
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Kroval City has high rainfall from January to June

and the peak will be in March about 3 months from now

Reino's theft attempt was at the beginning of the year

After discussing their plan, Count Alex's murder would be carried out 15 days from the first time Reino and the magicians met

It is known that Priq and other magicians are members of the Umta Official Magicians

official magician who operates under the orders of the Umta government

The only members who follow this plan are Alaz, Chandra, Priq and Reino

Elida couldn't come because she had to research a serial killer who left a letter after each murder


reino and the others gather in a random house on the west side of kroval

Count Alex, who was their target, was enjoying lunch at the restaurant across the street

"You have to be careful, we don't know what items he has besides the chest of green."

Priq was monitoring the restaurant using small binoculars. He kept his eyes on Count Alex who was on the 2nd floor

"If there is danger then blink quickly 3 times"

Alaz will go inside and approach Count Alex and carry out the first murder plan directly

Alaz took a slow breath and replied

"don't worry if there is danger, I can escape from there as quickly as possible"

"be careful and remember you must kill him in the first 5 seconds"

without saying another word

alaz just nodded to priq confidently

The plan to liberate the Tival kingdom will begin here

if you ask me if I'm nervous yes I'm very nervous

Raindrops drenched Alaz as he ran to the front door in his new shoes

At that moment all the lights in the district went out

"Suddenly the lights went out?"

"that's too coincidental"

"Has Alaz gone in there?"

something wrong is definitely going on i must check it

Reino's body hit the door hard and the lights in the restaurant started to turn on

the streets are currently raining and almost no one wants to go out in the rain

the sound of raindrops broke the silence

as Reino stood in the front door

Reino turned the doorknob and hoped that Count Alex was still inside

the lights and all the electrical equipment started to turn on as Reino's eyes widened to the ceiling seeing a very confusing sight yet felt so satisfied

Count Alex is hanging from a decorative lamp with a spear that locks him to the lamp

who killed him?, when did he die?, how did he get there?, what happened?, why was he killed?, where is alaz?

all the other customers who were enjoying their dates, family and friends who were gathering, they all collapsed at their tables and some of their meals were a mess

the chef and the butler was also passed out, some on the floor, some in the kitchen

There was no blood in the restaurant except under Count Alex's body so Count Alex probably died from suffocation

priq showed a surprised face in just a moment and he immediately checked this place as a whole

Even though Chandra was wearing a mask, even a child could see the confusion on his face

The one person who hasn't appeared yet is Alaz. Where is he?

"move these people outside and immediately clear everyone from the scene"

as we are talking about the situation someone was running from the 2nd floor

"alaz where have you been"

"I was checking the second floor where Alex was having lunch but it looked like he was dead before we even killed him."

he really was killed and it was definitely Count Alex as seen from his face which was still filled with elegance as he enjoyed his lunch but something felt very, very wrong

he who was supposed to be on the second floor was killed on the 1st floor

how to make everyone here faint so easily?

The perpetrator moved his body without being noticed by an experienced magician

"It's better if we report it to the leadership and this way the case will be resolved more quickly"

impossible, something is really wrong when you see this

Reino was silent under the count's corpse, thinking hard and looking for evidence that could be used

chest of green!where!

as her eyes gazed he suddenly rushed to the 2nd floor

priq and alaz trying to call out reino but

he just ignored then as he ran forward

the lamp was off when this incident happened so how could you do that in this town

the operator office!

Umta Country is one of two countries that can use electricity

Some countries still have difficulty building cables and equipment

and the operator's office is where all electric current originates. Electric current will be turned off when a disaster occurs

the rain is still very heavy outside, Reino is a person who will do everything he can to make his goal a success

"I can run there in 2 minutes"

Reino's opened window let in a strong wind and pushed some paper menus and other light items around