
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
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21 Chs

pillar in desert

the magical world was discovered by ancestors or even human ancestors

there are many clues that can prove this

historical relics and also many temples that show images of the magical world

priq was saying this information to reino right before he left for the magical world

priq also gave him some healing potions that prevented him from dying from blood loss

According to Reino's imagination, the circle he wrote about has many appearances and also monsters that represent Reino's experience. The deeper you look at the circle, the more terrifying the monsters that appear.

and this circle has sacrificed the toilet door

Despite the circle of blood, Reino's magical world doesn't look scary

it looks like a desert with the sun always at 3 o'clock and never moving

a simple sundial made only of small wooden twigs was located in front of the sun

that sundial was showing 8 o'clock

Reino is still confused by the sun and this desert location which is too strange

not far from Reino, a giant gray pillar stands firmly, but has cracks and damage that is quite serious, even Reino is sure that soon the pillar will collapse, but all the clues he sees could be very important.

With his deft body and damage to the pillar, Reino could easily climb to the top of the pillar

Under Reino's feet there is a manhole that cannot possibly be on top of a pillar but after all this was just a magical world

anything is impossible in here

The manhole was strong enough that even with all of Reino's abilities he couldn't open this manhole

after checking the manhole more seriously

Reino found a 3 digit password on the bottom side

"Is my goal to guess the password?"

Reino was a little worried that his goal here was not the manhole but something else that could be found

maybe there was something out there in the desert that would help him out

The shape of the spawn place is a bit strange because in the distance the sand mountains surround Reino without the slightest gap

a tingling feeling appeared in Reino's feet

it was caused by some of the sand shaking and jumping everywhere

something really weird!

the amount of wavy sand becomes more and more

and some even reached Reino's knees

What's that?


a monster?

sand worms?

The sand mountains in the distance were covered by a thick sandstorm that immediately headed towards Reino

the other roads were also blocked by the sandstorm and there was no other way for Reino to go out

"There's no time to think

i need to find the password!"

all the objects around him were captured by Reino's eyes

instructions or numbers

where should I look for it


that sundial!

it was only 8 o'clock from earlier, that's definitely a clue

The binoculars that Reino brought could be really needed right now

"I need to know how much time I have before the storm reaches me."

Reino used binicular to determine the time he had but he discovered something else that was very surprising

"giant kobolds,

armored undead

an even lava mantis?!"

Sandstorms are not created naturally by nature

but because several monsters were running and surrounding Reino

5 minutes is the time that Reino currently has

he just needs to find the second number

The sun is a clue too

the second password is 3

The only thing here apart from the two of them was a gray pillar which was badly damaged

what can you use for pillars

that's right a sundial

The shadow of this pillar is a little strange, just like the simple sundial made from twigs

This pillar shows 7 o'clock

3 digits with 3 numbers means there are 6 possible passwords

I can try everything in 5 minutes







a-all the passwords are wrong?

Reino is sure he tried all possible passwords

but everything was wrong apart from that the monsters were already approaching Reino

Are there any numbers I forgot?

or it is something else

Reino's gaze turned to the monsters that were approaching

there are more than 1000 monsters leading to reino

Reino only had 2 minutes left until he was attacked

after that he will die in his magical world without anyone being able to find him

The monster's footsteps made Reino's surroundings shake as if there was an earthquake

The giant pillar that was already so badly damaged would not be able to withstand this shaking

even 1 grenade is very likely to destroy it

oh wait that's him!

I don't need to enter a password to get out. All I need to do is destroy this pillar

Reino's hand quickly reached into his pocket and opened the grenade with his other hand

Reino's right hand threw the grenade with all his might after seeing the possibility of survival

After the grenade exploded, Reino didn't wait for the explosion to stop but instead ran towards the explosion and into the smoke of the explosion

Inside, Reino couldn't see anything

but when he opened his eyes what he saw was Priq who had just taken a new cup of coffee