event such as the coming age ceremony.

After all, the distance between the town and the temple of gods is not far.

And for convenience, staying in town is more proper than staying outside the temple wilderness.

Yes, the temple is a sacred place that is not always open to the public.

Only on such certain occasion people could stay the night within the temple.



After riding their horse for a while, the group finally arrived at their destination

"we've arrived, welcome to Ten Beast Clan, you can stay in empty rooms within our long house"

A small settlement fenced with simple wooden fences greeted them.

In the center of the settlement, they could see a typical big Nordland long house(similar style as Viking long house, but 3 times bigger) that used to hold feasts among the Clan.