
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

priq letter and reino letter

at 04:00 on February 2, 1125th

A dove carrying a message enterred Umta Official Magician's office which at that time only had Priq in it while carrying the letters in his feet.

After priq take the letter that dove was burning and turning into an ash

That dove was actually a magic item

Because there's no way a regular dove could enterred the office that was an another magic item

Reino open the letters and read the contents

The contents of the letter went like this

Reino, Alaz and Chandra managed to complete their mission well in a fairly quick time

the target has been killed and the intervention of the police who saw the incident has been hypnotized by our members

We hope that Reino and the others can maintain this kind of productivity in the next mission

umta government

Priq who read it couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth


In the middle of the city, Reino was walking while wearing a hat that was big enough to cover his face

Inside the black suitcase that Reino was carrying were piles of sparkling bronze, silver and gold coins

When no one was looking, Reino went to the small alley where the person he was looking for was waiting for him

The person had the appearance of an old man wearing a suit, umbrella and a brown hat that was quite worn

Reino brought his mouth closer to the old man's ear. Reino started whispering something in his ear

"10 grenades, 3 arrows, 1 bottle of paralyzing potion, 1 bottle of sleeping potion and 1 bottle of illusion potion as well as 3 health potions and 1 strength potion"

The old man just took Reino's order and put it in a different suitcase while Reino's suitcase was taken by the old man

This is a regular weapons shop that Reino often visits because lately Reino has been using his weapons quite often. Reino has had to buy several other new weapons for other fights.

for level 1 like reino the only way they can fight with other stronger magicians is to use tactics and weapons

As someone who really understands both of them, Reino really understands how important these two things are in a fight

while walking carrying *suitcase*

Reino felt an unpleasant feeling behind him that followed him

someone who was skilled in assassination followed him and not for a good thing

Despite the fact that Reino had just shopped at a weapons shop, there was no other evidence of Reino's existence as an assassin

except for other assassins sent by the assassin guild to kill Reino for leaving work

but Reino already knew about this possibility and the person who followed him had made a big mistake by following Reino when he had a weapon in his hand

The stalker continued to follow Reino without losing track of him in the middle of the city in the crowd

Hundreds of people passed by in front of him but he remembered all his features, height and even the clothes Reino was wearing today.

a black colored 10 meter wall covered his sight as he was jumping that wall with his pure strength

His steps were stopped because something hit his kick

it was an old grandmother walking her dog

Many people turned to look at the grandmother and their gazes locked onto the person who had kicked her right in the face

Two policemen who happened to be passing by on bicycles also saw the incident

one of them got off and ran to the man

"What are you doing"

the stalker is still confused about what happened

the muzzle of the gun was pointed at him

and as an assassin he knew what he had to do

He tried to dodge as hard as he could but his strength was drained and his whole body fell to the ground

"You will be arrested for injuring innocent pedestrians"

another policeman came with handcuffs in his hands without being able to resist he was handcuffed and taken away by the police

Reino, who saw this incident, smiled brightly at him while holding a bottle of paralysis and illusion potion

"what a coward you are!"

With all the last of his abilities before he was paralyzed he shouted at Reino so loudly that his throat bled a little

His eyes widened at Reino until his eyes finally gave way to darkness

10 minutes after Reino caught him

Reino has nothing else to do besides adjusting his weapons and disguise so that the same incident doesn't happen again

around 5 pm that's when everything starts and Reino's life will become even more terrifying without Reino being able to expect it


a mysterious letter arrives in Reino's mailbox

"This is not the time when the postman will deliver the letter"

Reino was always careful when something suspicious came his way and that letter was one of them

one of Reino's daggers is the object that will take care of this suspicious object

white paper with some writing on it

The letter did not have a signature or stamp, which meant it was sent directly to his apartment

and at that moment Reino's long and ongoing suffering began

"Reino Tival, actually I know about your past and identity

and by some coincidence

your family was in my hand, your father that you don't know is still alive and your mother that you always hate

if you want them to get back home safe

follow my orders

Go to a small village in western Umta and you will find out about the village worshiping an unknown god who is not the five gods we know of.

it's not one of the gods of light, guardians, souls,

nature or even god of destruction and chaos

I want you to investigate that village and after you bring an useful information to me then maybe your family can be safe"

dad and mom?!

they're still alive?!!

Memories of the past rose in Reino's head about memories of when he was still a child with a good life and no blood

anyone would be surprised to find out that parents they thought had long been dead were actually still alive and kidnapped by someone who was going to kill them

The last line below the sentence is not the sender's name but one short sentence

"Don't give this information to anyone or your parents won't survive."

The black and white photo that came with the letter showed exactly what Reino wanted

photo of a couple in their 40s with the husband having a similar appearance to Reino except for his eyes and hair which are brown and his wife who has the exact same color hair and deep black eyes as Reino

Reino knew very well that they were his parents whom he had not seen for a long time
