
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

their vow

3 days after Reino entered the sewer under the old house

reporters and police are crazy because of the collapse of one of the oldest sewers and also many people don't know about this sewer because its existence is quite hidden

The newspapers were full of the same news in the last 2 days in Kroval

Reino was the party who benefited from the destruction of this sewer because the secret passage leading to the old house was destroyed

to see existing association messages

that house without being suspicious they can only use that sewer

The item used to display the gathering place was left in the house because Chandra was worried it had some kind of GPS device in it

it's not a wise choice to fight with an enemy you don't know about

Reino now lives in the apartment rented to him by Priq and the others

Overall this apartment is better than his old house

his apartment

not flashy with normal style and color

Reino bought some old maps of Kroval City to find out where the sewers ended

Reino suspects that 1 possible location is the sewer connection

a simple old toilet that is rarely used now because most people already have their own toilet at home

Alaz who had just tasted strawberry pie with potatoes was now within Reino's telepathy radius

After some consideration, Reino named his power telepathy, which really suited his powers

A thin sound wave entered Alaz's brain in an instant after Reino activated his power


after Reino told Alaz his plan Alaz let out a *sigh* when he grabbed Reino's shoulder

"Next time you shouldn't do it alone"

"I just thought that way would be more efficient"

Alaz shook his head and grinned

"I don't need your advice"

Reino's words covered Alaz's mouth which had just opened slightly

"ok back to topic"

Reino's apartment has another guest who is also his partner

Chandra came to Reino's apartment after being called by Alaz

they discussed some plans to go to that sewer

Reino met a magician earlier in the sewer

Because of Reino's reflexes and weapons, the wizard didn't have time to do magic

but after the collapse of the sewer there will be more magicians who will come there

and that's when they had to do magic battles

Reino is a beginner at this and his magic is also not suitable in battle

Reino will use his strategies and weapons more often when he is still at level 1

after he gets more useful power

he would be able to fight to the fullest as a magician

"We will leave in 1 hour, gather in the park next to the toilet"

Without asking any other questions Alaz and Chandra went to get ready

Reino took a cup of coffee and sat in his chair


Children who were playing ran home after the rain wet the garden

Reino, Alaz and Chandra

while carrying their umbrellas, they each moved to the north gate of the park

After 5 minutes of walking they found a manhole which was suspected to be where the sewer was connected in the newspaper

Rainwater enters the sewer after Alaz opens the cover

They entered one by one using the stairs, afraid that the stairs would collapse if they went down together

Chandra was the last one down so he had to close the sewer

puddles of water are created under the stairs after rain enters the sewer

"This is the place, right?"


right above the three of them was a man's hoarse voice

heard from above

"This is our shortcut to the house, open it quickly."

Another man's voice appeared after the first man's question

Alaz's heart moved quickly because of nervousness

Reino holds Alaz's shoulder while showing a smile

2 wind blades flew towards the face of the man who was opening the sewer with his right hand

The first wind blade hit his cheek while the other managed to cut 2 of his fingers

Reino's grenade flew towards his face after a while

the first man burned in the explosion without making a single sound

Residents who lived nearby heard the sound of an explosion from a distance

4 reports about explosions near the park were sent to the police station almost simultaneously

even thought Reino seemed to have made a mistake by luring many residents to the scene

That was Reino's plan that had been carefully made before leaving here

Reino's current location is quite close to a police station

and in the near future the police will definitely succeed in arresting and interviewing the target

but that's not what Reino wants because the aim of the mission this time is to kill the target and their chances of winning increase if the police are also involved in this case

2 days before this plan, Priq visited Reino's house to give Reino the original purpose of this mission

"If you can catch him, just catch him, but it would be better if you killed him directly because believers of the God of Destruction and Chaos never reveal their secrets to outsiders."

no matter what kind of torture they were given, they never gave information to outsiders

a famous vow that the god of destruction and chaos believers have