
Chapter 3 Clue, Elias Davis and Luna Davis

Kenneth then suddenly said "For the time being you should focus on your study at the academy and tell the other 'four' to be more careful with their actions for the time being"

Paul Andrei nodded then eat his meal while thinking how to explain it to the four about the organization. The reason why Paul Andrei thinking a proper way to explain his situation because first at that time that Paul Andrei and his friends make plans, Paul Andrei didn't know much about his true situation that's why he give his three friends all information he knew at that time. Second reason because he didn't want them to be people include if his enemy decide to kill him and his sister.

From the looks of it Paul Andrei's friend is much more supportive than he thought and that make him both touched and ashamed. Touched because they fully trust him while ashamed because he didn't fully trust them and keep some crucial information.

While Kenneth and Paul Andrei talking about what they do for the time being not far away their a person who have black hoodie and mask listening to Paul Andrei and Kenneth conversation.

Kenneth long notice this person the moment both him and Paul Andrei enter the restaurant but he didn't do anything in order to not be suspicious and when he deployed the silence barrier he also deployed a very special barrier that changes topic that Paul Andrei and him talking and with Kenneth's strength no matter how much the person tried he couldn't notice the barrier and he wouldn't notice that all the information he recorded is nothing but a false one and he also wouldn't notice that Kenneth would set up the two barrier.

After the two done eating the two immediately return home and of course Paul Andrei take out some food for Sophia to eat. The man that watching Paul Andrei and Kenneth in the alley also pull his phone from his pocket then call someone and report what he hear and saw.

"Boss, I send the record about the topic that the two talking. What should I do next?" The man ask his boss.

His task is to observe Paul Andrei and his sister and observe if both of them possess a talent that help them achieve a higher strength.

"No, His excellency already ordered that stop spying them because we already knows that the two of them aren't threat to us" The man on the phone said.

"Boss why don't we kill them just like we always do? If we kill them then there's no need to wasting our time observing them" The man said.

"His excellency said back then that those kids parent give his excellency something amazing that greatly help us hasten our plans and they only demand is to not kill their children and the fact that the two of them are just trash that we can kill anytime and their talent is very low that achieving a high level cultivation is nothing but a dream for both of them so, there's no need to worry about them causing trouble for us" The man in the phone slowly explain.

"I see, then I would immediately return to the base and waiting for my next mission" The man said then he then drop the call and then vanish in the alley.

Little did the man knows that all the conversation between him and his boss have been heard by Kenneth. The reason why Kenneth able to hear their conversation is because when they were at the cafe, Kenneth plant some of his consciousness in the man so he can know his location and any information that he had.

After hearing their conversation, Kenneth who sitting at the backyard watching Paul Andrei and Sophia play game of tag stare 5 his phone, more specific a contact number of someone with complicated expression. After some deep thought he decide to message this number.

Kenneth then look at the siblings with a smile because he knows that in the near future this children have to be separated in order for them to grow faster.


Meanwhile in the Captain City, near center of the noble district and close to the castle which the royal family reside there was a mansion in the hill. Inside of the mansion... more specific the office room, there is a man who had a red color eyes and a black undercut hair who busy doing some paperwork and his table there were a piles of papers that divided into two parts the left one are the documents that he already done working and the one on right are documents that he still need to work with.

This man name is Elias Davis, a Duke of the United Empire which Paul Andrei and his love ones reside.

Elias is considered one of the strongest in the empire and he is the commander of the strongest battalion of the empire. In the empire, he were both respected and fearful by its people. Respected because with he won many battle against other human empires and fearful because how cruel he was in his enemy.

Elias also a man of justice and would always work tirelessly in order to arrest those who break the empire law and the well being of its citizens.

Just when Elias is working with the documents he need to work his phone suddenly ring and a message pop up. At first Elias thought that this message is not an important one and probably come from either his political enemy or from his wife who likes to remind him to decrease his workload because she were worried about his wellbeing but when he see a very familiar name then he immediately stop the work he currently doing as if the message were come from an emperor or a holy message come from the god.

When Elias double check the messenger name and when he confirmed it that it was the real deal then he immediately read the content of the message thoroughly.

When Elias finish reading the content of the message then he laugh so loud that his voice heard all over the place and baffle the people in the mansion.

After a minute or so of laughing, Elias then hurriedly exit the office room and meet his wife who were in the garden taking care the plants and herbs that she love very much.

Moment after Elias exit the office room he immediately went to garden and when he arrives what great him is a woman who wear gardener outfit carrying a pot that contain a sapling of a fruit tree.

This woman consider a very beautiful woman that could charm any man. She have a very beautiful and long blonde hair and deep blue eye that as beautiful as gemstones. She is Luna Davis, Elias wife.

Luna stop what work she doing because she knows that any second her husband will be appear to tell her some news that make him this excited and Luna didn't wait for long because Elias appear in front of her with excited expression.

Just when Elias about to tell Luna something important in his opinion he was immediately interrupt by Luna.

"If you have something to say to me then we should find a proper place to talk don't you think?" Luna said with a smile.

"You're right, my bad" Elias apologies.

Then both of them decide to talk in the living room and while at it Luna decided to have a quick shower and change her clothes for the time being because Luna is a germaphobes but luckily for her is that in her case is not very severe and she can still work with her garden but with limited amount of time.

After some time then both of them already at the living room and both of them sit at the large couch side by side.

"So what news do you want me to listen? The fact that your very excited and happy seems that this news is a good one" Luna said.

"Indeed the news that I gonna tell you is a good news. This news that I gonna tell you is all about Kenneth" Elias excitedly said.

"Kenneth! You mean that 'Kenneth' right?!" Luna jump out in shock because if she didn't guess wrong then the Kenneth that Elias is spoken right now is someone she knew.

"Indeed it was that Kenneth that we knew" Elias confirm her guess.

"How did you get that news!" Luna immediately asks. The reason because it's been a very long time since both of them heard any kind of news about him and she considered Kenneth as her brother even though both of them aren't blood related because he was the one that took care of her like a brother taking care his little sister. That's why she were excited when she heard a news about him.

"He send me a message and asking some help about..." Elias then tell Luna about the content of the message.

This is the content of the message Kenneth send to Elias.

Elias it's been many years since the last time we meet each other and I would love to meet you up sooner but I got delay because of some problems even to this day I can't still solve this problem that troubled me for years and I initially plan to contact you and the others about my wellbeing after I solve this problem but from the look of things its already impossible.

I ask a help from you if possible. Of course you can choose to decline because I know that your busy on something but if you are okay with it then contact me using this number and I know that you must thought that I must be a fake one that trying to scam you or something but once you call me I will tell you something that prove who am I.