
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


1 teardrop fell from Reino's eyes

after yesterday's fight Reino was taken to hospital and received excellent treatment

Chest of Green was successfully secured and the investigation into the reasons behind Count Alex's murder is still continuing

Reino wake up in morning and find himself in a hospital

"I hope they get something"


Reino looked to the side where there was

plain cardboard box

it has someone's name on it


Reino opened the box forcefully like a child opening his birthday present

the used cardboard trash was just placed on the floor and reink looked at the *gift*

The content of that box was a black shirt

With the Umta emblem on it

a combination of a rose, two humans, a tiger face and a sword

This is unmistakably the official Umta Magician uniform

Next to the symbol is the name Reino Tival

and a white letter was in his pocket

"Congratulations for joining us Reino, I don't have too much to talk about and if you are healthy then go to the museum where our headquarters is at 10 pm"

*priq priqerue*

after locking the door

Reino changed into his new uniform

even though Reino has another job

but of course he wouldn't refuse when he got the opportunity to get a better job

"it's a little loose"

Reino glanced at the evening sky and saw the clock showing 5 pm

Reino has about 5 hours before 10 pm

Reino does whatever he can to improve his physique in his room

stretching and also tidying his room within a time limit he set himself

"I can't believe there are only 4 hours left before 10 pm"

A quality rest can also form a good body

Reino sat on the bed for some time because sitting in a chair was not comfortable for him

there was a little water on the blanket which was her tears

Reino doesn't know why, but since he was born he always cried when he fainted

Even the best doctor in the Tival Kingdom doesn't know what this disease is

Reino was silent while contemplating in his room



Umta official magician was founded in 1100

about 25 years ago

the number of witches and magical beasts causing unrest increased rapidly that year

and to maintain public safety

Umta official magician

disseminated throughout the country

with salaries and facilities that are certainly tempting for many magicians who apply

but in 1110

an unforgettable event occurred

Many official magicians were killed and hunted by a magician who had infiltrated in since 1102

The man was never captured but the massacre suddenly stopped in October 1110

and since the massacre, job selection has been tightened and there are fewer and fewer magicians coming in. Apart from that, magicians are not allowed to meet each other too often.

the person is known by a nickname

*invisible cold storm tiger*

and the magician he killed was always covered by thick ice


after he packed up and left the hospital he ran to the museum and all costs used by Reino will be paid by Umta Official Magician

after arriving at the museum that was priq told

Reino has been waiting in front of the museum since 9 o'clock. During that time he had dinner and played hide and seek with the museum janitor.

Priq, who was wearing a green suit, got there at 9:30

after both of them seeing each other they chatted about the rules and duties of the official magician

priq brought 2 kroval specialty coffees 1 for himself the other for reino

salary as an official magician is approx

250 gold coins per month

and even the money a noble could earn in that amount of time could only reach 200 gold coins

but no magician became a noble because of the tools and materials they needed

every time they get money they will immediately burn the money to become stronger

and if they do something that saves many lives the official magician will get additional wages

saving their comrades from a life and death situation would earn them an additional 500 bronze coins and 250 silver coins

solving an unsolvable problem gets 1000 silver coins

saving the city will earn you another 250 gold coins and an award

"Even though 250 gold coins seems small compared to saving the entire city of Kroval, the price of the award given can reach 1,000,000 gold coins."

"How many magicians have received that award?"

"Actually, it doesn't exist yet, but they never delete it so they can honor the person who saved Kroval in the future."

"I see"

When the coffee that Priq drank finished, it also signaled the end of this conversation

A yellow aura appeared and burned in Priq's hand

Yellow lines spread through the air like threads

the line curled and rounded on the palm of the priq's hand

Small lightning bolts that didn't produce any sound were trapped inside the yellow ball

Priq's expression was calm as if his yellow tears were shining and Reino was reflected in his inner eyes

the yellow light covered Reino's vision

"I'm sleepy"
