
Legendary Drengr

Vemir, the 4th years old son of the Drengr Bjornson the Bearknuckle, the brave warrior of Nordland, suddenly awakens his past life memories he lived in 21st century Earth. [Ding! Astralchip successfully installed!] [Detecting new body! start reading the Biometric DNA...] [Reading Completed! Initiating Assistant Interface..] [Successfully Installed] [Finish installation, System ready to be dormant forever in 3 seconds] [1... 2... 3...] [Beep!] With a lifeless voice suddenly appeared inside his mind, memories of his past live started flowing inside his brain. Thus, his Saga to become Legendary Drengr in the mysterious land of EDGARD started within the simple hut his father leave behind....

Douglass · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 2

Haap! Hyaa! Hyat!

Woosh! Woosh!

The sound of a wooden ax swinging rhythmically echoed in front of a small hut.

With sweat trickling on his naked small frame-like body, as well as his forehead, Vemir enthusiastically swung his wooden ax with Irgrid watching by his side.

"Mind the balance, don't use too much force on your swing, son"

"Remember, to achieve the balance you must build your foundation solid.

It's not about strength, but it's about control"

Hearing her mother's advice, Vemir nodded with great concentration and keep his breathing stable.

Seeing this, his mother, Irgrid slightly surprise.

Most of the time, Vemir usually complain about not understanding what she was talking about.

But looking at her son acting seriously like a little adult who focus to achieve his goal, she was slightly surprised.

'did my son slowly grow up or is it his mischiefs again?'

Left behind such thoughts back inside her mind, Irgrid continues to supervise his son's stance on wielding his wooden ax.

Unbeknown to Irgrid, right now Vemir is enthusiastically swinging his training ax while keeping his progress on the translucent screen in his vision.

In there he could see his strength progressively increase, albeit slowly like a snail.

STR + 0,0001

STR + 0,0001

'So slow! Or maybe it was just because my childlike body limited it from increasing my stats exponentially'

'Thinking about it now, if my strength suddenly increase greatly, it's surely backfired on my physical growth as a child....

Yes, being buff suddenly when having a childlike body surely will look too strange for my taste'

'Anyway, increase is still increase, albeit it just decimal numbers

Let's just focus

'In this life, I want to have a goal on my life, unlike my previous self who has no ambition and purpose.

With all the mystery and Saga the bard sang, the thought of me wandering and exploring the world somehow made my heart excited! As expected, I still not lose my child side all of this time!'

And so, Vemir morning training passed until it was done enough, making Irgrid proud with his son dedication and seriousness on become stronger.

She was relieved that she could guide her son decent enough, even though her husband is not by her side right now.

At least, with her experience, she could train her son enough to get his physical condition into standard Drengr.

Though she didn't know if his son was talented as her in wielding dual axes style later.

"Enough for today, let's have some lunch, Son"

"Yes, mom! Ah! I wonder if we'll have some meat for today's lunch!"

"He he, sorry to upset you, but we will have some mushroom soup today, I remember the mushroom is dried enough to collect this evening.

Let's get some and stash it inside the warehouse, okay?"

"Urghh... Mom, I really hate the smell of that mushroom. What it's called again? Blagris? It smells horrible! I wonder if shiitake grows near the woods out there..."

"Shiitake? What was that? Mom never heard such mushrooms before, did Uncle Igur get you some strange stuff from his adventure again?"

"No.. Nothing! Anyway, let's get the dried mushrooms and get it done mom!"

"You acted a little weird today Vemir, did you catch some cold? Hmm... your head feels right, not hot enough to get cold"

Panicked, Vemir hastily dragged her mother to get the mushroom.

'Shit! This is hard, because of my memories jumbling here and there, I could barely control myself spewing some random stuff! I hope mom will not get suspicious from my rambling... Anyway, it's looking like a child rambling some nonsense is not weird in any world right?'

With these thoughts, Vemir begins to ponder his next action for the day to come.

'First, creating daily training as routine is a must if I want to get a strong enough body to unlock my innate talent... In these coming years, maybe getting trained by a mom for the basic is the best thing I can do until my body grows to the peak of it growth potential.

By looking at my progress, I am sure it will take years to reach ideal status on my STR and AGI so becoming stout like a dwarf could be avoided for sure'

'For strength (STR) and Agility (AGI) I can be relieved for now... but this empty INT status is kinda bother me somehow....

INT.. It abbreviation of intelligent right? I wonder why it is empty now...

Considering my brain still worked perfectly enough, I think my mind is not the cause of the problem...'

'Could it be....? but no way it can be right..'

'But considering this is a different world... even though similar, the possibilities certainly exist...'

'But... if it's true, I never saw it for myself until now.. or maybe this place is too remote for such capable people to appear here?'

Yes, right now Vemir wondering about the possibility of the existence of magic.

In most games, INT is always related to mana or magic power.

'Although I couldn't do anything about it now, maybe when I go on my adventure in the future later I could probably get my answer for sure...'

Shrugging it off, Vemir began to continue his day with his mother.

Just like that, time flies for Vemir.

Training, eating, pooping, helping his mother sometimes, and getting his life as normally as possible, Vemir slowly grew from his childlike body into a slightly bigger kid.

Over the years he overcame the jumbled memories inside his head, and successfully managed it considerably enough, to avoid spewing random thoughts that happened from time to time in the past.

As expected, Vemir's mother, Irgrid, although getting a slight suspicion from her child's behavior, slowly accepted it as her child's nonsense, just like what kids do after experiencing things that were unknown to them and shrugged it off.

With how Vemir grew up into a fine kid day by day, such little things as quirk became less important for her.

After all, her son well being is the most important for her.

As long as her son could lead a happy and cheerful life in his childhood, it has sufficed.

And now, looking at Vemir who is almost 10 years old, unknowingly a small smile appeared on Irgrid beautiful's mature face.

Irgrid, the redhead beauty with a high nose and full lips seemingly not aged after the years and made Vemir wonder if his mother is possibly a vampire all this long.

After all, unlike the versatile system cheat the protagonist had, his game interface is only usable to check his own status.

Right now, Irgrid looked at her son whose almost growing the same height as her bust looking like the dashing little man he is.

Considering Irgrid height, which was 185 cm, her son's height, which was 160 something is considered fine compared to other kids in Katterggat.

Her son, Vemir unlike her, had dark raven hair inherited from his father Bjornson, cut shorts, and handsomely trimmed.

Though his face slightly resembled hers, with a strong jawline, Vemir looked more like a masculine version of Irgrid.

"Son, soon you will have your 10th birthday. Time sure flies... It's already almost 10 winters since mom brings you into this world...

Just like any other proper Nordlander, you will have your coming age ceremony soon..."


Looking at her mother who suddenly saddened a little toward the ends of her words, Vemir understandingly smiled and said nothing.

He knew her mother started remembering his father again.

As it was not his first time seeing her melancholic expression.

As for the coming age ceremony, Vemir slightly had some expectations in his heart.

Throughout the years, he made some acquaintances with other kids the same age as his from time to time throughout his visit to Katterggat.

Even though his relationship couldn't be considered as a best friend, through most of them, he slowly blended himself toward this new world and identities as a human being of Edgard.

He knows how much important is the coming-age ceremony for the people aged at the same age as himself is.

On this day, a child will be considered as a small adult after being baptized by the priest of the temple through ritual.

Blood from some animal would be spelled on that day, as an offering to allfather and other gods in Valhalla.

The children will be drinking the blood, under the blessing of Valhalla, and get their approval from the adults and the priest, finally get rid of the status of child and elevated themselves as proper tribesman by getting the golden ring from their Jarl.

If it's just that, it won't make Vemir excited to this extent.

But apparently, there is another rumor brewing during the age ceremony throughout the year, from time to time, there will be a Seer watching over the ceremony, and kids that were truly blessed would appear at that day.

From the hearsay, these blessed kids were mostly gifted with mystical strength after drinking the drops of blood.

Some will have the power to predict the future like a seer, and some will get various abilities randomly such as super strength, talking to animals, fierce vitality, etc.

All the blessed had one in common after taking the blood, a mystical tattoo would appear on some part of their skin, and it would light up as their abilities activated.

This is what made Vemir excited!

The possibilities to get skills!

Though he will get some surely in the future, he knows it still a long way to go.

As this is his status right now.

[Name : Vemir

Age : 9

STR : 20

AGI : 18

INT : -


-Innate Body Talent : The Great Druid of Yggdrassil (dormant)

-Skill & Abbilities : none]

'surely I still need to grind more status to unlock my innate talent'

"Are you ready to get your ring from the Jarl? Hehe... maybe after this, you will leave your mom alone and begin your own journey..."


"Haha! Sorry about that! Mom is just slightly saddened after knowing you will not need mom anymore. After all, I already teach anything I know to you! Even my dual-wielding style you already properly learned it, just need some experience here and there..."


"What's happened with the silence? I remember not growing you up to be a mommy boy right?!"

'Shit! How come you said that thing after showing your lonely eyes mom!'

"Anyway, prepare your fur clothes, this winter we will go to the temple with the Jarl and the others from Katterggat!"

Looking at the lonely back of his mom after saying this to him, Vemir became slightly troubled about the choice he will take in the future.

'Is it possible if I brought mom later on my journey later? Considering her strength...'

'I think, I should think about this later'

'For now, preparing for the journey for my ceremony coming first... looking to the past winter, I know this journey is not easy as it sounds..

Heck, this place is freaking cold! The thick snow and wind are much harsher compared to my previous world!

If the kids were not told me that the winter here is common as it is, I wonder if the Snowstorm hit this place every day throughout the winter!

No wonder people start stockpiling food for months to go through the winter here!

I can't believe if Ragnarr- I mean Rggnarr has not explored Britten, the people of Nordland surely will extinct that way sooner or later!'

Mumbling and understanding the act of raiding a foreign land by his people in the past, Vemir began to back to his own room that he get when he was 6 years old, and packed his stuff.

'As a reincarnated person, I surely have plot armor and get the blessing on my coming age ceremony right?! Right...?'

Somehow, after knowing that getting the blessing is the same as getting SSR card on some shitty gacha game, Vemir couldn't help himself but began to worry about the upcoming age ceremony.

'F*ck! I hope I'm not jinx it!'