
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

mud sword

there is a high tier monster surrounding us

these words were come from rudy mouth there is no use suspect him

Reino took out his crossbow and three arrows

the arrow had been coated with some potion

and Reino already remembers the entire composition

Reino's grenades are also ready for this

This carriage wheel began to sink as a swamp created under our feet

mud tentacles came out of the swamp and started climbing the surrounding trees and also the entire horse carriage but strangely the horse remained calm about this

Rudy held his big sword and laughed looking at the collection of mud tentacles

"don't worry it's herul power he is actually a level 3 magician who is very experienced in large area attacks"

Ah, it's true that Herul's mud jar has been empty since this swamp appeared and even some of the mud is still flowing down Herul's pants without leaving a trace of mud.

However, the largest mud jar was still filled with mud and had not been used

later on a bunch of monsters that looked like a big wolf but had a single horn on his forehead

approaching us

that monster was called golden fang wolf that has 70% gold in its organs and this wolf has a unique scales that other wolves do not have

This wolf is moving in the herd and the golden claws are strong enough to scratch Rudy's iron armor

Dozens of wolves around our path but fortunately no one of them made it into the swamp and they rather were just staying on the edge of the mud fields to see us but more hungry Golden Fang Wolf was approaching

This makes us have no other choice as a fight with this hungry wolf collection

the only person our team that can carry out long-distance attacks is alaz with the wind knife and Herul who can attack the wolf on the edge of the swamp with the mud tentacles

Rudy is a close-up magician who will also be difficult when fighting many Golden Fang Wold who are able to eliminate the electricity in their nomp. And also their fangs in a large amount can destroy Rudy's iron armor and also that is why the Gold Fang Wolf is considered as a level A monster if there is a bunch of them

And in the field like Swamp,the ability of Rudy who is a swordsman is reduced quite large

But my plan is to kill the two wolves that block the path in front of us and after that step we only need to run away from their pursuit

By using telepathy I told Alaz to attack the throat of the two wolves in front and I also sent my plan to Herul which he agreed

In an instant Alaz wind knife flew right towards the wolf in front and managed to cut their throat which of course made them lose blood which would immediately cause death

The mud wall is created in our path that has not been prevented and the horse that has been silent ran fast forward with a few wolves who were angry to see us killing their friends

Mud jumps and sucked back into Herul Jar which in the process is blocking the pathway of the Wolf attack due to quite a lot of mud

Unfortunately, quite a large number of wolves are still chasing Reino and the others

Their golden claws made it very easy to run in this forest

and soon we will definitely be caught

killing 1 will only make the rest angry

it was one of the lines in these monster documentaries that was famous and was used to describe how dangerous monsters in groups are

all of reino weapons were used to fight 1 on 1 except for grenades which might be able to kill them all instantly but that is too risky because there is a possibility that other, stronger monsters will come here because of the sound

Swamp will only slow them down and of course Chandra and Alaz who are only level 2 can't possibly kill them

which means only remaining

Reino turned to Rudy who was watching the wolves

Time was still running and the wolf was getting closer to the horse carriage

Rudy suddenly jumped out and headed right in front of the wolves for the Knight of Hunger Dragon B Tier monsters like they were nothing

Even the carriage shook slightly when Rudy jumped

Rudy holds his large sword with both hands, channeling a collection of spiritual energy into the blade of the giant sword

Rudy raised his sword as high as it could above his head

His red robe fluttered in the wind and the wolves that had surrounded Rudy

After looking closely there was something covering Rudy's blade

Reino looked at Herul who didn't move his horse because they could be attacked by more dangerous monsters ahead and if Rudy wasn't there then they would all die.

There is one more thing to pay attention to from Herul, one of the jars is empty

The mud in the jar is now on Rudy's sword blade and his spiritual energy becomes more spread out and evenly distributed when in the mud.

This makes Rudy's sword sharper and more dangerous, a combination that was never thought of

The mud on the sword released long tentacles which held on to Rudy's hand. When the tentacles were already holding on tightly to Rudy, the big sword flew and slid into the middle of the pack of wolves, slashing and destroying everything in its path, even the wolves that tried to run were cut into pieces and none of them survived.