
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs



a feeling of nausea invaded Reino's throat forcing him to wake up and vomit on his bed

"what happened"

an old man standing beside Reino

he wore the clothes of a priest from the church of the god of light

besides the old man reino realized he was sleeping in an unfamiliar room

After Reino's throat calmed down, he tried to remember what happened when he met Priq

"Where am I?"

"Captain Priq brought you here after he cleaned you up."


The old man's charming face laughed loudly which made Reino want to kill this person immediately

"It seems Priq forgot to explain it to you"

"explain what"

"cleaning method,

Did you know that everything related to magic has some kind of contamination in it?"

magic contamination?

"If you receive too much contamination then you will be mutated and turn into a terrible mutant who will kill anything in front of him."

"Could it be that the monster I met at the operator's office was mutated too?"

The old man listened to Reino calmly and carefully without asking a single question until Reino stopped talking

"yeah exactly

and for ordinary people like you, dealing directly with mutants makes your body get too many mutations."

"and the cleaning method was used to myself so I can be free from the mutation"

but the method priq used was too sudden, he should have told me first

"Only a god follower with the rank of arcbishop can use this technique"

"Can followers of other gods besides the god of light use it?"

"Yes, even the most evil god, if he has the rank of arcbishop, can get this technique."

even the most evil gods

There is no doubt that what is meant by the most evil god is the God of destruction

so could the other three gods give this technique to their arcbishop

god of guardians

goddess of souls

goddess of nature

but because the old man told himself that all god archbishops could use it

perhaps they could also give it to their believers

"my name is Zawan, nice to meet you"

a simple nod reino use doesn't even make zawan angry or upset

for some reason Reino doesn't want to give his name to the people he met today unless forced to

"Priq is waiting outside. You better not make him wait too long."


Zawan happily cleaned up Reino's vomit on his bed after Reino left

he is a strange person is the first impression Reino saw after meeting Zawan

Behind the door is the room that Reino came to when he was first here

a man was sitting in a chair enjoying his coffee and newspaper

Priq looked back to see the new kid at Umta Official Magician just waking up

"next time tell me if you want to do something like that"

"ah okay Reino"

does he even feel innocent?

are all the magicians here incompetent?

then how can they pass the entrance exam

"Now let's talk about the first steps before becoming a wizard"

Priq's voice sounded deep and serious

not like usual who likes to joke

the first step to becoming a magician what it might be

"this method was called as ritual, it's easy to open magic, you have to do a ritual to open the door to your magical world"

"what is this magical world"

"In the magical world you have to do an obstacle and when you are inside you will not be able to get out unless you complete the obstacle"

I already understand the rough idea but the most important thing is how you perform this ritual

"You know that in the magician world there are levels for magicians, right?

There are 8 rituals that you must use to enter each level of your magical world."

then now I have to complete the level 1 ritual right

"The items you bring will also go to your magical world"

"So I also bring my body not just my soul"

"Umta official magicians only know rituals from level 1 to 4 and you will only get additional items and assistance from the umta government until level two

after that you have to do everything yourself"

that a lot of information very very much and I also want to know what level they are at

"Okay, I'll tell you the level 1 ritual

For this task you must use a door, any door, even magical items as long as they can be identified as doors."

Reino's mind is looking for what the relationship between doors and rituals is, why does it have to be doors?

"Now you have to draw a magical circle on the door. If you do that then you will enter your magical world."

"What kind of circle exactly should I draw"

"Everyone has their own pattern, even you, all you need to do is make a circle with the pattern that best suits you."

then a better way is to think about it while you're writing it

"Then I'll borrow your pen for a moment."

"Are you ready?"

"I've brought almost all of my weapons and also the blood spear I got from the mutant at the operator's office."

"oh I seem to have forgotten to tell you but you have to write it with your blood"

Priq's innocent face was filled with smiles and his eyes were shiny

but his words were in direct contrast to his face

The medium-sized room was filled with silence, even the vases and decorations didn't make a sound, wait, isn't that usually the case?

"m-my own blood?!"

Reino, an assassin who always lost a lot of blood in his duties, was shocked to hear Priq's words

Previously he lost blood in battle but this time he had to do it of his own free will