
Chapter 4 Romeo (1)

"What do you think Luna? Although this message have high probability that it was fake but this is the only clue we have about him. In my opinion even though this message look like a fake one, I still choose to follow the instructions to find out the truth. If this message is a fake one then we can punish the one behind this and if we find out that this is a real deal then we can finally meet him after so many years" Elias said.

Luna is in deep thought after hearing what Elias said because what decision should she decide. Follow the instructions or ignore it.

After some time did Luna give her decision. Luna then said with decisiveness " I suggest that we..."


It's already 9PM that Elias and Luna send message to Kenneth and when Kenneth saw the notification he then open his phone unhurriedly and read the message.

The message that Luna and Elias send is said that if Kenneth want to prove his identity then he should change the instructions and what Elias and Luna suggest is that they should do a video call, with this they can confirm Kenneth true identity and at the same time if he was indeed the true Kenneth then they can just discuss his request.

Kenneth then agree to their suggestions because he knows that if he ignore it then they would ignore him and he knew that they doubt his identity which is understandable, after all Kenneth knew that the fact that he didn't contact them for a very long time and he can guess that many people would try to imitate him inorder to get benefits from them.

After Kenneth send the message then he lost in his thoughts and by coincidence Paul Andrei saw this. At first Paul Andrei had a question that he needs to ask to Kenneth that's why he search for him and when he saw Kenneth sitting at the balcony in deep thought then Paul Andrei decided to return to his own room and ask question tomorrow.


In a certain alley their are two people who meet up. Both of them wear a cloak to hide their appearance. Both of them inspect their surrounding if there were any people that close to them, fortunately only the two of them are in the alley

"Big Brother when will you beat that bastard?" The person on the left said.

"Just be patience Simon. I have many things to do and it's not like we're not going to meet him anymore just because he didn't show up in the guild for the past few days" The person on the right said.

This two people are Simon and Romeo respectively. Romeo is an adventure just like Simon but the difference between him and Simon is their rank. Even though both of them are E rank adventure their rank still different because aside from the normal A, B, C, D and E rank that divided the adventure base on their strength and the quests they accept and complete, the rank still divide into 3 sub stage and that is -, the rank letter and +. For example an E rank adventurers divided into E-, E and E+. Romeo rank is E+, while Simon rank at E- which is expected since he were still a newbie adventurer.

"Simon after I finish my latest quest the we could start to make a plan to beat Python so stop disturbing him and making him alert and instead start increasing your strength for the time being and after I came back then we could start making plan about him" Romeo seriously said to Simon.

"I understand Big brother" Simon reply with understanding. He knows that with his current strength he were no match to Paul Andrei and even before could Romeo tell him to train, he already plan to do train himself to avenge what happened that day.After some time both of them leave the alley.

**Romeo Pov**

Even though I said that we will teach Python a lesson with a confidence, I know for the fact that it would be very hard to achieve because he knows that Python is a very strong adventurer and all E+ rank adventurers agree to it. While some rumors stated that he started to weaken because he would only accepted some very easy quests and avoid accepting some very dangerous E rank quests. Many said that after 'that' incident he suffer some kind of injury that weaken him greatly and they that he were saving some money to buy medicine in order to heal his injury but because he were injured he can't accept a very hard and dangerous quests because it would probably lead to increasing his injury. But I think this rumors is nothing but rumors because a D+ rank friend of my stated that Python would occasionally accept a hard and dangerous quests but he would only accept the quests if the people in guild is small and he said that Python probably want to stay low key for time being but the reason still unknown.

After completing this quests I should start to change Simon attitude. He became much more arrogant after joining that group of adventurer. I hear that the group that Simon join is very suspicious and there even a rumors stated that this group would do something very illegal like slave trading and selling illegal things but because their no evidence about this claim they treated as nothing but rumors.I can't help but worry about Simon future but I know that I can't do anything about it since there would be a day that I have to leave him on his own.

After thinking how to achieve my goals and possibly help Simon to change his attitude. Now thinking about Simon I would suddenly remember the day we meet.

Simon and I aren't blood related and we meet when we were still beggars. That time the two of us would team up to beg for money for passerby or steal some money or foods.

One day when we successfully steal a wallet from a wealthy person, me and Simon decided to hide at the alleyway to avoid getting attention from other beggars and at that time we are very happy because with the money in the wallet is enough for us to buy delicious foods that we could only dream and if we manage to properly spend the money then it would be enough for 3 months for us to fill our stomach.

But little did we know at that time that the owner of the wallet we still is a gang members of a medium size gang and it just so happen that we live inside their territory.

After an hour when we start hiding then we decide to use the money we still to buy food that we wanted and after we buy the food we want then we hide in the alleyway to eat our food and we make sure that no one around. That time both of us were very happy because for that day we wouldn't have problem if we were to starve again because we could buy food with the money we've got. Little we would know that the owner of the wallet we still gather some of his friends to find us.

The next day, me and Simon decided which food should we try to buy for our breakfast then we decide to buy a fresh cooked bread and for the first time we could buy a soft and warm bread and not the hard bread that close to spoiling. But before we could it the bread we just buy some people immediately grab us and the bread on our hand fall to the floor. Both Simon and me struggle but it was pointless because they immediately knock us unconscious.

The moment I wake up I immediately survey my surroundings and what I saw are tree all around me and I conclude that I am in the forest and currently I was tied in the tree and I couldn't break free. I saw Simon also tied at tree in front of me and 4 people in the left carrying a wooden stick.

Then one person walk towards me with an angry expression. I immediately recognize this person because he was the owner of the wallet we still.

This person walk so slowly and I suddenly felt fear and my body tremble. I started to panic and try my best to escape from being tied down but it was pointless.When he arrives infront of me then he immediately punch my stomach.When his fist hit my stomach I felt intense pain that I almost lost my consciousness. That punch also make me vomit but this person seem didn't satisfied yet instead he was enrage because my vomit stain his clothe, he immediately punch my head making me hit my head to the trunk of the tree causing for me to fell tremendous amount of pain and he still continue to punch my face until my fave full of bruise.

"This is the price for stealing my money dirty brats!" The man angrily shouted then he use his wooden stick to beat up my body and he was still not satisfied he immediately request his friend to also beat up Simon and both of us received a beating much worse than we experience in the past. We beg them to stop and forgive us for stealing the wallet but they didn't listen instead increase the intensity of their attack.

Back then when both of them caught by the people they steal they would only punch them once or twice but this time they were beaten up that after the group satisfied what left is a bloody kids who lying at the dirt.