

Being an orphan can teach you many things even more so when you had fond memories of a family and one of them that john learned was that you have to get your hands messy from time to time.

John did just that as he walked out of the building to see already dozen of people approaching him with papers in hand.

But John stopped their movements with a swift delivery.

"I'm not willing to join any guild or organization but instead will create a business where I can distribute my work to any who meet the following conditions."

The men and women watching immediately took out their phones while also getting ready to write something down.

"#1 payment must be delivered upfront first after a reasonable amount is agreed upon. #2 you must provide any ingredients I will require and lastly you stay away from my home."

A young man took the first move but holding out his own offer.

"Mr.Greyhound I am Frank Gavin recruiter for the Hallowed Valley Guild. I would like to present what-"

John however didn't waste any time and tore it in half for anyone to see before handing it back to the man.

"I've set my conditions and you already ignored them, let your guild master know that now my services will cost double the normal rate for your guild."

The man's life drained from his eyes while John walked off to go get some breakfast at a local diner.

Everyone else hastily left while the young man was still dazed.

After entering the diner he was met by a friend whom he considered a brother.

"John! Hey pal how have you been? I hear you had your abilities awakened?"

John smiled as he sat down in one of the booths and looked at the menu.

"Yeah Jay and it's gotten some attention from a few people. I'll have the usual eggs and bacon with waffles."

After John became an orphan a friend of his father by the name Even Fako took John in and raised him like his own. But it only reminded John of his father and mother who were taken from him.

John was about to reminisce about those dark and horrifying days before his food arrived but not by the usual waiter whom he expected but by Zoa Evergreen again.

"That's quite the speech you gave to those people back there and did you deliver on it."

John started eating his breakfast while not uttering a word to Zoa with a visibly annoyed expression on his face.

"I get that you may not know me or even heard of me but I'll I'm doing here is to help-"

John was eager to finish his meal in peace as he has done almost every day.

"Your wrong about me not knowing you. Your actually the reason I want to be a hunter and help those who can't help themselves. But if you don't say what you have you say and go then I won't help with whatever you want."

Zoa sat there in silence for a moment before chuckling to himself a little.

"Your smarter then most. Surely you've seen the offer the M.D.C would have given you yes?"

John stopped just was he was about to finish his waffle before setting the tableware down.

"Would have? That offer wasn't it?"

Zoa smiled before placing video recorder on the table before pressing the recording button.

"This is Zoa Evergreen and I am here interviewing hunter John greyhound for his craftsmenship of his Elixirs and other items he will learn in the future. Mr.greyhound, what are your desires for you to supply the M.D.C with your Elixirs?"

John noticed the eyes staring especially from Jay before calling over the check and a take out box.

"Let's discuss this with less attention to this conversation. Hey jay? I'll be in touch later."

John and Zoa left the diner and started walking down the street side by side.

"No doubt you've had people identify the Elixirs themselves and found they have a risk of a Mana fever."

Zoa gave a slight nod before John continued.

"Let's get one thing straight, I have something you want very desperately so I have the leverage and here are my demands."

Zoa started recording as they sat down at a park bench.

"First and foremost anything that is discussed of me will not be heard of without my knowledge and no one is to monitor my activities or my residence. Secondly at the expense of the M.D.C they will finance a house with a fitting alchemy laboratory that meets the standards of any other alchemy facility."

Zoa felt he was in the presence of a greedy and selfish man but it was true that he desperately needed Johns Elixirs under his control so John had the leverage.

"I will need access to all level 3 and below dungeon raids and the authority to keep anything I find for myself alone. And lastly I'll need a plane"

Zoa was confused by the last request.

"What do you need a plane for?"

John spoke in perfect German to which Zoa understood completely as he had German background.

"(I plan to explore the world and uncover the endless possibilities in alchemy.) let me know by tomorrow at noon. I've set a meeting with my very first client and I don't intend to disappoint him."

John patted Zoa on the back while enter his apartment building with a grin on his face.

Afterwards John opened the chat with Steven Macave and saw no new messages and once again looked over potential customers but only saw people trying to exploit him.

But just as John was brushing his teeth he got a phone call and answered while it was on speaker.

"I assume this is you Mr.Evergreen?"

Zowa voice was heard with a number of people around him in a conference room.

"Yes it is along with the other board members to evaluate on your offer in exchange for your support. They seem to disagree with some of your demands."

John smirked before hearing the voice of a woman over the phone.

"Demands? It's more like blackmail. These elixirs could be worth a fortune but he's only interested in who's bidding for it."

Johns smirk slowly became a little bit sour while he finished up in the bathroom.

"It couldn't be further from the truth. I simply give my services for a price and if you won't give them to me then I'll look for others that are interested. I hear it's a lovely time of the year to travel."

Zoa's small smile became a restless one and he playfully laughed.

"I think I will need to talk with my colleagues for a moment."

John hung up the phone and smiled.

'Let's see what their next move is.'

Meanwhile at the M.D.C headquarters conference room is was complete and total chaos.

"It is clear that this man has the intention to betray his country and flee! He should be arrested!"

"No that will only make things worse! If we comply with his demands then in the long run the gains with surpass the losses."

"We'll be paying out of our own pockets and I for one will not do it!"

One after another the board members kept arguing with one another until they all heard laughter down the table to see it was the chairmen of the M.D.C itself who was laughing, James Void.

"This is amazing! Hahaha this boy just awakened his powers and has managed to turn you all into greedy children looking for some candy. Comply with his demands, that's an order."

None spoke a word to refute the chairmen's order before Zoa called John back.

"Mr.Greyhound, we will accept all of your demands and are looking forward to work with you."

John smiled as he hung up the phone and went to bed.