
Legendary Drengr

Vemir, the 4th years old son of the Drengr Bjornson the Bearknuckle, the brave warrior of Nordland, suddenly awakens his past life memories he lived in 21st century Earth. [Ding! Astralchip successfully installed!] [Detecting new body! start reading the Biometric DNA...] [Reading Completed! Initiating Assistant Interface..] [Successfully Installed] [Finish installation, System ready to be dormant forever in 3 seconds] [1... 2... 3...] [Beep!] With a lifeless voice suddenly appeared inside his mind, memories of his past live started flowing inside his brain. Thus, his Saga to become Legendary Drengr in the mysterious land of EDGARD started within the simple hut his father leave behind....

Douglass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Emir and his mother stayed within the Ten Beast's settlements during their stay in the Great town Agderfilk.

There's still quite a vacant time before the ceremony begins.

Just like Hilda said, they seemed rather came early, thus they have to stay in her Clan settlement for the time being.

To fill his boredom, Vemir decided to explore this Great town with his close friends and learned more things about his people.

With Astrid and Gram, he left the Ten beast clan vicinity and explore the town.

Not long after leaving, the trio somewhat spotted a crowd cheering and shouting at two people chugging something with their hornmugs with something like liquid contained in a barrel in the middle.

"Vemir! Looks! They seem to do drinking competition there! For allfather! That warrior already drunk more than 6 hornmugs of ale! I wonder how his stomach did not burst from that? Amazing!!" (Astrid)

"H-Hmph! My father could drink more than that!"

Gram suddenly yapped with a somewhat proud tone.

But you will see some astonishment in his eyes, seemingly impressed with the warrior chugging the ale from his horngmug without stopping.

"Interesting, I didn't know there is something like a drinking competition before? Looking at the Silvers on their table, they seem to wage some bet on it" Vemir

"Of course they did! It's a drinking competition after all.

My mom said the drinking capacity of warriors is equal to their combat ability" (Astrid)

Hearing Astrid's ridiculous statement, Vemir couldn't help himself from raising one of his brows, somewhat not convinced.

"Vemir, Katterggat is a very r-rural place, no wonder you just heard something like this to E-exists. And what Astrid said about the drinking capacity somewhat related to their combat is true. My father said the people of Nordland have a special body that always yearns for battling and fighting, and their state is somewhat the same as drinking ale, the longer you battle the bigger y-your chance to l-lose yourself in a mindless state, s-same as being drunk" (Gram)

"Yes yes~ my mom said our people are amazing you know! The people outside Norland called us something like.. like Bearseeker or something, hehe~" (Astrid)

"Bearseeker?" (Vemir)

"I-it was Berserker! Astrid you remember it w-wrong!" (Gram)

"Ah, that sounds fitting then, Bearseeker sounded more appropriate to something like hunter rather than a battle maniac, Astrid you have to eat a lot of fish you know? Look, Your mind is somewhat lackluster compared to gram hahahah!" (Vemir)

"Muu~ (Pouted) did you just made fun of me Vemir?! Hpmh! I don't want to talk to you anymo- awch awh!! Hey stopped pinching my cheeks!" (Astrid)

Before Astrid could finish her words, Vemir started pinching her cute cheeks which still had some baby fat in them playfully.

'You are so cute Astrid, hehehe~' (Vemir's thought)

"G-Guys, this smell of Ale m-made me dizzy, can we go to somewhere else g-guys?" (Gram)

"Alright allright~ but Gram, are you sure you want to become Drengr in the future? If the smell of Ale already bothers you this much, how could you deal with the smell of sweats and blood later?" (Vemir)

Leaving the rowdy bunch, shouting and cheering on the drunk warriors, Vemir dragged the seemingly conflicted Gram, and still pouting Astrid continue to explore the town somewhere else.

Before long, the trio met something that piqued their interest.

In front of a wooden building that looks like Alehouse, they saw two adults sitting on the terrace outside, playing some game with meticulously carved wooden plate-like cards which had some metal framing it in their hands with serious faces.

"Hey? What are that strange wooden plates in their hands? It has a beautiful pattern on it, that thing looks like cost a heck of silvers!"

Vemir shouted in wonder. But a different thought ran inside his head.

'They have a card game here?! Wow, I don't believe the rough people of Nordland invented this meticulous stuff, I bet they get it from somewhere else'

"T-This is the first time I saw that strange thing too! Vemir let's go take a look!" (Gram)

Astrid, who still had a pouting face also glanced at the direction of two adults playing cards from time to time, clearly interested.

Looking at his two companions, Vemir decided to drag the two of them toward the adults who playing cards, and stop not far from them, enough to see the game they were playing on the table.

"Hehe! Yo kidss had a gudd eyes! Thiss wooden plates are called Almarak cards, sumeone from the nordds region brouwgth this interesting stuffs they gott from sumewhere in the east. Ya kidss interested? Bet ya!! Go away kidds we have neii time to enterteeinn ya! Shoo shoo!"

"Kids, go somewhere else, you are too soon to enter this kind like place"

After getting some rude words from one of the adults who played the cards, a lady dressed in a rugged apron-like thing also tried to kick them out of the Alehouse vicinity.

Shrugging, Vemir decided to not create a problem for the lady and was about to bring his two companions who seem unwilling to leave left the Alehouse.

Before they were leaving tho, the thing the adults said about the East caught Vemir's interest, and he decided to ask the lady out of curiosity.

"Madam, do you know where is the East that brute guy talking about? I'm very interested, as far as I know, I thought our people only explored the West area of Edgard in the past tens of winters or so?"

"Interesting brat are you? What? You want to be a great explorer, like Great Rggnarr or something boy?"

"Hehe, is not something grand like that, I'm just asking out of curiosity, did you mind answering it, madam?"

"Looking at you seemingly heeds my words to leave, okay then, I'll give you some knowledge in return.

The east is the place where the warbone Clan of King Sigurd of the North recently explored.

From the rumor I heard, they seemingly found some prosperous and flourishing city of gold within the desert on the east.

I also heard they had a very strong and mysterious warrior there that could hit King Sigurd's fleet back and make his pride down, ended up making a treaty, and trades as equals in the end.

You know, this is the first time King Sigurd, the Great Drengr known for his strong fist to back off like this.

That's why I heard the warrior in the north now itch to go explore the East"

Looking at the serious and cute vemir's face, the lady decided to continue.

"Kids, I assume you go here to attend your soon to be coming age ceremony right? I will give you some advice, don't go to the North after you finish your age ceremony. There, you will not get anything you seek as there are a few warriors there left for you to temper your strength with"

"Thanks a lot, madam, I learned something useful today. As a token of my gratitude, I will tell about how amazing your Alehouse is when I back to the adults later"

"Hahaha! What an interesting boy! Go now~ back again when you are already big enough to drink kids!"

Nodding his head in gratitude, Vemir dragged his two friends and go to explore somewhere else.

'Interesting, from that lady earlier, it seems the Nordland people found something like Egypt civilization similar to my previous world. The East is a place must to go in the future. It's good to widen my horizon about this world.

This life, even though there is no Internet and games, is interesting enough to explore'

"V-vemir, did you plan to go to the North just like that lady said after f-finishing your age ceremony?" (Gram)

"Hmm.. I was. But just like that lady said, there are few warriors left there. I'm troubled.." (Vemir)

"Y-You are amazing! You really dream to be a Drengr was it?! Sigh, I even don't know what to do in the future yet.. When I was small, I dreamed to become Drenger like others... but.. Sigh.

I wish I have a strong will l-like you.. After hearing that lady, I want to explore the world like the Great Rggnarr, but I- I am scared of sailing. The Bard always tells some scary stuff about the sea. Please d-don't tell my father about this okay? H-he will beat me for sure if he heard I cowering li-like this" (Gram)

"Hmph! Weakling! Vemir, if you want to find a place to train I know a good place! But I will not tell you about it! HMPH!" (Astrid)

"You do?! Where?!" (Vemir)