
Chapter 5 Romeo (2)

After being beaten to death by the three of them at that time my hearing sense increase while the other senses of mine weaken. That time I didn't really think anything about it and my only focus at that time is how to escape from them, of course at that time I also planning to escape with Simon but just as I was planning to escape I heard from discussion that they would throw us from the ravine near to our location.

When I heard it I was panicking on what to do, I can't beat them and outsmart them, my body is severely wounded and so for Simon and if we really fall from that height then we would be dead without a doubt but I can't do anything about it.

After deciding they immediately drag our injured body and slowly travel to the ravine that would be our grave. Simon and I struggle and beg for forgiveness for the last time but all we received is another beating from them and when we arrive they didn't even hesitate to throw us at the ravine.

While falling I felt deep reluctant and anger. Reluctant because I still want to live and eat the food that once impossible for me to buy and anger for the three bastard that killing us. Just because we steal your money isn't enough for us to be killed but I can't do anything but accept the reality and realized how unfair the world really is.

After some time I slowly awaken by severe pain that I fell all over my body. I gritted my teeth in order to endure the pain I was feeling and after some time I slowly adapt the pain and I immediately try to remember what happened and how did I survived after all the ravine that we fall is very deep but what really worry me if Simon survive or not.

I look around me for any sign of Simon and I saw his body not far from me. I crawled towards him and when I was close to him I immediately sigh of relief because Simon is still breathing.

I didn't immediately wake him up because I know that if he wake up, he would scream from pain just like I did not too long ago.

When I finish checking about the condition of Simon I immediately scan my surroundings and what I saw is just like your typical ravine that you could visit but unlike other ravines, the ravine I just fall is way too dark. That time I just probably thought that it was already night but that couldn't be further from the truth.

After some time Simon also started to awake and just like me, he roared in pain the moment he wake up. I immediately try to calm him down and after some time Simon also manage to endure the pain he experience.

We decide to just rest for that moment because we don't have enough strength to find the way out and we barely could move our body with that we slowly fall asleep.

The next day I woke up, I felt pain but not as intense yesterday and the moment I wake up is also the moment that Simon wake up.

Both of us were hungry because we didn't eat any food yesterday and we can't find any food in this ravine so even though we are physically weak we have no choice but to explore the ravine.

I also notices that even though it should be morning right now I can still barely see what infront of me but still I can see more about my surroundings unlike yesterday were all I could see is pure darkness if not for some light that came from the moon I'm sure I couldn't find Simon unless I hear where he is.

Its been an hour since we decide to explore the ravine and we can't still see the end of it and I started to worry if we could even found an exit for this ravine.

Just as I started to lost some hope I notice something in the wall. I did tell Simon for what I found and he also notices it after I pointed my fingers towards it. What I find that time is an cave.

"Big bro its a cave! If we enter the cave there a high chance that a this a home of a savage beasts" Simon said with great fear.

"We need to enter it because there are high chance that this cave would lead us to the exit " I said calmly.

At that time my only thought is to exit that goddamn ravine and the possibility that the cave could lead to exit I desire, I didn't hesitate to go to it.

Simon also understand this and so he just follow along with me... Unwillingly that is.

I didn't know at that time but that decision would lead to change our live forever in positive way.

After some time traveling inside the cave I discovered that wall are too smooth to be natural formation but I don't have any experience entering a cave aside from this. I also notices that there only one way inside the cave. I thought that a cave could have many route to it but because its my first time I didn't think any of it.

We ignore what is a very abnormal in the cave because of lack of knowledge we have but that didn't stop us be on guard for any accident because the cave give us some uneasiness.

We been exploring the cave for over two hours and we still haven't see any sign of exit. Just us we started to despair our situation we saw something that we didn't expect.

At the end of the cave we found a door, we see a freaking door inside a cave! No matter how lack our knowledge about the cave is we know very well that its very abnormal for a door to appear at the end of the cave.

We decide to open the door in hopes that someone living inside and might possibly help us with our situation. I thought at that time that this place must be a hide out of some kind of organization or a hidden home for an eccentric cultivator, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

What great us inside is not a very luxury place that eccentric cultivator need to feel relax or a room full very bloody torture devices that an organization used to torture their victims and enemy, but a very normal room. The reason why I called it normal because this design and furniture is look a lot of what we found in a very normal house in the city and I called it normal if isn't for the fact that this room is hiding in a cave.

Me and Simon explore this hidden room inside in a very hidden and unusual cave in order for them to feel little bit safe. I decided to explore on the left while Simon explore on the right.

Even though this place is very normal but it's terrifyingly big and it took me sometime to find a room. The first thing I did is to find if the door is locked or unlocked and what I find is an unlocked door and so I open it and what great me isn't a bedroom or a storage room but a freaking library. It isn't a normal library but a very huge one.

Both me and Simon knows to read because it was a mandatory things to do wether one is an orphan or not, wether one is a beggar or a rich one. The royal family did this in order to give all people an opportunity to show their hidden talents because the royal family believe that even a beggar can be a very powerful powerhouse if it was given an opportunity and one of the wide known opportunity is a cultivation technique. With cultivation anyone can change their fate much faster but with greater risk because a path of cultivator is a bloody one and this opportunity is infront of my very eyes and not just one technique, but hundreds, even thousands of technique.

When I imagine that I might become a cultivator excited me and without further ado I immediately run to find where Simon is and tell him my amazing discovery even though I my body is full of wounds and it cause me great pain just by running, but I didn't care.

Little did I know that not only I find an opportunity in this place but so do Simon. What he found is something we desperately need and it was a storage for food. When I arrived Simon's location I saw him also leaving the food storage to find me and when he saw me, he immediately tell the good news and with both of us being hungry we immediately grab the bread and fruits to fill out stomach.

After we done eating I immediately tell him what I found and he was extremely excited and we immediately return to the library to find a possible cultivation technique that we were hoping to find.