
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

rainy day

The whole kroval was hit by heavy rain that day, most of the nobles who were supposed to go to the event were forced to take shelter on the side of the road so that their horses wouldn't get wet and also to reduce damage to their carriages.

except for one man

he was jumping between one roof and another

Reino Tival, a nobleman who lost everything after the Tival royal coup in 1120

His 5 years of work as an assassin really made him experienced in planning and killing

and in those 5 years he finally got the first clue to the tival kingdom

Reino's rare smile was seen that day too

as he went to the operator's office he was known that he would fight a magician without preparation

Reino, who is usually very careful and always takes preparations before killing his enemy, made rash moves this time

but he wasn't even aware of that

all he wanted was exposure

the only weapon reino held was only two daggers with a poison in his dagger

a 6 barreled gun

a crossbow with 2 arrows

1 smoke grenade and 1 grenade

but in the hands of a professional assassin, this is a very dangerous weapon and the enemies better be careful


in the operator's office a man was stood while staring at a small green chest

with a sigh that man was

walk towards a big window in the hall

Many of the bodies scattered in the hall were workers at the operator's office

a silhouette appeared in the hall window without being able to react an arrow shot towards his right knee

the big window shattered when that figure was infiltrated

it was reino with his evil smile

His hand holds a crossbow with one arrow on it

his other hand was holding a dagger with blue liquid on it and the same dagger was in his mouth

Reino aimed his crossbow at the man without further ado

The man tried to run from Reino but his right leg immediately went numb and then paralyzed

that arrow was have a poison in it!

Reino saw the man trying to survive like watching a soap drama in the theater

But what Reino didn't know was that that man suddenly grew a blood red shell on his back

blood-red skin covered the man's real skin and the man's last scream entered Reino's ears

The arrow stuck in the man's knee was eaten by the red skin until it finally covered his entire leg

the only normal part of that man was his face that makes a face that screams without making a sound

Blood came out of the man's face but the blood that fell stopped in the air

The blood hardened and also separated into long, thin ropes that snaked through the air

4 blood ropes flew towards Reino like snakes

Reino did a somersault and jumped to avoid the rope

Reino's two daggers spun in both hands to slice and cut the rope

the blood in his mouth fell like normal blood again

and a spear appeared spinning from the pool of blood

The blood spear thrown at Reino jumped and stabbed him right in the stomach

Fresh blood came out of his mouth and ears, his legs gave out and made Reino fall on the spot

the blood monster walked on four legs and sprinted towards Reino

But the monster don't know what's coming,

A gray iron ball rolled out of Reino's pocket and the ball emitted a small amount of steam from inside

that monster head was injured by an arrow that was shot from close range

Reino's last arrow that he kept

The ball exploded and emitted gray smoke which made them both lose their sight

Reino turned out to have gotten away from the monster by rolling

and from his pocket he threw another iron ball but this time it had the inscription

'warning: explosive items'


an explosion occurred

in front of the monsters

Reino still survived the explosion because his position was quite far away

After the smoke from the explosion began to dissipate, Reino saw the monster that was missing its half

the left part was badly crushed leaving its internal organs exposed

the wound on Reino's stomach began to get worse

Even though the monster's wounds were worse, he was still able to stagger towards Reino

His blood that was splashing everywhere began to form many spears and they were all aimed at Reino

Reino held his knees and tried to stand up and his breathing became heavier

Reino's legs gave out and fell back to the ground



the sound of light footsteps could be heard from behind Reino

she was a tall, blue-haired woman he had met a few days ago

"Oh my, it looks like there's a problem here."

Elida Elix holds a dagger in her right hand and a cigarette in her left hand

"You need help, right?"

His naughty smile was directed at Reino while the dagger in his hand appeared a strange blue circle

The dagger was released and flew freely in the air

headed straight for Reino's head

"wait wha-"

The dagger penetrated Reino's head without leaving any marks on Reino, almost like wind

when the blue circle on the dagger disappeared he had entered the red monster's head

His head was blown off by Elida's dagger and he fell right into one of her spears

although its shell protects itself, it is actually no harder than its flesh

blood came out like a fountain

Reino's eyes closed slowly and his whole body became limp

his body was lying on the ground when he collapsed