
Legendary Drengr

Vemir, the 4th years old son of the Drengr Bjornson the Bearknuckle, the brave warrior of Nordland, suddenly awakens his past life memories he lived in 21st century Earth. [Ding! Astralchip successfully installed!] [Detecting new body! start reading the Biometric DNA...] [Reading Completed! Initiating Assistant Interface..] [Successfully Installed] [Finish installation, System ready to be dormant forever in 3 seconds] [1... 2... 3...] [Beep!] With a lifeless voice suddenly appeared inside his mind, memories of his past live started flowing inside his brain. Thus, his Saga to become Legendary Drengr in the mysterious land of EDGARD started within the simple hut his father leave behind....

Douglass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

"The winter has come~ Fooh~"

Vemir looked at the world of white in front of him and blew some cold mist through his cold lips.

The dense falling snow and freezing air blasted his uncovered face without mercy, making marks of its frostbite.

From top to toe, he covered his body with a very thick fur-like garment, unknown how many layers were hidden within his bulking appearance.

"it was already almost ten winters you have been through, do you not used to this cold yet, Son?"

His mother, Irgrid, smiled amusingly looking at her son's antics.

Right now, they are walking toward the meeting place nearby Katterggat to meet with others.

Vemir who still trying to warm himself by exhaling cold air out of his lungs smiled foolishly in reply of his mother's mocking tone.

Actually, he tried to adapt to the harsh winter, but in his estimation, it needs more time for his body to build some resistant of the harsh cold here.

After walking for a while, the pair slowly spotted some people nearby.

Looking at their appearance which was fully geared with familiar winter clothes, they are people of Katterggat.

Many of them are the same age as Vemir, with some adults who could barely be counted with hands, seemingly intended to accompany their younglings.

"Vemir, Irgrid! I see, you did actually come with your Son ye? And you boy, feeling nervous for yer ceremony he~?"

A red-nosed bearded man greeted the pair familiarly.

"Uncle Vesemir? Did you come to accompany Gram for his ceremony?"

Vemir replied while lifting one of his eyebrows, after realizing the bearded man ogling his mother when seeing they came a while ago.

"Vemir, I told you to call me name properly yer brat! Even though our name is similar enaff, dats not mean you could play et casually he~"


Irgrid, seeing her son bantering with the bearded man amused and giggling unconsciously.

"Alright boys~ no need to escalate your tension.

Long time no see Emir, how is your retirement life? Missing the battlefield already after years of rusting yourself in your boring little farm?"

"Yer know me right, I miss the smell off bloods in these couple of yerss... alas.. sigh... time did curse eii it seems.

With mey old body, I wonder I would juss ended up dishonor the name of Drengr if I back faittin..."

Hearing her mother start chatting with old Emir over their past glory, Vemir understandingly decided to leave both of them and found the peerage that already waving their hand to him.

"Vemir, I- I feel very nervous"

AFter seeing him, Gram who was among the crowd of his peers started talking to him and letting out his feeling for the coming up ceremony.

Though, looking at his trembling hands Vemir already knew it without him telling.

As for how the other kids reacted, they just nodded their heads in agreement.

"What did you guys worry about? It just getting some rings from the Jarl, I don't see any scary thing from that?" (Vemir)

"He... if it was that simple.

Did you not hear any rumors around recently? I heard Old Gorb say something about the Seer coming to the ceremony this winter!" (Random kids)

"What?! Did what he says true Gram?!" (Vemir)

"R-right, my father also said something about the Seer after seeing the Jarl many nights ago" Grim

Hearing the information about Seer coming, Vemir's heart couldn't help to beat faster from excitement.

'Damn! That means there will be someone blessed this winter'

Vemir thought.

"I wonder who was lucky enough to get the blessing from the Gods this winter, it couldn't be me right?! Hehe!" (random kids)

"Heh! As if!" (Random kids)

While the kids started bantering with each other, Vemir began to think about the significance of Seer comic this winter.

'From what I knew and collected information throughout these years, there was a history of the multiple blessed individuals in the past, maybe... Just maybe, this winter this possibility also exists, right?'

'Tho, I started wondering these days if I really that lucky to get some blessing on the ceremony... after all getting some skills apparently is not that easy'

'Even though mom already said I am already profound enough wielding my ax, there are no indication skills to appear inside my game interface after..'

'considering this Astralchip stuff is supposed to awaken some dormant mystic potential, I bet a mere wielding ax or some martial arts movement is not worthy enough to appear on the list of skill for sure'

"The Jarl?! Eh? His wife, I suppose?"

"He~ isn't the first time for Miss Hilda to represent the Jarl on such an occasion! From the previous two winters, my brother coming age ceremony was also participated by miss Hilda after all"

""Lady Hilda!""

Hearing the commotion the kids and adults alike about the sudden appearance of beautiful and valiant mature woman with blonde hair and green eyes, Vemir woke up from his thought and moved his eyes toward the lady.

'So, this winter the Jarl also couldn't come. Mom said his health worsened since 5 winters or years ago. Something about getting injuries during his war as a reinforcement troop for Rggnarson Clan on Britten made his already war-torned body become worse..

As someone who wasn't blessed, his fame already spread enough as Drengr.'

"May Allfather watch upon us" (Lady Hilda)

""Skall! (Nordland respectful greeting)" (the crowds)

"Skall! Everyone, for this winter my husband apologizes for not accompanying your journey for a reason. As the representative of Ubba Jarl, I am extremely honored to bring our young tribesman to this winter coming age ceremony" (Lady Hilda)

Hearing her words, all the adults nodded in understanding.

They glanced at each other and solemnly watched lady Hilda as a sign of acceptance for the Jarl absence.

"Then, as this winter coming age ceremony is rumored to be important, it's better if we started going as soon as possible.

I hope this winter there will be a soon-to-be Great Drengr born within our tribesmen!"

Smiling gently toward the nervous kids, Lady Hilda gave her sign with her head toward one person within the crowd.

After a while, a herd of horses fully geared for journey appeared with that one particular person from before, leading it.

Irgrid, grabbed a rein of one of the horses and turned her head toward Vemir

"Should we go, son? If I remember correctly, this is your first time riding the horse right? it will gonna be fun experience for you for sure~"

Smiling teasefully, Irgrid ruffled Vemir's hair and helped him to ride the horse with her.

'Here it comes, after my coming age ceremony, I finally took my step to become people of this world fully! Though considering that my feeling is stronger one than my previous self, that itself is a doubt if I am considered as otherworlder or not in the end'

Smiling toward his mother, the pair began to follow others on their long journey toward deep within the mountain, where the sacred temple of the gods located.