
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

rudy rahge

For go to the forest reino and the others must walking nearly 2 hours until they arrive in stedfagar city

The forest was in west part of the gity near a small village

After rent rent a horse reino and the others finally arrive in the forest but the horse can't go to the forest because of the steep hill

So they must walk to level 1 of the forest

And At this time Reino, Alaz and Chandra are waiting for the arrival of the Knight of Hunger Dragon which will help them go to deeper forest area

They arrived there at

5 am and had to wait about 15 minutes

Alaz who was preparing the food and drink asked Reino

"Priq said you were cursed right"

"Ah yes that's right it seems like I got a curse from the letter given to me"

Alaz and Chandra already know about Reino's curse so there is nothing to worry about

At that time 5 o'clock passed 20 a light came out from behind the mountain in East

Together with the sunrise of the sun from East

a tall man with a face that is quite handsome with his silver armor

shiny in the sun

Alaz and Chandra are a little surprised by the appearance of that person but Reino knows that person

He is the Knight of Hunger Dragon who gives this mission to them

Priq tells the name of the person to Reino, his name is

Rudy Rahge

A Knight at the age of 36 years who had fought directly against the legendary magician hunter, the Invisible Cold Storm Tiger

And that person is Magician Level 4

who no longer needs to be asked if he is very strong

Alaz and Chandra casually bowed their heads to Rudy and were followed by Reino who did it a little hastily

the knight laughed looking at the three of us

"There's no need to be so formal, we're both warriors"

Reino was offered cigarettes by Rudy

"I don't smoke"

Feeling undisturbed, Rudy approaches Alaz

and asked for some mission details

and he didn't seem too suspicious of the reason why this mission was carried out ahead of schedule


Rudy looked behind Reino's head

"Hey kid, did you get a curse?"

Rudy said that with a relaxed face while smoking his cigarette and on Reino's side he wasn't too surprised because he was sure that a Knight of Hunger Dragon would easily discover his curse.

"Yes, Zawan once tried to get rid of it but in the end he lost."

"zawan? that guy can't take care of your curse? he is the strongest curse exorcist I know"

Reino still doesn't believe in Zawan's abilities, but after hearing Rudy's words, his appreciation grows a little

Apart from Rudy, someone followed him from behind and brought a horse-drawn carriage for 5 people which was quite comfortable

he has the appearance of a man in his 20s wears a red headband and is also kind of weird

he carried several jars of mud and a long sword on his belt

Rudy looked in the direction where Reino was looking and laughed a little

"Meet Herul,he is actually my adopted son who lives in a village near here, he can guide us to explore this forest better than ordinary people."

Herul just checked several parts of the vehicle seriously without paying attention to the two of us

But it seems that Chandra is quite familiar with him, he has been chatting with him for quite a long time

after all preparations are complete

several people were getting ready to leave, including Reino who was checking his weapons

With a call from Herul, the five of us got into the horse-drawn carriage

with the positions of Alaz, Herul and Rudy in front and the rest in the back

Surprisingly, this horse runs quite smoothly in the steep forest. We even reached level 2 of the forest in just 15 minutes. This horse is a very strong type of horse and also has quite light legs.

some monsters saw our horses but all of them ignored us

According to Rudy, this is because its intimidating power is very strong for monsters but is useless for humans

Rudy was quite a scary person when Reino first heard about him, but now Reino's worries are reduced after his many good actions

In fact, Reino saw this as an opportunity to learn about the world of magicians

Reino started asking Rudy quite a lot of questions


"How can you see other people's curses?"

"Flow your spiritual power into your eyes and try to stay focused"

his tips are quite simple and easy to understand


"Can you give me the ritual procedures for level 2?"

Rudy, who was smoking his cigarette, laughed because he saw the enthusiasm on Reino's face

"Actually it's not simple if you want to level up"

"What do you mean?"

"If you do the ritual when your soul is not ready, your soul will be damaged and your body will be destroyed."

Hearing Rudy Reino's words, he actually thought about that possibility

Reino started to get suspicious because it was for an organization like Umta Official Magician

they should have a lot of magicians at least level two scattered everywhere but beginner magicians like reino are only level 1

Umta official magician should be able to at least immediately prepare a ritual to level up for Reino

because after all the Umta official magician is the protector of the Umta whose job is to fight against magical threats that might even disturb Umta

Rudy suddenly stopped the horse

Alaz and chandra was surprised by rudy action but with a trembling voice rudy say

"A lot of monster was near here

6 B-tier monster and 2 A-tier monster,keep silent"