
Legendary Drengr

Vemir, the 4th years old son of the Drengr Bjornson the Bearknuckle, the brave warrior of Nordland, suddenly awakens his past life memories he lived in 21st century Earth. [Ding! Astralchip successfully installed!] [Detecting new body! start reading the Biometric DNA...] [Reading Completed! Initiating Assistant Interface..] [Successfully Installed] [Finish installation, System ready to be dormant forever in 3 seconds] [1... 2... 3...] [Beep!] With a lifeless voice suddenly appeared inside his mind, memories of his past live started flowing inside his brain. Thus, his Saga to become Legendary Drengr in the mysterious land of EDGARD started within the simple hut his father leave behind....

Douglass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

"Vemir! Come here a second! Help mother move this crate of fish inside our house!" a middle-aged woman called a 4 year old boy with small stature, playing water beside the ragged, wooden, simple pier, crowded with old fisherman rafts.

Hearing his mother call him, the cute innocent boy smiled and ran toward his mother, helping her by lifting the webbing crate made of dried plant-like things.

The mother and child then walked through the fishy pier full of coarse people doing some business activity within, selling and buying fish and some trinkets.

Unbothered with the smell, clearly the pair was already used to the strong smell here, as their appearance was the same as these people, indicating they are the same race of people or tribe to be exact.

In this small town of Katterggat, the same birthplace of the Great Explorer, Dragonlegs Rggnar, The Legendary Drengr(Warrior) of Nordland whose his Saga has reached all over the World of Edgard, people still have a simple frugal life of fishing and farming.

Though the land is not as fertile as the land of Great Britten, where the Drengr all over the Nordland sailed, and waging war with the Saxxons (local people of Britten) there, for the people of Kattergat who have a small population, they lived self-sufficient enough.

"Vemir, my son, your tiny arms need more force if you want to become a Great Drengr in the future, so hang in there okay!"

Looking at his boy who was slowly struggling to lift the crate, Vemir's mother, Irgrid, smiled and started to cheer her small son with a slightly teasing tone in her voice.

Irgrid, as the widow of the Brave Drengr Bjornson, had knowledge enough to start training her child since young enough.

The world of Argard, Strength and Power is necessary to survive on the Harsh Earth.

The culture of Nordland, the birthplace of countless Saga of their Great Drengr, even though they are blessed with a great strength since birth, carved by the cold harsh environment, training from a young age became mandatory.

Thus, although Ingrid seemingly abuses his child by lifting the crate oversized his child, nobody on the pier bats an eye at such a scene.

"Okay Mom! The...se small crate, is n..not heavy enough for me!"

Acting though, Vemir replied to her mother with some perspiration that slowly appeared on his small frowning forehead.

Ingrid, looking at the cute scene of her small son, her eyes became crescent moon, amused.

"Mom already knew it, the son of Bjornson would not sweat at such simple act! Hehe!"

With a lighthearted feeling, Ingrid heading toward his small hut located within the woods, outside the town of Katterggat.

There, her husband left behind a small farm of some fowls and pigs, and small land to plow some grain for his small family.

As a Great Drengr, with some seasoned raid under the Jarl (some small lord who governed a small town and nearby village), Bjornson her husband had a small fortune to leave behind for his family.

The current Jarl, the son of the previous Jarl which Bjornson alleged to, didn't forget his predecessor's honor to take care of his father Drengr's family, so the mother and son pair considered to have enough fortune to become self-sufficient in his land.




At night, inside the small hut of Ingrid.

The mother and son have a small dinner with some kind of fish stew and hard bread.

Dipping his large bread in the stew murky brown soup, Vemir savored it with great relish.

"Mom, when will you start training me with an ax? Not the wooden one, but "that" one!"

Glancing at the old warrior ax hanging on the wall, Vemir started to ponder with excitement.

Though his grip on the soaked bread is not loosened.

Clearly showing that he is a little glutton.

"hehe, My son, you shouldn't have been impatient, if Mom considers you have the strength to lift it, Mom surely teach you how to wield your father's war ax. Now, eat your dinner and get ready to sleep.

Tomorrow you will have to wake early enough for some morning training with Mom"

"Hmph! Did you not see me lifting the crate of fish? I think I have enough strength to start training with the real stuff!"

"Ha Ha Ha! Look at your trembling little hand this afternoon, I think you still have a long way to go for that!"


With puppy eyes, Vemir timidly took a glance at her mother boisterously laugh, amused by his words.

Vemir knew, his mother wasn't a simple woman judging by her looks.

She is a strong woman, a Shieldmaiden whom experienced enough battle with his dad in their younger days.

By hearing story and rumors of some grown-up in the town, apparently, her mother used to be infamous in the past.

The title Shewolf Irgrid is not an empty name, as she used her swift feet to brutally butcher countless opponents veraciously with her Axes.

Yes, axes, as his mother's battle style was dual wielding, proving that she not only had the speed but also some strength in her belt.

If his father was known for his strength, his mother became famous Drengr with her speed.

That's why Vemir is always proud to have a strong parent and always dreams to become one in the future.

He heard enough Epic Saga from the Bard whom annually visit Katterggat, Sailing the Harsh Sea drowned on Thor's Thunder, and battling for crates upon crates of coins from in the fertile and rich land outside Nordland was always his dream.

Unlike in the past, the Drengr of Nordland didn't raid some land like pirates anymore.

With the Son of Rggnar occupying some land on the Great Britten, Drengr changed their job from battling like pirates to becoming more organized, making some clans and becoming mercenaries.

Hearing such stories and Saga, Vemir couldn't help but be excited to dream, to be Great Drengr and creating his own clan, exploring the wide world, and battling against strong people to have placed in Valhalla to sit and drink with Odin, the Allfather of the Drengr.

Such a thought made Vemir begin daydreaming, ignoring her mother's teasing earlier.

Unknowingly, veneer begins to eat his bread with a foolish smile plastered on his small cute face.

Looking at such spectacles, Ingrid also began to smile thinly, a hint of sadness appearing on her face as her husband's face occurred inside her mind while looking at her child.

'Dear, I wonder if you look at our son now begin to walk toward the same path as yours, what expression will you have?'

'chuckle, if it's you, maybe the same foolish smile I see now also appeared on your boorish face!'


Unbeknown to Irgrid, his Son's path is not as simple as she thought.

Because tonight, a great change occurred while she and her son, Vemir was sleeping.

In the middle of the night, while Vemir sleeping soundly beside her mother on top of straws and furs,

[Ding! Astralchip successfully installed!]

[Detecting new body! start reading the Biometric DNA...]

[Reading Completed! Initiating Assistant Interface..]

[Successfully Installed] [Finish installation, System ready to be dormant forever in 3 seconds]

[1... 2... 3...]


A lifeless voice suddenly appeared inside his mind, memories of his past life started flowing inside his brain uncontrollably.


All of a sudden, Vemir opened his eyes and gasped from the overflow memory that was suddenly appearing inside his head.

'w-what happen....'

With random memory wreaking havoc inside his mind, Vemir began mumbling incoherently

'Earth... 21st century... name.. Oliver... concrete forest... high school... Univercity... unemployed.... Mars project... yes!! Mars Project!'

'So.. I really died cause of that ridiculous experiment, didn't it?'


Vemir eyes moved into the emptiness in front of him, seemingly looking on invisible things.

Or maybe, it was invisible to others, but not to him.

Because now, a blue translucent thing like a game interface with words and numbers magically appeared in his vision.

[Name : Vemir

Age : 4

STR : 2

AGI : 3

INT : -


-Innate Body Talent : The Great Druid of Yggdrassil (dormant)

-Skill & Abilities : none]

'with this ridiculous stuff in front of me.. I wonder if I could consider the experiment a success or not... Ridiculous!'

'Sigh.. with me reincarnated in this bizarre world is ridiculous enough! Of all other things, why did I reincarnate into a fuking Viking tribe-like thing!'

'A great Drengr? It sounds great and all, but I was always a coward back then...

Though, unexpectedly, I still dreamed to become such a thing even with my past memories back... maybe, I am not Oliver anymore, but Vemir...'

Yes, Vemir past life name was Oliver.

A common Earthling struggling to fit in into society and became unemployed.

Apparently, he chance upon some weird advertisement for something called Mars Project.

Tempted by the free housing and the salary by doing nothing but living on mars, The introvert Oliver begin to sign in to enter the project, unbeknown a ridiculous experiment waiting upon him after.

Apparently, the world Government excavated an alien technology and began to feel threatened.

Thus, they begin sacrificing some unimportant human beings ( the useless of society) to quicken their research.

Oliver, a 27 years old unemployed male, is forced into being experimented on some kind of Alien technology called Astralchip.

From the researcher reports, this technology considers the epoch of Gods! As it began to touch the realm of soul! The mysterious substance that humans had zero knowledge of it as it such invisible and intangible.

With this technology, humans could awaken the potential limitations of their body and spirit, by opening the biometric DNA from their ancestors.

The other department already found the human ancestry to be a complex living being with very high intelligence and power.

In some hypotheses, some of the human beings had their potential like that of Gods and demigods in myth, thus the hastiness of the world government to begin sacrificing living humans on this project.

Oliver knew if the experiment successful, he will get the ability to unlock his potential with the help of a game interface-like thing, similar to system novel he read.

Of course, it was not a ridiculous thing like cheat, but it still could help him to train his body in the right way.

Ironically, this experiment was a success upon his death and he bring it with his reincarnation into this world called Edgard, similar to Earth in the Era of Viking.

Of course, it was just from his experience living 4 years with Nordlander, or Danes if outsiders called it.

'Very similar to the series I watch... if I remember correctly, the Englishman or Saxons(which how similiar the people here called the people of Britten which was brittain in my previous world) also called Viking with Danes'

Having such thought, Vemir Paused and begin to read the Innate Talent he had, The Great Druid Of Yggdrassil.

-The Great Druid Of Yggdrassil-

The sage of Nordland, wielding the power of Nature as his weapon.

The legend said the Epoch of Druid could have the power similar to dragon and had dragons as his slave.

Condition to unlock base ability : STR 50, AGI 50

'Great Drengr? I think is not impossible thing in the future

But after looking at his frail childish body, Vemir begins to sigh again like an adult.

'For now, training my body is a must if I want to be one though...'

First of most I apologize if there are some gramatical error, english is not my first language so I'll try for this novel to be readable at least

Douglasscreators' thoughts