
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

curses removal

Reino woke up with an uncomfortable feeling all over his body

the clock on the wall showed 9:43

and of course Reino's favorite morning radio show finished long ago

Reino's entire body and mind refused to sleep because of the letter sent to him last night

conjecture and suspicion focused on the photos sent to him

the last time he saw his parents was 15 years old or 5 years ago

The letters and photos sent are not fake nor are they magic items

which means the photo is definitely original without any manipulation

"small village in the western part of Umta"

the task given by the sender to Reino

without a clear goal

there are many cases of false gods roaming the world

but for some reason the sender was interested in this case and asked Reino to do it

but there was a problem so that Reino could go there

the first is that the location is too far and it may take around 1 month to get there. Calculating the time when Reino goes home, Reino will spend around two months there.

the second was the fact that reino was a member of umta official magical

spending about 2 months outside the work area will violate the rules and not to mention the mission that will be given to Reino will be another problem

The sender also didn't want this information to be given to anyone who would really interfere with Reino's plans

However, if Reino gave Priq the task of going to that small village as a long independent assignment, perhaps Priq would consider sending Reino there, even his application letter had been written and prepared all night by Reino.

However, Reino knows that there is a possibility that this request will be rejected and will instead be given to an official Umta member who is near that place

This is Reino's gamble. If he is successful in the application then he will be able to go there, but if the opposite happens, Reino will still go there and violate the Umta Official Magician regulations with the possibility of being jailed and fined.

or even execution

With a spare key to open the office, Reino will go to Priq and ask for permission to go to the village

and what happens next is between the two possibilities above

At that time the sun shines over the city of Kroval making some people prefer to stay in their homes

the prehistoric heritage museum is not yet open at this time

after making sure no one saw Reino using the spare key that most members had

the lock gave off a faint glow as a wooden door magically grew from the ground

Reino stepped in and of course didn't forget to close his eyes for 3 seconds inside

a room that he remembered well after being here several times and an office that was certain to have a priq in it

Priq is reading today's newspaper while drinking his favorite coffee

After Reino entered, his gaze turned sharp

"what are you here for"

Reino's hand handed him the paper onto the table in front of Priq

For 1 minute the room became silent when Priq read Reino's paper

"I see, you were told by someone to go there and if you don't do it or even report it to someone else something bad will happen, am I right?"

"how do you know"

Before continuing his words, Priq's mouth slurped the last drop of his coffee

"Under your soul has been placed a curse"

curse? when and how as far as I know I never let go of my observation

"I can see a small contamination in your soul, this type of curse is the type that allows the victim's location to be detected by the user."

In Priq's eyes behind Reino there is a large eyeball which has spikes and leaves in it besides that there is a kind of rotating wave in his pupil.

"Before we talk about your paper further we better break the curse"

"how to do it? use the cleaning method"

"The cleansing method is to remove magician mutations, but to remove the curse there are people who are more appropriate for that."

Priq guides Reino towards the room where Reino fainted when he was first given the cleaning method by Priq

just like the last time Reino was there there were 3 simple mattresses with medicine and food next to them with old Zawan mopping the floor

For Reino Old Zawan is a plain and naive old man who can't fight

but Reino's intelligence knows from Priq's words, Zawan is the person Priq means as someone who is more expert in curses.

"Zawan, Reino is cursed"

zawan dropped his broom and with shocked eyes he shouted


"well he received someone's threat and that person gave him that curse"

priq explained what happened when I gave him my paper

"So that's how it is, okay I will remove the curse"

"how do you move it"

"There are three ways to move the curse"

The first is if the sender wants to remove it, but this method will be useless if the sender is dead

the second is if the curse expires

then it will leave your body by itself

the third manually

"what is the manual method"

To remove the curse you have to destroy the barrier that protects it. If you succeed in destroying all the barriers that protect it then the curse will go away

the number of barriers can be more than one

and the curse can also attack physically to stop the attacker from destroying the barrier

"curses can attack physically?"

"Yes, if you focus your spiritual energy into your eyes, you will be able to see the physical form of your curse

but the victim cannot see his own curse."

That means it's impossible for Reino to see the physical form of the curse within him

"Now I will start breaking your curse"

In order for the process to be successful, Reino must not move or even help Zawan attack his curse

Without realizing it, Priq had been out of the room for a long time

Zawan began to gather his spiritual energy in his hands

Reino's curse in the form of a giant flying eyeball looks into Zawan's soul

From Zawan's perspective, the barrier that protects Reino's curse in the form of an eyeball only amounts to one

Zawan began to launch his attack to destroy the barrier

but before his attack reached his hand was pulled by a rope of flesh and skin that came out of the pupil of the giant eyeball

Small eyeballs form and surround the eyeball

Fire came out of Zawan's mouth but his throat was crushed by the pupils which grew and enlarged on Zawan's skin like giant pimples

The eyeball split in two, half attacking Zawan while the other went back into Reino's body

A dark aura came out of Reino's body before Zawan finally withdrew and collapsed on the floor