
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · Others
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24 Chs

Chapter 3: New Friends and.. Teams?

Hey guys, NovaFlame6_Badal here. I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter of this rewriteHey guys Rosesaiyan2 here. I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter of this rewrite. For those of you checking this out who are from Fanfiction.net there will be some.things I will change from original story but it will mostly stay the same.

As you can tell already from the first chapter, Nova and Ruby's relationship will be more developed and fleshed out. I'll do my best not to rush it this time. Also you can see I kept Nova and Turuk's birth parents alive this time, I figured that'd be a nice change of pace. Plus they'd obviously want to meet Ruby once Nova and Ruby become romantically involved with each other, Sala especially would want to meet Ruby lol. Anyways, this was just a short note before the beginning of the chapter. Anyways, enjoy this next part!

Ruby now waits in front on a dock with another girl, the bullhead coming to pick them up for school is set to arrive soon. The girl in question is a beautiful blonde haired girl with Amber eyes, and is very well endowed. She has a yellow jacket with a gray- beige shirt underneath, black shorts, yellow shoes, and cream colored skin. This is Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's elder sister.

"Ooh I'm so excited to have my little sister coming to school with me! You'll do great, I'm sure of it. You'll be the talk of the school.," Yang said excitedly.

She was gushing over the fact that her younger sister by a year was joining her in her first year of enrollment at Beacon. Skipping two whole years of training didn't matter to her.

"I just don't want anyone to think I'm super special or anything because I got bumped up by 2 whole years.," Ruby said sighing.

Yang looked puzzled before adding in her two cents on the matter.

"What Are you talking about? Of course you're special, Rubes. You'll be the bees knees. It'll be great.," Yang said.

Ruby sighed again. That was the difference between her and Yang, she didn't want to be put on a pedestal for everyone to see as different. Yang just wanted to share her pride in her sister with everyone.

"That's the thing Yang, I don't wanna be the bees knees. I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees.," Ruby said.

The bullhead finally arrived and the two sisters boarded the ship on the way to beacon. About a few minutes after sitting down, Ruby peaked over the seat to see the other passengers who were also heading to Beacon. Two passengers in particular, caught her eye. She thought they looked familiar to her before realizing who they were.

It was a familiar pair of Faunus brothers who sat in front of them. Her eyes widened when she recognized who they were. A smile crept across her face after she realized who these two boys were, something Yang picked up on immediately.

"Nova? Turuk? Long time no see, what brings you two here?," Ruby happily greeted them.

Nova turned and smiled when he saw Ruby, Turuk also smiled. They greeted each other as if they already the best of friends.

"Ruby, glad to see you. And yes, it has been awhile. It's been almost 4 months since we saw you.," Nova said in greeting.

"How have you been?," Turuk asked.

Ruby smiled at the question before giving Turuk an answer.

"I've been good. I was surprised to see you two here, then again... you did get invited to beacon by professor Ozpin just like I did. So, I guess it's no surprise that you're here.," Ruby said.

Yang finally spoke up, she'd been wondering how her sister knew these two guys. She had to know because it was driving her crazy not knowing.

"Hey Rubes, who are these two guys and how do you know each other?," Yang asked.

She slapped her forehead. Ruby totally forgot to even introduce them to her sister. Ruby regained her composure and introduced Yang to her two friends.

"Ahem! Yang, this is Nova, and his brother, Turuk. We.. sorta ran into each other in Vale about 4 months ago.," Ruby said.

The two brothers then introduced themselves to Yang. From what Yang noticed, Ruby seemed to get along really well with Nova. Looking him up and down, she had to admit that he was pretty handsome for a guy. When it came to Turuk though, she felt herself almost facefault. He was pretty cute for a guy.

"Nice to meet you, Nova, Turuk. You guys friends of Ruby's?," Yang asked.

Nova nodded.

"You could say that. We did run into a dust thief 4 months ago. Almost caught him too.," Nova said.

Yang was interested now, she wanted to hear more about this. Before she could though, Ruby spotted something on her boot.

"Uh sis, not to interrupt but.. what's that on your shoe?," Ruby asked pointing.

Yang looked down and suddenly became disgusted by what she saw. She had someone's puke on her shoe.

"Gah! Eww!!! Gross! Get it off, Get it off, Get it off, Get it off!," Yang said flailing.

Nearby, they saw a blonde boy was hunched over the side and was barfing out of one of the open doors. He didn't say anything, but Turuk felt kinda bad for the guy.

"Oh man, that's gotta be rough on the guy. Guess someone doesn't like bullhead rides...," Turuk thought to himself.

Ruby looked out of the window and spotted Beacon. Yang chuckled at seeing how excited her sister was.

5 minutes later

The bullhead arrived at the school and everyone stepped out and onto the school grounds. While looking around, Ruby had divulged into a weapons geek. Her eyes lit up as she saw all kinds of new dust weapons.

"Ooh! Yang look at this one! And this one! Oh and that one over there! So many new weapons!," Ruby said with her eyes lit up like stars.

Nova raised an eyebrow at this, he'd never seen Ruby act like this. That kind of behaviour from Ruby definitely was something new for Nova to see. He didn't quite get it, but he left it alone as something that was unique to Ruby.

"What an odd girl...," Nova thought.

Ruby was so busy geeking out about dust weapons that she wasn't watching where she was going, she ended up bumping into another girl. This girl had silver hair and blue eyes, a white dress, matching heeled shoes, and had what looked like a rapier resting at her belt. She dropped her case when Ruby bumped into her, causing the contents of said case to spill from inside of it.

"Ow, ow, ow! Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to run into you!," Ruby apologized.

The girl dusted herself off and just scowled at her.

"Hmph! You should be Sorry! Don't you watch where you're going?!," The girl huffed.

Yang took offense to this. No one badmouthed her sister, no matter who it was.

"Hey! She said she was sorry!," Yang angrily shouted at her.

This argument drew a crowd, they wanted to see what all the fuss was about. The girl in the white dress and heels continued to reprimand Ruby for running into her. The argument only escalated when Ruby sneezed, causing a dust explosion and scattering dust everywhere. She would've continued to reprimand Ruby harshly if not for Nova walking up to her and flicking her in the forehead.

The girl was in shock.

"Ow! How dare you! Do you know who I am?! That really hurt!," The girl screeched.

"Oh I know perfectly well who you are, Ice Queen. The girl apologized to you, even though you don't deserve that! I'd walk away after accepting her apology, get off your high horse little miss Shnee.," Nova said glaring at her.

"Shnee?", Ruby asked confused.

A new voice then chimed in to explain.

"Yes, Shnee. This is Weiss Shnee, heiress to the Shnee Dust Company.," the new voice said.

It was a black haired girl with Amber eyes, a black bow in her hair, a white shirt that came to just above her midriff, a black vest went around it, black shorts, matching stockings and heeled shoes, with two gun type swords strapped to her back.

"Thank You, at least someone recognizes who i am.," the girl identified as Weiss said.

The black haired girl continued.

"The same company who's known for it's shady business dealings and treatment of its employees.," the girl said.

This caused Weiss to make what could only be described as a pouting face as her face became red with embarrassment and anger. She had nothing else to say to combat that claim, so she walked off in a huff before Ruby could apologize to her.

Yang put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her sister.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll come around eventually Rubes.," Yang said.

Ruby's face fell but picked back up at her sister's words. The other girl was about to walk off when Nova said something to her.

"Are you going to leave without saying hi at least, Blake?", Nova asked.

The girl identified as Blake turned towards Nova. It was clearly seen that she was rather annoyed that Nova had stopped her.

"Ugh. What are you two doing here Nova, Turuk?," Blake asked annoyed slightly.

Ruby was confused now, as was Yang. These 3 obviously knew each other somehow, but how was that possible? None of them had ever even seen this girl before. So how did they know each other? Unless...

"Same as you, sis.", Turuk said.

Ruby and Yang's eyes widened in shock.

"Did they just-" Yang trailed off, eyes wide.

"Say sister?!," Ruby asked in shock finishing Yang's thought.

"Wait a moment, you mean that you-?" Blake asked thinking she'd regret the answer.

Nova nodded.

"Uh huh. We got accepted into the same school as you did. Plus, we wanted to see you again. Been awhile since we were able to train. It'll be just like old times again, eh big sis?," Nova replied.

"Big-", Yang started.

"Sister?!", Ruby said in shock.

"EHHHHHH?!?!??!?!?!," Yang and Ruby yelped in surprise.

Blake could feel the heat coming to her face, this was really embarrassing for her. Of all the people to get accepted into Beacon.. why? Why did it have to be her brothers? Yang and Ruby just stood there gawking at the whole situation, they had no idea those two had an older sister.

They were confused though. If Blake really was their big sister... then why did she look nothing like them?

"Nova, Turuk, please stop it! This is.... really... embarrassing.," Blake snapped with her cheeks burning crimson.

The two just grinned at her with both boys rubbing their hand hand on the back of their heads. Blake knew they meant well though. She just couldn't stay mad at her brothers, no matter how hard she tried to.

The group then walked off towards the school, knowing that they'd have to get a move on before they were late to the opening ceremony.


All of the new students gathered into the Gym for some opening remarks from the headmaster. They also wanted to see what it was that they'd be doing while at Beacon Academy.

Glynda Goodwitch was there, along with the other teachers. Several of which weren't all that familiar. Yet... somehow Nova and Turuk knew them. Two of the teachers in particular seemed... familiar somehow... The other two, they had no idea who they were.

"Brother.," Turuk nudged Nova.

"Yeah, what is it Turuk?," Nova asked Turing to his brother.

Turuk pointed out two teachers in particular without physically pointing them out.

"Look.,"Turuk said.

Following his brother's line of sight, the dark teen noticed them. The two teachers seemed... eerily familiar somehow.. almost as if he knew them. Turuk felt it too, that was odd though.. they'd never even seen those two before so why did they feel as if they somehow knew them? Before they could investigate it any further, Ozpin came to the stage and began to speak. The two teens directed their attention to the principal.

The two teachers had to temporarily excuse themselves, due to the woman becoming upset about something. That was odd, but the students just shrugged it off as Ozpin began to deliver his short speech.

Meanwhile, in the other room Sala had calmed down but was still rather choked up. It was the first time that she saw her baby boys in over 16 years, so it was a natural reaction for a mother. She sniffled, trying to reign in her emotions from seeing her children again. And to see how much they'd grown too, it was almost too much.

"I.. I'm sorry dear, it.. it was just too much seeing them as big as they are now.," Sala said still slightly sniffling.

Rhubar just rubbed the back of his wife, he knew it must have been really hard for her not to just run up and embrace her sons.

"It's fine honey. That must have really hard for you not to do that.," Rhubar said comforting her.

He himself was was proud of the Young saiyan men his boys had grown into. But, he knew it was not yet time to reveal to them that himself and Sala were their parents just yet. Eventually, just... not yet.

Another teacher who'd been recruited saw the woman upset and asked if everything was alright. This teacher was a young man who bore a primal resemblance to Ruhubar and Sala, but his hair and eyes were obviously different. He did have the furry brown appendage that was obviously a tail though. Blue and black armor similar to that of a saiyan, blue arm guards, and matching boots. The only difference was the strange symbol on his armor that read "TP" and had a spiraling arrow around it in a circle.

"Is she alright?," The Young man asked.

"Yes, my wife is perfectly fine. She was just a little overwhelmed with seeing two people very dear to us for the first time in years.," Ruhubar said.

"I see. Well, I'm glad she's alright. If there's anything you two need, just ask.," the young man said back.

"Forgive me for not introducing ourselves. This is my wife, Sala. And my name is Rhubar. It's nice to meet you err-,"Rhubar greeted but no knowing what to call the young man.

He remedied that by introducing himself so as not to be rude.

"Ah! Forgive me. It's nice to meet you Rhubar and Sala, my name is Tarro. I'm a new instructor at this academy., " Tarro introducing himself said.

"Likewise, Tarro.," Sala managed to say after having calmed down.

She then noticed something around his waist and seemed to recognize what it was.

"Tarro, was it?," she asked.

Tarro nodded, signaling for her to continue.

"Are you by chance a-?," Sala asked before Tarro interrupted her.

"I'm sorry, miss Sala. Unfortunately, my heritage is not something I'm at liberty to discuss right now. But I promise to clue you and your husband in on it at a later time. Please forgive me for this.," Tarro said politely.

Sala smiled at him, as did her husband. They completely understood his reasoning. It was respectable in a way. They figured that there was some personal reason or reasons that he couldn't reveal his heritage.

"We should return to the gymnasium for now. We need to be appraised as to what our future students will be up to.," Rhubar suggested.

Nodding, Tarro agreed and the trio of them make their way back to the gymnasium.

Back in the Gymnasium

It seemed like ozpin may have been waiting for them to return as he continued his short, but brief speech.

"You all probably thought you came here to learn... and while that is correct in a sense, that's not the entire reason you're here today. When I look out amongst you, all I see is wasted energy. Energy in need of a purpose, of direction so your skills in the combat schools you've gone to won't go to waste. You'll be training hard to get by here, and we will personally see to it that you never slack off. That is all..," Ozpin said as he and the other teachers then walked off.

"Your orientation will begin in earnest tomorrow, until then get some rest.," Glynda announced to the student body.

Timeskip: That evening

Ruby and Yang were then seen getting ready for bed before the big day the next day.

"What'cha doing there, Rubes?," Yang asked trying to see what her sister was up to.

Ruby was actually writing a letter to her friends back at signal academy. Since she couldn't take any of her friends with, she felt a little out of place here.

"Just writing a letter to all of my friends back at signal. I couldn't take any of them with and there's a lot of strangers here.," Ruby said.

Yang smiled before responding to her sister.

"Now come on Rubes, you know what Dad always says: Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.", Yang assured her sister.

This perked up Ruby a little bit, but she was still kinda down.

"Pretty sure I made a minus friend today though with that whole dust thing this morning..," Ruby said despondently.

Yang chuckled before smirking at her.

"So you made a few friends and one enemy, you'll be fine Rubes. Besides, it'll work out. Not like you won't have the chance to make things right with her again.,"Yang said before continuing.

Ruby gained a confused expression at this. She didn't remember making friends with anyone new at the moment.

"I did?," Ruby asked thoroughly confused at Yang's statement.

This time yang raised an eyebrow in confusion, she was sure Ruby would remember the people she just made friends with.

"Yeah you did. What about those two cute boys that you seemed to know? You're friends, aren't you?," Yang asked.

It took Ruby a full minute to figure who her sister meant. Once she remembered, a look of realization crossed her face. She also had a look of confusion. Why did yang suddenly want to know who she was friends with? It was.. odd to say the least.

"You mean Nova and Turuk? I.. I guess I'm friends with them if you look at it that way. But, I still don't know them that well yet.," Ruby said.

Yang gained abit of a sly smirk at Ruby's answer, she could tell that her sister wasn't being exactly honest.

"Oh, so that's what their names are? You'll have to introduce me to them Rubes. I bet they're real lookers, just like all these other boys are., " Yang said.

"You know Dad wouldn't exactly approve of all the boys here.,"Ruby pointed out.

Yang smirked. Figures her sister would say something like that, maybe she was still a little young to understand something like that.

"I know I approve.," Yang said.

Ruby spotted Weiss again and went over to talk to her. She felt like she had to apologize for what happened earlier.

"Weiss! Wait a minute!," Ruby called out after her.

The Shnee turned to look, but then scoffed as she recognized who it was. It was "THAT" girl again. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and figured she may as well see what the girl wanted from her.

"Ugh. What is it? What do you want?," The shnee asked annoyed.

Ruby smiled and then spoke up, albeit a little nervously. This girl really was intimidating.

"Hi there. Heh heh. So uh.. s-sorry about yesterday. You know for sneezing with the dust and.. everything.," Ruby said apologetically.

The shnee huffed before she answered back.

"Good, you should be sorry. You ruined my clothes then too, you should be grateful I at least deem to speak to you. ," The girl answered.

Ruby could tell that she was still angry about earlier that day, so she tried her best to diffuse her anger. However, the shnee heiress stubbornly just kept berating Ruby. It was causing such a scene that Turuk had to yell just to get them to be quiet.

" Would you just shut up already?! You're way too noisy!," Turuk said angrily.

Weiss was about to confront him, but one look at Turuk and she had second thoughts about doing so. It was then that Nova walked up to her.

"I suggest you walk away now shnee, you've caused enough trouble already. Now, beat it! Before I do something I'd... rather not have to. ," Nova shot back at her with a glare.

Weiss wasn't going to argue with this kid, there was something... unsettling about him. She then just huffed as she turned heel and walked away. Ruby hung her head at this. She failed to make up with the silver haired girl again and now she was pretty certain that she hated her now.

Nova put a hand on the red head's shoulder to comfort her. At least she was trying to make up with the shnee girl. He was sure the shnee would come around... eventually.

" Try not to worry about it too much, she'll come around. Trust me.," Nova said to Ruby trying to cheer her up.

Ruby smiled at him, she appreciated his kind words. Somehow, he knew just what to say when she felt down. She wouldn't say he was a friend per se, actually.. that wasn't right. Deep down, ruby knew that they were already friends. But, she did want to make sure.

"Hey umm.. Nova? Can-can I ask you something? It's been on my mind for awhile now.," Ruby said looking into his eyes.

Nova could tell that the redhead was serious, so he paid attention and listened to her.. much like he'd been doing.

"Go ahead and ask whatevever it is Ruby, I'll answer the best way i can.," the dark teen replied.

Ruby cleared her throat and spoke up again. She wasn't sure why she was nervous all of a sudden when Nova had just told her that he'd listen to what she had to say.

"We are friends, right?," the redhead asked.

Nova nodded and signaled for her to continue. He could tell that she had something else to say. Seeing that the dark teen was signaling for her to continue, she asked the question she was originally intended to.

"You seem to know exactly what to say to me when i'm a little down. Why are you being so nice to me Nova?,"Ruby asked.

Nova smiled and simply ruffled Ruby's hair, an action that made Ruby cutely pout before Nova finally spoke up again.

"Why wouldn't i be nice to you Ruby? We are friends after all. And I don't like seeing my friends upset. If there's any way or anything i can say or do to make them feel better or not seem so upset, I"ll do that. ,"Nova answered.

Ruby seem satisfied with his answer because his response seemed to make her smile. If one looked closely, they could tell that Ruby's smile was genuine. Even Yang noticed it. Yang had never seen Ruby smile like she did just then. For that, she was grateful to Nova.

The teen realized that he'd have to excuse himself due to the long day they'd have the next day.

"I should let you get some sleep. All of us have a long day tomorrow. If you'll excuse us Ruby, Yang. We'll see you in the morning.,"Nova said as he and Turuk took their leave.

Ruby called after them to say one last thing before they parted ways for the night.

"Wait, G-Goodnight, Turuk, Nova.", Ruby said.

Nova smiled as he and turuk nodded to her.

"Same to you, Ruby.," Nova replied.

The two faunus brothers turned and headed back to where they were sleeping. After the brothers departed, Ruby turned and had Yang smirking at her. She raised an eyebrow and had a bit of a nervous smile on her face.

"Uh.. Yang what's that look for?," Ruby asked.

"Oh nothing.," Yang said with a sly smirk.

Ruby returned to what she was doing before being interrupted. She managed to finish a few minutes later, after which she decided to turn in for the night.

The next morning

Morning came, and with it the exam for enrolling into Beacon academy. All of the students followed the professors to a steep hill that overlooked Forever fall Forest, it was here that Glynda would explain what they were doing and the goal of their exam.

"Each of you will be forming teams after you land. Whoever you make eye contact with first will be your partner for the remainder of your attendance period here. Use any means at your disposal to ensure a safe landing and to survive in the forest. Your goal is to make your way to the ruins in the middle of the forest, retrieve a set of relics, and make your way back to where us instructors will be at.," Glynda explained.

It sounded simple enough of a task. Shouldn't be too hard. All they had to do was find some relics in the forest, meet up with other teammates and be back before sundown. Once she explained this, the spaces where the students stood opened up and shields were beneath them. These looked like launching pads if one took a closer look at them.

The first to be launched was and orange haired boy named Cardin and three other students, then came the girl Ruby had met previously named Blake. Following her came Yang, who flashed a peace sign and put on some sunglasses before being launched into the forest. A red haired girl in gladiator type armor came next, a boy similar in appearance to Nova and Turuk followed, a faunus smiliar to the previous boy came next. Turuk nodded before being launched himself, Nova then smiled at Ruby before being launched into the forest himself.

"Good luck out there, Ruby. See you on the other side.," Nova told the girl moments before being launched.

Ruby smiled at this, that was at least a little reassuring knowing someone believed in her aside from her sister Yang. Ruby braced herself and shifted into a ready stance seconds before she was launched into the forest herself. The one boy who wasn't ready was a blonde boy named Jaune who was very ill prepared for the jolt he received before going air bound.

Glynda of course voiced her opinion about Jaune, she didn't feel that he was ready for what the students would be undergoing at Beacon. This fell on deaf ears though. Glynda tried making conversation amongst some of the teachers with little to almost no response. She did notice some peculiar behaviour from the teaching staff's 2 newest members though. Thinking it was best if she said nothing at the time, she just observed them.

Meanwhile in the forest

Nova noticed the ground approaching quickly and took the appropriate measure to land safely. Since he wanted to avoid drawing too much attention, he simply used his tail to swing around a tree branch and then used the momentum to somersault to land on his feet.

"Well that's done. Now then, guess I better look for who my partner is? Maybe I'll go find Turuk..," Nova thought before walking off deeper into the forest.

He began thinking as he walked about several things. He was looking forward to whatever this initiative test entailed, but Nova also thought about the people he'd met so far and wondered how they were doing. Among the people he met, the oddest one was of course Ruby Rose. An excitable ball of energy, was a weapons geek, but still had the innocence of a kid. Then there was her sister, Yang Xiao Long, she was in a word.... interesting. Of course his adoptive elder sister Blake was the same as ever. And... the headache of a girl named Weiss Shnee, at least... that was the first impression he had of her at the moment.

As he was musing about this, he heard a bit of a commotion taking place just ahead of him. It sounded like someone was fighting the grim. Maybe they could use some help? It was worth a shot anyways. He rushed towards where the commotion was coming from in order to see if he could help. From the sound of it, the noise was coming from the clearing just ahead of him.

Making his way into the clearing, the dark teen saw a Black haired teen fighting a horde of grim that had surrounded him. This teen had black spiked hair, red eyes, a brown monkey tail, and tanned cream colored skin. He also wore a black jacket with a red undershirt, gray pants, a brown belt, gold and silver boots, and had a sword sheathed and strapped to his back.

Nova decided to jump in and help him, even though it didn't appear that he needed any. Two Ursa majors were about to pounce on the other teen when Nova dispatched both of them with a well timed kick to one's head, and ki blasted the other one into dust.

The other teen looked to Nova and spoke up, voicing his displeasure at being helped.

" I could've taken those two by myself you know. I really didn't need you to help me.," The teen said not pleased.

Nova smirked and then responded.

"I know you could have handled these guys by yourself, but I figured that it wouldn't hurt to have a little extra help would it? So, figured I'd drop in and provide that help for you.," Nova replied.

The other teen sighed, there was no sense in turning him away now. And he felt a sort of... odd kinship with this other teen, even though he had no idea who he was. He reluctantly agreed to let this other teen help him.

"Very well then, just try not to get in the way alright?," the teen said.

Nova nodded and launched towards the grim encircling them. The first thing he did was to bash through a few of the beowolves with some heavy kicks and equally as powerful jabs and punches. Then he used his energy and started blasting the grim into dust particles. Meanwhile, the other teen flattened his hand and then turned it like he was going to chop at something, he focused his energy into his hand before a blade made of energy emerged from it. He jumped forward and began to slash at the grim, being careful not to accidentally cut his partner while fighting.

Within a few minutes the horde of grim that'd surrounded them was gone. They'd earned a brief respite, at least for the moment. Once they had a chance to rest from fighting, they properly introduced themselves.

"Glad I came over here when I did, what's your name?," Nova asked.

"I believe one should introduce themself first before asking for names.," the teen said.

Nova rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously. This one was going to be an interesting one to get along with. He complied and introduced himself.

"Ah ha ha ha yeah you're right, my bad. Anyways, I'm Nova Belladonna. Nice to meet you er-?," Nova said before pausing giving the other teen an opportunity to introduce himself.

"Whatever. My name is Daikon Koizumi, I suppose it's nice to meet you... Nova.," He replied.

Nova nodded and the two shook hands, as they did there seemed to be a kind of understanding that passed between them. The two faunus then headed towards the ruins said to be deep in the forest, maybe they'd meet their other two teammates on the way there.


Turuk had swung around a tree and landed with a crouch to soften the impact of his landing. Knowing he had to move forward, he started walking as he thought about who his partner could possibly be. But, he also wondered how the people he met today were doing right now. They were nice like that Ruby girl his brother,Nova, seemed to get along with really well. There was his adoptive sister Blake, who was the same as she's always been, and there was Yang Xiao Long. She was in a word... very... interesting. While the blonde certainly was an attractive enough girl, there were... other things about her that just made it very awkward to be around her at times.

As he continued walking, he heard a bit of a commotion coming from a clearing up ahead of him. There were sounds of shrieking and... yelling? The more he listened he could tell... the battle cry sounded... female? Curious, Turuk headed into the clearing to go check and see what exactly was going on.

Once coming to the clearing, Turuk noticed a red haired girl fighting off beowolves and several Ursa majors. While she was fine at first, she looked like she was getting pinned eventually. Turuk decided to lend a helping hand by taking out the beowolves surrounding the girl with a series of kicks, heavy punches, and some energy blasts. Landing next to the girl in question, he spoke up.

"Thought you could use a hand with these guys. Hope you don't mind?," Turuk said.

The girl eyed him curiously before smirking as if she recognized him. She turned so both of them were back to back now. The two agreed that they'd cover each other's potential weak spots. Wordlessly, the two sprang into action. Turuk drove a knee into a Beowulf so hard that the head exploded from the force of the blow, another one he twisted his body and kicked it in the head. This allowed him to very quickly disorient the beast before ripping its head off, killing it.

Turuk then twisted around a claw swipe and then a tail swipe in order to reposition himself to deal a flurry of blows to the creature's limbs. This came just before he blasted a hole through the center of its body, effectively ending its life. The girl watched and was thoroughly impressed with Turuk so far. The girl slid under the legs of an ursa major before sticking an energy blade into its back.

She roundhouse kicked one grim before quickly turning and backfisting another into an exposed tree limb, impaling it. The girl then used her two hands and stood upright as if she was doing a handstand. The girl then rotated her legs like a copter blade, knocking away dozens of grim. This was before coming behind them and incinerating them with lightning quick energy attacks. The two briefly stopped so they could converse.

"While I thank you for the help, I could've handled that on my own. ," The girl said not pleased that she'd been helped.

Turuk smirked, this girl was pretty smart. He told her his reasoning before introducing himself to her.

" I know, just figured a little help never could hurt, right?," He said.

Turuk continued. "Anyways, name's Turuk Belladonna. It's nice to meet you, uh..," Turuk said before pausing due to not knowing the girl's name.

The girl saw this and decided to introduce herself, albeit begrudgingly.

"Scarlett. I'm Scarlett Reinhardt, I suppose it's nice to meet you... Turuk.," Scarlett said.

This only lasted momentarily as the two heard a hissing sound. Turning both look and see that an enormous King Taijutu had snuck up on them and was waiting to pounce on them. Both could tell, this one was going to be more than a little annoying to deal with. So they did what they thought was the best thing at that particular moment in time, that was to run. They were hoping that maybe they'd be able to tangle the giant serpant around some trees so it'd be easier to kill. As if in anticipation of this plan not working like they thought, Scarlett decided to unsheath the sword from her belt. She continued running with Turuk of course, but she hoped she wouldn't have to use her sword and her powers. That could draw some.... unwanted attention to her.

With the others

Ruby landed after using her skills with her gun scythe to land in the forest safely. She morphed her weapon into its gun mode as she searched for her partner. Perhaps, if she was lucky enough, she'd have Yang as her partner. That was the first thought on her mind. She needed to find Yang. The hooded girl took off to go find her half sister. As she sped through the forest, not seeing anyone she failed to notice one person that she did know... just not on the friendliest of terms.

"Yang! Yang! Where are you, Yang?!," Ruby called out.

It was then that she noticed a rather familiar face, it was the shnee heiress. She wanted to make up with her anyways, so it couldn't be all bad... right? As she approached her though, Weiss looked and when their eyes locked she started to to storm off away from Ruby.

"Wait! Weiss!," Ruby called after her.

"No! I refuse to accept that you would be my partner! There is surely someone better suited to my talents than you-," Weiss said before coming face to face with Jaune who was stuck to a tree.

"Hi.,"The blonde said.

Weiss immediately turned around and walked the other way, grabbing Ruby by the hood of her cape.

"On second thought, i'd rather have you as my partner over that oaf over there.," Weiss said dragging Ruby by the cape.

"Yay, you came back!," Ruby said while being dragged the opposite direction.

Ruby stood to her feet and caught up with the silver haired girl as they made their way towards the center of the forest.

Back with Jaune as he watched the the two girls walk off, he tried calling out to them. However, it was no use. They were already too far away to hear him. Not, but a few moments later is when the ginger haired girl in gladiator armor came up to him. She let him down after taking her weapon out of the tree he was stuck to.

"Still have a spot on your team open, Jaune?," She asked. "I'd be open to being your partner.," the redhead said.

Not like he had a choice, but the blonde figured it couldn't hurt to be partners with this girl. She was pretty nice after all.

"Sure. My name is Jaune... Jaune Arc.," Jaune said offering his hand to her.

The girl smiled and took the offered hand and reciprocated the gesture.

"Phyrra. Phyrra Nikos. And it's an honor, Jaune.", the girl said.

The two then head off towards the ruins to find the relics they were supposed to collect.


Yang had found her partner pretty early as the two arrived at the ruins in the center of the forest. Her partner was of course Blake. The black haired girl looked to Yang, who nodded. Blake walked into the center of the destroyed ruins in picked out two... chess... pieces? That was an.. interesting choice for the relics.

"I guess we either head back or wait?," Yang asked.

Blake shrugged her shoulders as she wasn't sure what to do herself. Luckily, they didn't have to wait long as the same dark skinned faunus teen that Yang saw her sister get along with emerged out of the forest. There waas another boy with him too, also a faunus similar in appearance to him. The red eyed teen walked into the ruins, and snatched two chess pieces like blake before him had done. The two teens then walked over and sat down for a moment, almost as if they were expecting something to just barge in. Sure enough, they were right. An orange haired girl with green eyes bursted through, riding on an... ursa? The ursa fell over dead a moment later.

"Aw... it's broken.," the pink clad girl said as she hopped off and the grim dissapated.

Beside her a black haired boy with most green on for his outfit emerged from forest as well. He had his hand against his forehead as if he just experienced something borderline stupid and reckless.

"Nora... please... Don't ever do something like that again.," the teen said.

The pink clad girl then spotted two chess pieces and her eyes widened before zipping over to the ruins. She held them up high before singing a tune.

"I'm queen of the castle. I'm queen of the castle~," Nora said before zipping back over to the teen named Ren.

As if things weren't already crazy enough, Turuk and Scarlett came bolting out of the forest, followed by a giant King Taijutu grim. Turuk distracted the snake, while Scarlett grabbed the two chess pieces.

These events were started to make Yang's patience wear thin. Jaune was then seen flying out of a cave near the clearing where they were. This was just before Phyrra was seen runing from a deathstalker that burst through a cave.

Meanwhile nearby

Ruby and Weiss were hanging on to the talons of a giant Nevermore grim in the air. The shnee was of course screaming her head off. She didn't even recall how they even got in this situation. Ruby spotted the others and smiled.

"Weiss, i can see the others. We have to jump if we're going to make it!," Ruby said over the howling wind.

Weiss's eyes grew as big as saucers at this.

"WHAT?! Jump, from here?! Are you nuts?! Then again... THIS IS EASILY THE CRAZIEST IDEA YOU'VE EVER HAD RUBY!!!,", Weiss screamed holding on for dear life.

Before Weiss could say anything else, Ruby had already jumped. She free fell for a few minutes before using her scythe rifle to slow her descent and navigate her fall safely. Well that was before she was hit by a flying Jaune as both ended up against a tree. Ruby got up, but was a little wobbly before she started falling over again.

Luckily, Nova went over and caught her before she fell over again.

"That was a close one. Are you okay, Ruby?," Nova asked.

Ruby smiled and slightly blushed before being helped to her feet by the dark teen.

"Y-Yeah thanks, Nova.", Ruby replied.

Nova smiled. "Hey, no problem. I'm just glad you weren't hurt.," Nova said.

Blake then looked towards Yang with a rather puzzled look.

"Umm.. Yang, did.. your sister just fall from.. the sky?," Blake asked.

"Ruby! Help!!!," Weiss said as she was flailing causing the nevermore to squawk and release her.

"Um.. she's about to fall..," Scarlett said.

"Scratch that, she's falling. ," Nora said finishing the thought.

Jaune had just recovered in time to see Weiss falling from the Nevermore. He jumped out to try and catch her bridal style, but as if reality caught up to him, he face planted with Weiss on his back.

"My hero..," Weiss sarcastically said rolling her eyes.

"You're welcome.," Jaune said from the ground.

The teen with red eyes and black hair walked over to offer the heiress a hand. She hesitantly took it as he pulled her to her feet.

"Need a hand, princess?," Daikon asked.

"Sure.," Weiss said reluctantly accepting his help.

Yang finally just had enough of it and she snapped. She was tired of crazy things happening around her all of a sudden.

"Ok can everyone just chill for like two seconds before anything else crazy happens?!," Yang said frustrated.

Ruby then spoke up, not wanting to say anything but felt like she needed to.

"Umm Yang? Not to be 'that person' but we've got more important issues to deal with here.," Ruby said pointing out the grim surrounding them.

Yang looked towards her sister, Turuk spoke up after that.

"You know, she's got a point. We can't stay here.," Turuk said.

Yang sighed, she knew they were right she was just... frustrated. She signaled to everyone that they needed to get a move on before the grim completely cut off their escape route. The other teens didn't need to be told twice and followed Yang and Blake after snatching two pairs of relics each for their teams.

While they were running though, Ruby's cape got pinned by one of the feathers from the Nevermore. The others were waving to her to hurry, only to see her struggling to free herself. It didn't look good for Ruby as the giant bird swooped towards her to finish what it started. A flash of light and an audible crack were heard as Ruby shielded her eyes. The next thing she knew, there were Weiss and Nova in front of her. Nova had zipped over and uppercut the bird in the beak to chase it away temporarily, while Weiss had encased the feather heading for Ruby in ice from a glyph courtesy of her rapier Myrtenastr.

"You are so childish! You're reckless, a brat, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. But, if we want to finish this, we should do it... together. Just.. try not to show off so much.," Weiss admitted.

"I wasn't trying to show off. I just wanted you to see that I can do this.," Ruby said.

Weiss sighed reluctantly before speaking up again.

"You're... fine...," weiss said before pausing again. She continued. " I suppose I can be.. a little... much. I promise to not be if you'll trust me a little more, okay?," Weiss admitted reluctantly.

Ruby nodded and smiled. She turned to Nova and spoke up after Weiss added something.

"And.. thank you for the backup. I do hope you will forgive me for my rudeness earlier yesterday.," Weiss said.

"No need to be so formal, it was just a lapse of judgement was all. There's no need to beat yourself up over it. Water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.," Nova replied.

Weiss nodded and continued forward, helping Ruby up on the way.

As they ran toward the valley where the teachers were waiting a little ways away from the cliff they needed to climb to complete the orientation, the sky bound grim noticed where they were going. The Nevermore crashed to the ground and split the bridge, separating the group of teens. A group consisting of Turuk, Yang, Blake, Jaune, Phyrra, and Scarlett were on one side of the bridge away from the giant bird grim. The other group which consisted of Ruby, Nova, Weiss, Daikon, Nora, and Ren stood on the other side of the Casym closest to the Nevermore.

Nova looked towards Turuk, he looked back and they both seemed to come to some kind of silent agreement. Nova spoke up.

"Ruby and... Weiss, right?," Nova asked making sure he got the name of the shnee heiress correct.

Weiss nodded and verbally confirmed it, so the teen continued. He had a plan, but he needed to be sure the others would agree to it first.

"That giant bird is going to be a little bit of an issue, you two can handle that one right?,"Nova asked.

"Of course.," the shnee answered.

Ruby smiled and answered as well, before growing concerned about her friend. "Yeah, shouldn't be too much of a problem. But, what about you guys? Won't you need some backup?," The silver eyed girl asked concerned.

Nova smiled back at the girl. He appreciated the concern, but he could handle himself just fine.

"I appreciate the concern Ruby, but don't worry about us. We can handle a few grim all by our lonesome, I'd like to think.," Nova said smirking towards his partner, Daikon.

Ruby's face notably fell at this, something Nova didn't like seeing. She almost sounded... disappointed that she couldn't help them. He wasn't sure why exactly, but he knew that wasn't a look he wanted to see on the silver eyed girl's face.

"Try not to worry, Ruby. We can handle small fry like these guys with our eyes closed. We'll take care of these guys, you two take care of the annoying giant bird over there.," Nova said try to assuage Ruby's worrying.

She sighed and reluctantly agreed. The girl then smiled at him, knowing that he'd be fine. Ruby wasn't entirely sure why, but she knew that she could trust Nova. This was something she wanted to find out for herself, and she knew the only way to do so was to get to know the teen better. Her and Weiss went back and prepared for their attack on the Nevermore.

Nova and Daikon slipped into stances, bouncing on their heels in preparation for their fight against the grim. This action seemed rather odd to everyone but Turuk, Scarlett, and Blake. For Blake, it wasn't odd because she'd just come to expect things like this from her brothers. They were always doing unexpected things like this in her eyes. Scarlett wasn't bothered by it due to the fact that she'd grown up practicing martial arts like this herself. Her father had taught her to use a sword as her dust weapon, but she preferred using her fists to fight.

As if she knew things might get a little interesting, the girl actually shed the the heavy shoulder and neck armor she had on. This action rather confused the others and rather embarrassed a few of the girls because they thought it was indecent. They took back their words upon seeing the ground crack when scarlett's armor hit the ground. The girl rolled her kneck and cracked her knuckles while gaining a rather... unnerving grin. It was only then, that those in the group with her saw how muscular Scarlett actually was.

Her black shirt and pants still covered more than what they needed to, but she looked more like a mix between a street thug and a boxer now. Scarlett also adopted a similar stance to Nova, Turuk, and Daikon.

"Ready guys?," Scarlett asked with a noticeable white aura blazing around her.

Turuk smirked. "Heh, sure. Whenever you are.," Turuk responded.

Nova sounded off the attack by screaming the signal. "GO!," Nova said launching with a battle cry. The dark teen and Daikon took off towards the death stalker. The scorpion grim came after them, trying to pierce and swipe at them. Not only did they dodge, they were able to block its strikes and zoom around its defense. Daikon used his energy and formed it into a blade while parrying the Grimm's attacks.

The dark teen sped forward, past the Grimm's defense and kneed it very hard in the underside before twisting his body and delivering a devastating uppercut. The uppercut sent the beast flying in the air, which Daikon took advantage of. Without having to be told Daikon reengaged his energy blade and severed the beast's stinger from its body. He also destroyed the stinger with a series of lighting fast slashes. The Grimm screeched in pain from having its stinger severed and destroyed, this gave Nova the opportunity to deliver a haymaker to its exposed underside. The blow sent it hurtling down towards the ground before Daikon appeared before it again.

He opened his palm and let out a primal battle cry as he incinerated the beast with a massive wave of energy. Nova landed and the 2 fist bumped before going to help Ren and Nora with the extra Grimm trying to jump them.

Over on the other side, Turuk and Scarlett shared a look after seeing the display Daikon and Nova put forth. They smirked at each other.

"Those two work really well together, don't they?," Scarlett asked.

"Yeah, they do.," Turuk responded back.

Scarlett grinned, she got excited. She took the display from Nova and Daikon as sort of a challenge.

"Well, we can't let them one up us can we?," Scarlett asked smirking.

Turuk also smirked, knowing where the redhead was going with this.

"No, we can't. Let's show em what real team work is like!," Turuk said.

"Heh, now you're talking!," scarlett replied excitedly.

Both rushed forwards and started to knock back the grimm with their martial arts. Turuk decided to try and copy Daikon by converting his energy into a blade, he did so and began slashing any beowolf grimm that was stupid enough to get close to him. He also mixed in some kicks and even used his tail to slap and disorient some of the grim for good measure.

Scarlett mostly used well timed kicks and the occasional punch or two. That was before she flipped over and performed a favorite maneuver of hers. Scarlett briefly stood on her hands and proceeded to twist like a spinning top while kicking out at the grimm converging on her. She then landed on her right hand briefly before pushing up and performing a jumping split kick. The redhead smirked before channeling ki into her her right foot. Leaping up in the air, she twisted and brought down her foot in an arc motion. A wave of ki came from her foot and sliced any grim within the vicinity of the wave in half. Scarlett alternated this between feet and soon had both of her feet shooting out slicing waves of energy that slashed any grimm that it made contact with in half. Between scarlett demolishing grim with her kicks and ki blasts and Turuk slicing grimm with his ki blade, the beasts eventually were smart enough not to mess with those two.

This didn't save them however as the two just pursued the extra ones that tried to jump Yang and Blake who were dealing with a cluster of grimm themselves. After dealing with the grimm, blake and Yang decided to go and help Ruby and Weiss with the giant nevermore. The bird launched a barrage of feathers at them, only to have Weiss freeze them. Yang got the bird's attention by pounding its legs with shotgun dust rounds, Blake limited its movement by slashing at its wings and firing her gun sword at them until the creature's wings came off.

Just as grimm had Ruby in its sights, Nova came out of nowhere and blindsided it with a shoulder bash. He saw Ruby speeding up towards the bird, he smirked and called for her to finish it off.

"Do it now Ruby! Finish it!," He said encouraging the young girl.

The girl nodded and sped up even more by activating her semblance. She sped towards the grimm and stuck the blade part of her scythe into the cliff around the beast's neck. In one motion upon reaching the cliff's peak, Ruby jerked the blade of her scythe back towards herself. This action resulted in the bird's head being severed from the body, dissipating into a black mist, and the body falling into the casym below.

The others momentarily finished taling care of the the other grimm around the same time. All of them looked up towards Ruby who just smiled and looked on towards her friends after sticking the pole part of her weapon into the ground.

"She's not half bad, is she?," Scarlett asked.

Nova agreed. "Yeah. Not bad, not bad at all Ruby.," Nova said smiling at the girl.


Back at Beacon, students and teachers gathered in the gymnasium for the awards ceremony following the orientation event for students.

"Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark.. the 4 of you gathered the bronze rook pieces. Congratulations on your entrance into this school. From now on the you will be known as team CRDL lead by Cardin Winchester.," Ozpin said.

After they were dismissed, Cardin and his team left the stage to give way for the next teams.

"Nova Belladonna, Daikon Koizumi, Turuk Belladonna, and Scarlett Reinhardt.. the 4 of you gathered the silver knight pieces. Well done. Congratulations for your acceptance into Beacon. You four will be known as team NDTS lead by Nova Belladonna.," Ozpin said congratulating them.

Several claps of approval were heard, most notably Ruby, Yang, and two teachers oddly enough. Nova sweat dropped at this due to him being elevated to team leader. He thought it was a rather quick choice and that there were better options than him, but he reluctantly accepted the choice after seeing the look on Ruby's face. The four exited the stage and made way for the other teams to be congratulated and named.

Ozpin continued.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang all came to the stage as they were called.

"Ruby Rose, Weiss Shnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long.. the 4 of you collected the white bishop pieces. And worked quite well together I may add, congrats ladies for your enrollment and acceptance into Beacon. From now on you will be know as team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose.," Ozpin said.

Ruby's eyes widened, she was surprised that she was picked to be the team leader. While Yang and Blake congratulated her, Weiss wasn't so enthusiastic about it. She scowled at this. It didn't make sense for Ruby to be the team leader. The newly formed team RWBY left the stage for ozpin to introduce the other teams.

Nova was the first one to come over and congratulate Ruby on being named team leader. Ruby smiled and thanked him for the compliment. There was that odd feeling again.... She didn't get why but hearing Nova specifically congratulate her made her really happy for some odd reason. This feeling confused her, she determined that she'd find out what that odd feeling was by getting to know Nova better.

Rhubar and Sala, who were now teachers at the academy saw how well Nova and Ruby were getting along. It made Sala happy to know that her sons had made some new friends. She was also glad to see her niece was among their new friends. Though, both Rhubar and Sala were sure that Nova had no idea that one of his teammates aside from his brother, Turuk, was related to him. Rhubar soothingly rubbed his wife's back.

"Soon dear. It's not yet time for them to know who we are just yet.,"the dark saiyan said.

Sala's eyes softened and she agreed.

"Yes.. I suppose you're right honey. It's not our time to reveal ourselves to them just yet.," Sala said.

Rhubar could tell by the longing look in his wife's eyes that she wanted nothing more than to just run up to her two boys and hug them. She wanted to love them like a proper mother should, but she had to hold herself back from doing the very thing she wanted to do because it would be far too soon. The two of them would wait until the proper time and when the opportunity presented itself.

Rhubar put his hand on his wife's shoulder to comfort her. He knew that it must be really hard for her, so he offered the support he could as her husband.

The boy and girl didn't realize it at the time, but this wouldn't be the last time they interacted. This would only be the first of many more interactions between Nova and the girl named Ruby Rose. Unknown to them during the orientation exam, Nova and Ruby had formed a special bond with each other. This bond could end up being tested many times in the future, but for now... as the two smiled at each other, they just enjoyed the fact and thought of spending more time together with each other and their friends.

To be continued in chapter 4- Weiss and Team RWBY's dilemma.

Hey guys Novaflame6_Badal here, hope you guys enjoyed chapter 3 of this story. In case you guys have forgotten, this is a rewrite or sort of reboot of my fanfiction.net story called The Legend of the Remnant Saiyans. Thought I'd add more of an interesting dynamic with Nova (Brussel is his saiyan name) and Turuk's birth parents being more of a prevalent presence in the story. Below I'll leave poll as to when I should have Rhubar and Sala reveal themselves as Nova and Turuk's parents in the story. I'd love to hear your answers regarding this.

Poll: When in the story should Rhubar and Sala reveal themselves as Nova and Turuk's parents?

A: Volume 2

B: Volume 3- During the fall of Beacon

C: Volume 4- when Yang meets Raven.

D: Volume 5- During the haven academy arc

E: Wait until Volume 6

Anyways that's all for now. See you guys in the next one, peace out!