
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
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21 Chs

an assasin in an old house

this house was only has 2 floors without basement

some of the windows were boarded up by wooden planks and nailed

the rooms on the second floor are very dirty and messy

"hey alaz are there some rumors of ghost stories in this house"

"Yes, ghost stories were quite famous in the past, but many stories are just fake and there are so many stories about this house that you won't be able to find any clues by hearing them."

Alaz's words are true in an era where we can't differentiate between genuine and fake

it is impossible to find a true story without evidence

"Guys, I found something, come with me to the room on the 2nd floor, there's something strange there."

some rubbish and dirt piled up in the room causing the three of us to have difficulty moving around, actually it was just the two of them who were having trouble and it wasn't me

"Look at the foot of this bed, there's something strange here."

The foot of the mattress is not like other wood which is brittle. This wood is still strong and can even be said to be new if we clean it

"This mattress is stuck to the floor, we can't possibly lift it."

"Alaz you can use your wind blade for this"


a wind knife strikes the bed foot *druuaar*

it must have been made from an unusual wood or perhaps some other material

after the wind knife strikes the second foot

the three of us lifted the fairly light mattress together

The two legs that attached the mattress to the floor were taken out of place by Alaz and Reino

leaving a box-shaped hole in the floor

From the sound and hardness of this object it is not made of wood but rather a type of iron which was widely produced in 1101

Reino found some strange polka dot patterns under the foot of the mattress

Alaz, who was examining the foot of the mattress, also found the same strange pattern but the position was slightly different


Without warning, Reino threw the iron at Alaz, which hit him in the ribs


"Check it out, maybe it's a magic item, put your spiritual power into it."

Some spiritual power was attracted by the iron which made the strange patterns under the iron begin to move to their respective places

figures were gathered on one of the irons while the other showed an image of a dense forest with in the middle a large strange rite made from a pile of stones

The number shown is February 5, 1125

"in about a week"

"This is probably the meeting point for the followers of the God of Destruction and Chaos, we have to find the location before one week's time."

"This is probably the forest in the south"

Alaz kept both irons in his pocket and he released a soft sigh

"After investigating today, we will rest and find the location of this place before February 5th."

Chandra nodded towards Reino and Alaz

After that day's investigation we split up to our respective destinations

Alaz and Chandar thought Reino would go to his house but actually Reino just returned to the same empty house after he left.

Reino entered using the window on the 2nd floor and he went down to the 1st floor without using stairs but he jumped from the 2nd floor

1 step before the stairs

Reino cleared the ground and grass there before finding a light soil

after everything is removed

The manhole with the pattern and style of the 1102th was reflected by Reino's eyes

The manhole is quite light with the same material as the iron found under the bed

Reino entered and went down carefully because there were no stairs at all to go down

The hole was about 30 meters high

Reino's feet hit the ground with a *step" sound

The hallway that Reino entered was the same as most other sewers

the walls are covered with moss and some rubbish

Reino lit the lantern he had hidden in his cloak

After a while in the sewer Reino reflexively told him to turn off the lantern

Reino calmly squatted on one leg

a small light was visible in front of Reino

Reino immediately took the poisoned dagger and lighter

The poison in the dagger is quite dangerous if burned

after the light approached Reino within 3 meters

Reino immediately burned his dagger as he was jumping forward

The figure in front of him was surprised by Reino's presence but before he could react his leg had been cut by Reino's dagger

the lantern hit the ground

Reino threw the wine bottle he always kept in his robe onto his fallen kentera

sparks were created from the collision of the two

The sparks grew bigger and bigger until finally the person in front of Reino was swallowed by the explosion

splashes of blood hit Reino's robe and a bit of his cheek

The explosion just now shook the sewer which was fragile and had not been used for a long time

A huge crack in the wall appeared after the explosion just now

"This sewer won't last long"