
Legendary Drengr

Vemir, the 4th years old son of the Drengr Bjornson the Bearknuckle, the brave warrior of Nordland, suddenly awakens his past life memories he lived in 21st century Earth. [Ding! Astralchip successfully installed!] [Detecting new body! start reading the Biometric DNA...] [Reading Completed! Initiating Assistant Interface..] [Successfully Installed] [Finish installation, System ready to be dormant forever in 3 seconds] [1... 2... 3...] [Beep!] With a lifeless voice suddenly appeared inside his mind, memories of his past live started flowing inside his brain. Thus, his Saga to become Legendary Drengr in the mysterious land of EDGARD started within the simple hut his father leave behind....

Douglass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

The group people of Katterggat began their journey heading to the temple.

The adults rode their respective horses with their children.

Behind their saddle, some ration and coarse fabric for their tent placed.

Clearly, with such preparation the journey to come was not a short one.

"mom, how many nights it took to the temple if we go with this pace?"

Vemir asked his mother who sat in front of him.

"It depends, if we are lucky and had a smooth journey, it will only take 3 nights, but if something happened on the road ahead, maybe 5 or 6 nights at most"

"That far? Was the temple that secluded within the mountain?"

"Secluded? Hmm... You can say it was.

But our destination is big town located not far from it. The Jarl had some land there for something like this occasion. Though it was the Jarl Clan personal land"

"Big town? How big it is? 2 times of Kattergat?"

"Hahaha, not that small son! After all, that is the town where the Longhouse Nordland King of the southern region resides"

"King? Southern region?"

"Ah! Mom has forgotten not to teach you about this stuff yet, now now, let you learn something about the land you were born alright"

"Tell me mom! I'm in ears"

"Ha ha! Good, let's kill some boring time by let you learn some stuff alright~.

The land of Nordland was separated into 2 region governed by 2 kings.

King Herald of the southern region governed not-so-harsh land where most of Drengr retired into, and where Katterggat belong.

As you may know, our region is quite peaceful and fertile, even not so much fertile if compared to Britten, but at least we could grow something here.

that's why southern region situation is quite stable, after all for, the people of Nordland, this part of region is the most suitable to breed our next generation properly"

"Mom, you explained such thing of the southern region, did the other one worse than ours that much?"

"Clever one are you? That's right, the Northern region governed by King Sigurd is a very chaotic and harsh place, after all, that place is called Hell pit for a reason.

King Sigurd itself by nature is a very... Brash and rough king. He speaks with his fist.

With how harsh the climate there, maybe his temperament is very suitable to govern that place.

If you have time, you must go there to temper yourself.

There is a lot of strong and ambitious warrior there seeking to improve themselves and create their own clan after all"

"Creating Clan? Is that place full of Lonewolf or something?"

"Right, beside Hell pit, that place also called as Clanless paradise, where Lonewolf(Clanless warrior) seeks to improve their combat technique before officially getting their title as Drengr.

The Rggnarrson create their respective clan there after all.

Affected by the lonewolf, the shipbuilder and Ironbreather (Blacksmith) flocking that place.

Apparently, for them, the business seems good there.

Oh, also, there is a huge thrall market in there, you know, you need a quite tremendous able body to build a clan after all"


Hearing the words thrall, Vemir couldn't help himself to slightly frown.

The word Thrall is synonymous as Slave from his previous world.

For his people(Nordland), silvers and coppers are not the only currencies.

Quite a lot of kingdoms out there paying their warrior service with some slaves to cut the cost.

Vemir came to realization throughout 10 years of his life here that human lives in this world are cheaper than coins.

When he got his memory of his past life, he was quite apprehensive after learning such things, but that's what reality is.

They don't care about your feeling and hit you hard without mercy.

He himself understands that he is just a humble human being, he cannot change something like this his feeble power alone, even after unlocking his potential and becoming stronger, he couldn't guarantee to have the power to change this deeply rooted slavery.

He realizes, after hearing numerous Saga and stories of amazing people of this world, which were slaying giants and shaking mountains, these people still bleed and are just humble mortals in the end.

However may epic their Saga is, in the end, Time, disease, and sword could end their lives.

Mortal couldn't escape their curse called death.

Vemir himself knows, His Innate talent was not that godly and could help him rid of his mortality.

'Thrall is it.. maybe I couldn't get rid of it, but at the very least I could still treat them more humanly if I met or had one in the future'


"Halt! There's something not far in front!" (Hilda)

With the sudden voice of Hilda, Vemir woke up from his reminiscence and checked his surrounding.

He could see the adults already placed their hands on their respective weapons in wary.

Even his mother in front is no exception.

"sniff sniff~ thiss smell... very familiarr.

Snow wolf ye~" (Red Nosed Emir)

"Your nose is still sharp as always~ what about their numbers? Is it a pack? Or just some hungry lost Wolves tried scurrying some food?" (Irgrid)



Before Emir could answer Irgrid question, 3 red-eyed wolves appeared from the withered bush not far from them.

Because their fur color was the same as the snow here, the group just realizes that the wolves were actually quite close to them.

As their group prepared to engage with the incoming wolf, all of a sudden 3 small axes repeatedly whirled toward the wolfs!

Swoosh swooosh!!




The red blood of the wolf blossoms as three axes accurately hit their head deep.

The wolfs cried in whimpers as they slowly lost their breath.

The life in their eyes disappeared as their body slumped with a thud.

The blood from their forehead, which still had the ax's blades rooted in its dying the snow red.

Seeing this scene the group slowly turned their head toward the proprietor who created this scene.

"Ha ha ha! Sorry guys, I slipped my hands, couldn't be helped, my instinct is still in there even after I retired~" (Irgrid)

Looking at Irgrid who still has a gentle smile replying to them, even after doing such vicious act, the people only sighed and pulled the rein in their horse to continue their journey.

Except Emir, who was slowly approaching Irgrid steed after taking the bloody axes from the wolf corpses.

"It was Hungry Wolf yessh! Looking at theirr eyes it seems they was kicked out of their pack.

Do you need some help for theirr furr?" (Emir)

"leave them be, is not worth much anyway~ let's go back to the others" (Irgrid)

Emir shrugged and steer his horse back with Gram glancing at Irgrid from time to time in his back, seemingly in awe with Irgrid throwing skill.

As for Vemir, looking at his mother's nonchalant appearance after killing such beasts, he couldn't help himself opening his mouth wide, flabbergasted.

'I wonder if Mom also had a gift that I don't know, that swift and precisely smooth movement was not something ordinary warrior could do(If I compared it with my previous live knowledge).

Or maybe, this is just standard movement of Drengr....

If yes, as expected, I don't have any capital to be arrogant and self importantly acted without thinking even with my feeble cheat...'

"sigh~... should I change my goal and become a farmer instead.." (Vemir)

"Hmm? What is it Son?" (Irgrid)

"... Nothing, you look dashing Mom! I don't know you can throw axes in such manner hehe~"

"Hahaha! Anyway, care your tongue, be wary to bite it, we will continue our journey now~" (Irgrid)

Thus, Vemir and his group continue their journey within the vast cold mountainous area.

Even though the scenery looks beautiful, their slowly frozen skin said otherwise, showing how deadly this seemingly beautiful scenery is.