
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
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21 Chs


After trying to remove my curse, Zawan fainted and was immediately sent to the hospital

according to priq's vision

My curse only has 1 barrier but it is so strong that it even makes high level curse casters like Zawan who once destroyed 50 barriers at once overwhelmed.

Because there was no other way to get rid of the curse, we discussed about my paper again

"But it looks like you can go there in just 1 week if you take the shortcut"

priq points to the top sentence on the paper

mission for reino, alaz and chandra

September 20th 1125

investigating the third area of

forest of screams and monsters

Reino had never seen a forest with a name like this but the words scream and monster caught his attention

from the description, this forest is probably filled with screams and monsters

There is a famous dark forest where people who go too deep into the forest will disappear without being able to return

because the surface and trees in the forest gave rise to the illusion of never-ending screams

The forest was separated into 5 parts

the outer part is like a normal forest and has fewer and smaller screams than

the other part

the second section is filled with more c and sometimes b tier monsters than the other sections

the third part where most people who enter never return

The fourth part is where there is a place to live for a group of indigenous tribes from the forest

the fifth part is where the heart of the forest is and so far only 3 people have gone in there some of them said that there were giant spiders surrounding an old giant tree that was quite withered with dark red stones in it

no forest better suits this name than this forest

"If you take a turn to the west from the third part of this forest

You can get there in just about 5 days if nothing gets in the way."

it was quite a risky path but with this I was able to return in just about 2 weeks

"You will be accompanied by Alaz and Chandra as well as a

Knight of hunger dragon who offers this mission"

a knight of hunger dragon is an elite troop of mankind who is widely known by society as people born with special talents

The government hides the ritual procedures by calling them special abilities that selected people receive from birth

I had thought that the Knight of Hunger Dragon was indeed a special person before I knew about the ritual

The person who can become a Knight of Hunger Dragon must be a level 4 magician who is given a dangerous mission such as killing approaching S level monsters and also other high level magicians.

As a mission to explore the Forest of Scream and Monster Level 3 which is filled with quite a lot of C to A monsters, the Knight of Hunger Dragon is really needed

and for shortcuts notified by priq

is to pass through that forest which greatly reduces the time needed

We discussed so many things about my plans to go to the village that we didn't realize how quickly time had passed

Priq called Alaz and Chandra to ask for their permission to accept this mission. Priq also told them about my curse

they chatted together for about 15 minutes

"they agreed to do this mission"

Reino feels grateful and grateful to Alaz and Chandra

after hearing those words from Priq

At 4 pm Reino returned to his apartment and got ready to go to the forest the next day

this mission will be carried out more quickly

because of Reino's special conditions

for the preparation Reino

was about to use some potions and grenades he just bought yesterday when he met the assassin guild members who were trying to catch him

but even though the assassin chased Reino before he bought a weapon

Reino always carries a smoke bomb that will make anyone faint after smelling it and luckily Reino has built up a resistance to that poison which makes it his trump card.

Reino only has about 3 smoke bombs that he always keeps

Reino also has resistance to several low-level poisons and is also a technique that is quite famous among assassins

This technique is called skip footsteps. This technique, as the name suggests, makes your footsteps and movements almost invisible, which makes some people think it is teleportation.

For beginners, skip footsteps can make you skip 1 step, but you can also skip more steps, even up to 10 steps

for Reino he can only skip up to 6 steps which is quite amazing and surprising

Actually one day reino can do skip 7 step

But after that day he can't do that again

As for tomorrow reino must prepare for fighting and also meet a knight of hunger dragon as a friend

In the past reino once fought a knight of hunger dragon with his team but all of them even reino was lose and has no chance again that monster

Reino always trying to keeping distance to the knight but this day he was commanded by a knight of hunger dragon