
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · Others
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Chapter 2: Alien Strangers From Another World?

Rhubar and Sala had barely managed to get to their space pod in time and escape the destruction of their home world. Rhubar had to fight off some of Freiza's goons who had infiltrated planet vegeta first after they went home to get a few things. But now that they were here... the question was now what?

It wasn't like they could go back, their home planet was just destroyed. Rhubar had gotten a little beat up fighting through all of freiza's solidiers and some of the saiyans who attempted to stop them from leaving. A moment later, they saw a hole open up in space and the pod they were in suddenly changed direction and flew towards it at breakneck speed.

"Dear, why are we flying that way? Earth is the other way.," Sala said confused.

" I wish I knew, Sala. This pod won't go the other way though, no matter how many commands I type in.," Rhubar said.

Rhubar could feel himself slipping in and out of consciousness. He guessed that he took more of a beating than he originally thought. It was hard for him to stay conscious and was becoming increasingly difficult to stay standing.

Sala, knowing his condition, tried to dissuade him from pushing himself. He was bruised and bleeding from cuts all over his body.

"Honey, are you ok?," Sala asked very concerned for her husband's health now.

Rhubar offered a weak smile before ultimately collapsing from exhaustion. Sala bent over to check on him and was relieved to see him still breathing. The pod they were in had entered the black hole though.

After he collapsed, everything went dark to his eyes.

The pod raced through a colorful void and then popped up on what looked to be an unknown planet.

Down below at a certain house, it was business as usual. There were people milling about and completing tasks for moving large shipments in crates. One employee noticed something... a bright light that was getting bigger by the second and was heading towards them at breakneck speeds.

The others saw it too and started to clear out and get away from the approaching object only for said object to pass overhead. They all breathed a sigh of relief for the moment. They then realized in horror that the object was heading towards the home of the family who hired them.

The orb was too fast though and seconds later, a large explosion occurred near where the house was. To their relief, it missed the home and impacted the ground away from it. They then returned to work.

A young white haired girl probably around 7 years old came to investigate what the absurdly loud crash was about. This girl was Winter Shnee, the eldest daughter of the Shnee family.

She gingerly stepped towards the crater and saw what laid in the center. It was a strange circular orb with a tinted window and looked like it wasn't in the best condition.

Her Father, younger Sister, brother, and mother all came out to see what the loud noise was. When one of them was about to speak, the door to the orb opened up and coughing could be heard. When the smoke cleared they saw a man and woman in bizarre armor with black tails. The woman was carrying the man, who looked like he was unconscious and badly hurt.

They could tell that the woman was clearly concerned about the man by the tone in her voice as she spoke.

"Someone... anyone please help! Please help my husband, he's hurt!," the woman begged.

Winter looked to her mother who acted on impulse. She looked to her husband who said for her to do what she wanted. The silver haired woman then went towards the two strangers and escorted them towards the door of their home.

Once inside, she instructed a servant of theirs to go fetch some hot water, towels, and some ice packs. The woman laid her husband onto the bed in the guest room, all while holding his hand and silently begging for him to be alright. The woman did her best alongside her servants and two daughters to treat the man's wounds.

It was heartbreaking to see what the young woman was going through, so winter, her mother, and even young Weiss would do all they could to make sure the man recovered. A few minutes later, it seemed the man was breathing more steadily. The worst of his fever had passed it seemed.


Rhubar woke up feeling more than A bit groggy from his slumber. He smiled as his eyes landed upon his wife, Sala, who was currently passed out with her head resting on her arms in his lap. The saiyan stroked his wife's hair gently and smiled.

"Thank you, Sala. Your pleas were able to help me fight through the pain I was in.," Rhubar said looking down at his sleeping wife.

He then turned and spotted the Shnee children, beckoning them to come over with a waving motion.

"And thank you three for helping to look after me. I.. appreciate it.," he said.

"Don't worry about it. It's what anyone on remnant would do.," winter replied.

Some time after, Sala woke up and was overjoyed to see her husband healed now. The female saiyan then suddenly became serious. Rhubar knew what this look meant without even asking, he turned to those who had housed them with a question.

"We thank you for housing us.. and helping me to recover from my injuries. We'd not like to inconvenience you any further but we have a favor to ask, if you don't mind?," Rhubar asked.

Winter spoke up for the siblings gathered there with the couple in bizarre armor.

"Sure. What is this favor you need?," Winter replied.

Sala then liked to the mother and Mr. Shnee who had joined them. She then continued.

"My husband and I are looking for some people. Perhaps you've seen them?," Sala asked.

"We'll need to know what they look like first in order to know if we have indeed seen them anywhere.", Mr. Shnee answered.

" Ah yes. Forgive me for not doing so. They're young, no more than infants. One inherited his father's skin and hair, and the other one looks a little more like myself. Thing to know is they both look like normal humans, except... for the black tails like the ones myself and my husband have.," Sala replied.

The three Shnee children were a little surprised at this detail. If Mr. Shnee was agast or disgusted at this, he didn't show it.

"So.. you're Faunus then?," Weiss asked.

"Faunus?," Sala asked confused.

"They're people who look like humans, but have animal traits to them like bull horns or animal ears and tails.," Winter explained.

Sala and Rhubar nodded in understanding. They thought on how to best explain what they were without revealing too much.

"You... could say that.. in a way. But we are different than faunus at the same time though. The people we're looking for are our children.," Sala explained further.

This surprised the family present a little. The woman looked a little young to already have children, but they figured it best not judge a book by its cover.

"Have you seen our two sons at all?," Sala asked.

The Shnee mother smiled sadly.

" I'm afraid not. Sorry we couldn't be of more help to you.," she answered.

"It's fine. And we thank you for letting us stay here. But we really have to get going. We need to find our sons so we can figure out what to do next.," Rhubar said solemnly.

The couple then exited the Shnee family home before waving goodbye to them. Shortly after walking out of the house, they levitated off of the ground and sped off towards the horizon. Clear white auras blazed around them as they rocketed off towards the distance.

The rest of the Shnee family then returned to their own business while winter still gazed at where the couple sped off from. She realized that she never got what their names were. Ah well, maybe she'll run into those two again. Winter then turned heel and headed back towards her family's home followed by her sister Weiss.


Rhubar and Sala had departed the nation of Atlus in search of warmer climates. For the first several weeks they really couldn't find anything, but then a few weeks later they found a place.

It was small, but it would do... at least temporarily. They found themselves in mistral after about a 2 month journey of searching. Mistral was nice and quiet for them, just the kind of place for two weary saiyans to rest. They could start searching for their sons from there.. eventually. The two agreed that rest came first and that's exactly what they did.

The saiyan parents would search for any clues regarding their 2 kids over the course of the next decade and a half. They'd never give up, they knew their kids,were alive because they could sense their ki. That ki would eventually lead them to Vale and to Beacon. But now things became challenging.

timeskip: 13 years later...

A black and Red haired girl with silver eyes looked up from the book she read. This was Ruby Rose, 15 years old. She noticed a Dark skinned boy with a black monkey tail purchasing a book at the counter.

" What the-?! Is that a faunus?," Ruby mumbled to herself a little surprised.

When she looked, it wasn't just one, there was another one of them. 2 faunus in the same store as her! This was.. bizarre to say the least, because it wasn't often that she'd find Faunus in vale. And especially, at night of all times. As soon as they boy purchased the book, he sat down to read. He was unable to because he felt eyes on him, so he looked over and addressed the gurl staring at him.

"Can I help you?," He asked.

"Um.. n-no just don't see a couple of Faunus in Vale very often. What brings you here?," Ruby asked slightly nervous.

The dark skinned boy sighed before addressing Ruby.

"Okay, first things first. 1: You don't need to be afraid of me, I don't bite. And 2: Is there a particular reason you keep staring at me?," The boy asked.

Ruby waved her hands in front of her face nervously, she obviously wasn't expecting a response like that and it flustered her.

"N-no reason! It's just... you don't see a pair of Faunus in Vale typically. It was just.. unexpected is all.", Ruby told him.

This caused the teen to raise a curious eyebrow at her. This girl definitely was a rather curious one, as well as a little... odd.

"A-anyway my name's Ruby Rose, it's nice to meet you. Um?," Ruby said before realizing she never asked for his name.

The teen sighed and then chuckled as he smiled for the first time since talking to Ruby.

"It's Nova. Nova Belladonna. And that one over there is my brother Turuk.," The teen said.

The aforementioned teen came over to greet her. Like his brother, he had a black monkey tail hanging loosely from his backside. Turuk was lighter skinned then his brother, but still had a little of a tanned appearance. He wore bizarre blue and white armor that matched the navy blue spandex or pants and shirt that he wore, silver gloves and white boots with gold tips at the toes accompanying it.

Nova wore Black armor with no sleeves, a green color where the shoulder pads would be normally, matching green spandex like pants, and had a black fur pelt that Ruby recognized as the carcass of a Beowolf grim around his waist. His wristbands or bracers were purple in color, this went with the green and steel gray boots he had on as well that finished out his look.

As they talked an orange haired man in a white suit with a black bowler hat came into the store with some other men. The men all had black goatees, red glasses, and wore Black suits with matching hats and shoes. The old man at the counter became afraid and started to cower in fear.

"Please sir, just take the money! I don't want any trouble!," the man cried.

The Orange haired man with the bowler hat just smirked before replying.

"Relax, old timer. We're not here for your money.," He said before turning and giving his men a different order.

"Grab the dust, all of it.," He said.

The men did as instructed and began to swipe all of the dust in the store. While this was happening, Ruby had gone back to reading and listening to music as she had her back turned.

One of the man grabbed her shoulder and said something she couldn't hear, so he pointed to the earphones. She reluctantly took them off.

"Hands on the air, girly.," the man said.

Ruby eyed the man suspiciously before asking him something.

"Are you trying to mug me?," she asked.

The man nodded. Next thing he knew the man was sent flying out of the store's window by Ruby. The girl then chased down the man and began to fight him and several other goons.

While This was happening, another man tried doing the same to Nova, but didn't even get the chance to reply before being Sparta kicked through the door. Nova winced because he maybe used a bit too much force in that kick as it caused the door to break off of its hinges.

"Sorry about that sir, I'll pay for your door later.," the young man said apologetically.

The shopkeep just waved him off with a smile gesturing that it was fine before replying to his offer.

"It's quite alright, young lad. Come back any time and we can talk shop.," the old man said kindly.

Nova smiled and then rushed after the man he just kicked through the broken door. Turuk had decided to follow his brother to go help in any way he could, so he got up and ran out of the door.

When Nova and Turuk arrived they were a little surprised to see the girl Nova had just briefly talked to easily handling the goons that were attacking her. She used an excellent form of martial arts combined with her ability to wield a scythe... or was a gun? They couldn't tell because Ruby used it as both.

The man in the white suit and bowler hat then strode through the chaos smugly.

"Well Red, all things considered... this has been quite the eventful evening. But, I'm afraid this is where we part ways.," The man known as Torchwick said.

The bottom of his cane popped off and he aimed an explosive dust round at the girl, only for it to be knocked away by something as another unwelcome guest jumped in front of her. This caused dust to pick up before Nova was revealed to be holding up his arms in a cross guard position. The boy looked back to Ruby, who was surprised that he'd protected her.

"Are you okay?," Nova asked.

Ruby initially stuttered when trying to answer, but she eventually composed herself enough to give the teen a proper response. Though she had a small blush on her face.

"Y-yeah t-thank you for that.," Ruby managed to say with a slightly red face.

Nova nodded in understanding and as if to tell her "You're welcome and it was no problem".

When the teens looked up, the orange haired man was gone... Or so it seemed. Ruby quickly spotted him swiftly climbing a ladder on the the side of a building, attempting to escape. She turned to the store owner with a single question.

"Mind if we go after him?," Ruby asked.

The two brothers initially were surprised at the girl's request, but then went along with it. The old man nodded and the three teenagers took off running to chase after Torchwich.

This was not without difficulty however as the goons they thought had been knocked out, came charging at them again. Nova got in front of Ruby and cracked his knuckles while walking towards the charging mob. Ruby looked concerned for Nova and was about to jump in and help when Turuk extended his arm in front of her to hold the scythe weilder back.

"Hang back. Let my brother handle this.," Turuk said eyeing her.

"Your brother seems strong, but that's quite a few enemies to be taking on even for him, he looks like he could use an extra hand.," Ruby argued.

Turuk held his point though and told Ruby to watch. She did, albeit reluctantly. Turuk smirked, knowing the shocked look about to come onto the redhead's face when she saw Nova in action.

Sure enough, that look came. Nova had stomped hard on the ground, causing a gust of wind to fly up and knock several of the goons onto their backs. He followed this up by elbowing one in the gut, side stepping a blade and back handing another in the face, sweeping the legs out from another goon, using his tree trunk sized arm to clothes line a couple of others, and then finishing all of them of with a kiai wave.

The dark teen cracked his neck and his knuckles afterwards as if to signal that it took very little effort to deal with those goons.

"That's better. Well that a decent workout at least.," Nova said.

He then noticed the shocked look on Ruby's face, that's when it dawned on him that he may have gone a bit overboard.

"What? I have something on my face?," Nova asked.

"N-no I'm just surprised. How did you do that?," Ruby asked.

"We'll explain that one later, don't we have a crook to catch?," Turuk asked.

A look of realization hit Ruby's face as she regained her composure.

"Ah! Yeah, you're right! Come on, before he gets away!," she replied while grabbing Nova's arm.

Nova had a curious look on his face at the action, this caused him to raise an eyebrow. He let Ruby pull him along as they went after Torchwhich.

"What an odd girl..," Nova thought while being led by the hand.

Rooftop- a few minutes later

The three teens reached the rooftop just as Torchwich was about to get into a bullhead. They ran after him with Ruby shouting at the top of her lungs to get his attention. The man turned at the girl's voice and seemed annoyed that the teens had caught up to him.

"Stop right there!," Ruby shouted.

"So.... persistent... Hello again, red. Much as I'd like to stay, I'm afraid this is where we part ways for now.," Torchwich said.

He grabbed a red dust crystal and tossed it at them while simultaneously firing an explosive dust round at it. Nova saw it coming and moved to protect Ruby, only someone else beat him to it. It was a blonde hair and green eyed woman with glasses. She had a white cuffed shirt on with a purple skirt and matching heels. She had a wand that looked like a horse riding crop. A large circle of light appeared above where she held the wand and when she flicked it towards the escaping ship the light bent in several directions.

Some formed into clouds that became dark and started to pelt the bullhead with small icicle projectiles. Torchwich went into the cockpit and alerted his accomplice.

"We've got a Huntress on our tail!," he said.

Torchwich and the black haired woman then switched places. The newcomer then confronted the blonde woman. The black haired woman's clothes lit up when she attacked with her flames as the two battled briefly before the flames collided with the ice, creating a smoke screen and allowing the crooks to escape.

The blonde woman then turned to the teens with a sigh and a very stern look. Ruby knew what this look meant, they'd have a lot of explaining to do for this woman to believe them.

A little later...

Both Ruby and the two boys we're brought to a room where there stood 3 chairs and a table. They each sat down and waited. The same blonde woman they met mere hours before came into the room along with a man the three of them had never seen before.

"Tell me..," the bespectacled woman began. She continued.

"What were you three thinking? Those were dangerous criminals that very well could have seriously injured the three of you.," she continued before being briefly interrupted by the man to her left.

"Glynda, please calm yourself in front of our guests.," the man said.

"Do you know who I am?," the man asked to which Ruby quickly answered.

"Yes! You're Professor Ozpin from Beacon Academy.," Ruby answered.

The woman, now identified as Glynda Goodwitch, sighed and reluctantly nodded.

"Very well.," Glynda replied.

The man offered them a plate of cookies, which Ruby didn't hesitate to partake of. Nova and Turuk weren't sure at first, but eventually decided to take some cookies. Glynda pulled out a device that was like a tablet or miniature screen that showed clips of the three teens fighting off the crooks goons. It first showed Ruby with her scythe.

"Ruby Rose. You have.. silver eyes.. Tell me, where did you learn to fight like this?," the man asked indicating to the footage.

Ruby rubbed her hand behind her her back sheepishly, a little embarrassed.

"I learned everything I know from the combat school I go to. Er- well.. to be honest from ONE specific teacher at signal academy.," Ruby answered.

The man identified as Ozpin chuckled. Ozpin's appearance wasn't anything too special though. He had a black jacket on with a green scarf over his shoulders, a beige undershirt, black pants, a matching belt and shoes, grayish silver hair, black eyes, fair skin, and he wore a pair of black glasses.

"That fighting style reminds me of a dusty old crow.," Ozpin remarked.

Not bothering to cover her mouth Ruby tried answering him but her response was muffled due to the cookies in her mouth.

"That's my uwnclw!," she said.

Ozpin signaled for her to swallow her food before answering again, which she did upon recognizing the gesture.

"Sorry, heh heh. I meant that's my uncle crow! He taught me everything I know!," Ruby excitedly said.

Glynda had a bit of a surprised look on her face, but quickly masked it.

"So your uncle taught you to wield one of the most dangerous weapons ever made?," Glynda asked.

Ruby nodded.

"He help me build crescent Rose too.," Ruby added.

Ozpin appeared thoughtful before asking her another handful of questions.

"Tell me, miss Rose what is your dream?," Ozpin asked.

"Hm.. To be a Huntress I guess. I've wanted to be one ever since I was a little girl. They use their abilities to help those in need and save the day, just like heroes. Police are cool and all.. but Huntsman and Huntresses just seem.. more romantic in a way.," Ruby explained gushing over the prospect.

"So you want to fight monsters?," Ozpin asked.

Ruby nodded.

"And become a Huntress?",Ozpin asked checking.

"More than anything!",Ruby said enthusiastically before continuing.

"Besides, I know my sister is starting at Beacon Academy this year. I know I still have 2 more years of training before I can apply to beacon. I was hoping my sister would still be at Beacon by the time I got there.," Ruby explained.

Ozpin thought about before smiling and coming to a decision. It might've been a stretch, but he could tell Ruby would do well and really apply herself in her goal of becoming a Huntress.

"Ruby Rose.," Ozpin spoke.

"Yes sir?," she asked.

"How would you like to become a student at my school then? I'd take care of any arrangements that need to be made. What do you say?," Ozpin offered.

Ruby was beside herself as her eyes lit up like stars in the sky in excitement.

"Really?! Yeah, I'd love to!," she replied.

Ozpin chuckled at her response, she certainly was enthusiastic about this.

"Ozpin are you certain this is wise? Think about how young she is.," Glynda argued.

"Relax Glynda. I'm sure miss Rose here will be just fine. Besides, I have a feeling things certainly will be rather lively with her as a student.," Ozpin replied.

Glynda went to argue further but thought better of it and eventually relented. She trusted Ozpin, so she would trust that he had the school's best interest in mind. He then turned to the other two teens.

"Nova Belladonna and Turuk Belladonna... you're Faunus.," Ozpin said sounding a little surprised.

"Yeah.. and?," Nova asked a little cautious. " There a problem with that?," he asked.

Ozpin shook his head not wanting to be misunderstood. This action or rather the meaning of it confused the two brothers.

" No, there's no problem with it. I'm just a little... surprised is all. It's not often we encounter Faunus in Vale so openly.," Ozpin said. He continued.

" I'll ask you the same question as I did for miss Rose here.," Ozpin said.

Glynda pulled up some footage of the two brothers fighting the goons alongside ruby.

"Where did you two learn to fight like that? I can't say I've ever seen such an odd and unique way of fighting before.," Ozpin asked.

"Who taught you how to use martial arts like you two did back there?," Glynda asked.

Nova and Turuk looked at each other and nodded deciding to trust these two.

"Our father did actually, he taught us everything we know.," Nova said.

Turuk then added something else to what his brother said to the two adults.

"Our sister helped train us too... well to an extent anyways. She's starting at Beacon this year.," Turuk added.

This intrigued Ozpin, he wasn't expecting that. All the more reason for what he was about to do. Glynda paled slightly, she had an odd feeling that Ozpin was about to do something even more outlandish than inviting a girl they had just met to attend Vale's most prestigious military academy for aspiring huntsman and huntresses.

Sure enough, she was proven right.

"I can assume you two are somewhat strong then?," Ozpin asked.

"We are but, we could always stand to improve even further. Never settle for being 2nd best at anything, always strive to better yourself at anything you do." Nova told him.

Ozpin smiled and looked towards both teens.

"Wise words to live by. How would you two feel about enrolling into beacon?," Ozpin asked.

Glynda's eyes just about popped out of  their sockets at this. Was he really going to extend an invite to join the most prestigious military academy for aspiring huntsman and huntresses towards two boys they hardly even knew? Such a thing was unheard of and had never happened before.

They looked kind of confused at the gesture until Ozpin rephrased his question.

"Allow me to rephrase that... Think of this as.. an opportunity of sorts.," Ozpin said before continuing.

"An opportunity?," both teens asked.

"Yes. Think of this as a chance to... broaden your horizons, learn new things, and really challenge yourselves further than what You've known so far. Plus, I think there will be ample opportunity for you two to test the limits of your strength in more ways than one.," Ozpin said.

The two boys thought about it for a moment, there were a lot of advantages in taking the offer. It was a win-win for them.

"Well? How 'bout it, boys?," Ozpin asked expectantly.

Nova turned to look at the man, then glanced back at Turuk. He nodded in approval. Nova closed his eyes and smirked before opening them again and  turning back to face Ozpin. 

"Very well professor, you've got yourself a deal. Turuk and myself would be honored to attend Beacon.," Nova said as he shook hands with the man.

"Wonderful to hear.," Ozpin said delighted.

He then cleared his throat and extended a greeting towards all 3 teens who were in front of him, his new students.

"Ruby Rose, Nova Belladonna, and Turuk Belladonna... Welcome to beacon.," Ozpin said.

This caused the three teens to smile. Unknown to them was that their inclusion into Beacon would only be the start of some rather interesting times. Times that would ultimately change the future of their entire world.

To be continued...

Next time, Chapter 3: Entrance exam and New teams?