
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
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21 Chs

kroval city

Kroval city, the capital of Umta country

as the umta capital

Kroval city has many visitors from outside the city and there are many nobles here

One of the advantages of Kroval is that it is quite a source of entertainment

Some games, sports and transportation are mostly found in Kroval

The best fruit for making wine also comes from the forests in the western part of Kroval

The biggest match venue in this country is at Kroval, namely the Kroval stadium where Reino wents to steal the Chest of Green

A luxurious black horse carriage was running on the main street tonight with 4 passengers inside

The luxurious horse-drawn carriage stopped in front of the door to the ancient heritage museum

The museum was supposed to close at 8 pm but the black luxury horse-drawn carriage arrived there at 10 pm

After the oldest passenger among them paid a number of gold coins to the driver, they walked together to the back of the museum

"The driver is one of our intelligence officers so you don't need to worry."

"That's not what I'm worried about but the reason why we went to this museum in the middle of the night."

The corner of Priq's mouth lifted as he took a key from his trouser pocket

the key disappeared in priq's hand as a wooden door emerged from the ground in front of them

"So it's a magical item huh, and the reason you decided to go to this museum is because this is the only place the item works."

"You're right and don't worry, the key won't be lost because it will always return to my hand."

Reino was worried about the key because

Maybe it's gone, but before Priq explains it, his anxiety disappears because he sees the trust in Alaz and Chandra's eyes

"There is 1 rule when you use this door"


Reino knows that each item has side effects according to its level

1 is a bit dangerous

2 is dangerous

3 is very dangerous

"The rule is you can't open your eyes for 3 seconds, if within those 3 seconds you open your eyes you die."

According to the rules, this item is in level 1

"now let's go in"

the four of us closed our eyes together and entered the wooden door in one file

After about 3 to 5 seconds we all opened our eyes and saw a neatly arranged room

and in the middle of the room sat a woman in her 30s drinking coffee made from a special fruit that grows a lot in the Kroval City area

"So he is Reino Tival, a nobleman from the Tival area who was sold to the Assassin's Guild by Count Alex."

It's true that the members of this magician association know a lot about me and my past

"He is an important person in our plan to kill Count Alex"

"and with his help we may be able to free the tival kingdom again"

While Priq and the woman were talking, one person was straightening the arrangement of the vases on the shelf

he wears a plain white mask and he is as tall as priq

I don't remember the guy

"Hey aren't you a little rude, let me tell you it's the impudent white wolf we met."

he's the wolf! oh no I guess it's kinda normal since he's a wizard

"The reason why he wears a mask is because his face can be said to be very ugly."

You told me not to be rude but you made fun of that person right in front of him

"I won't deny it, my face can be said to be very ugly

I've had this face since birth and since then I've always worn a mask."

now I'm curious about his face but it would be better for me not to get into other people's affairs too deeply


Oh yeah, if I think about it, the blue haired woman who was chatting with Priq looks familiar but I can't remember

"Hey kid, why are you looking at me like that?

Is it because you are interested in me or you feel familiar with me"

"I think it's the second"

"very good then"

"I think you will remember if I say I was siyugat"

siyugat! even if it was a quite weird name i wouldn't forget it because it's the name of someone who told me to steal chest of green

"Nice to meet you my real name is elida elix"

"The first thing i want to ask is why"

Why on this means the reason elida want reino to steal chest of green

And why she is here

"It was strategy to catch you for this mission"

"So you know count alex want to steal the chest of green so you use me to find information about him?"

"Yeah we don't know much about count alex power so it will rather to use you for experimenting but of course we don't expect you to defeat him alone"

Since the beginning, Reino has danced on the fingers of the magicians

but after knowing that their target is count alex he hopes he can be useful in the operation

and after he got some small clues from the scene and their conversation reino knew about what kind of power count alex had

"count alex power was turning into a smoke"

"interesting but what proof do you have of that"

From their conversation, magicians have a kind of level to determine their strength and because Count Alex's strength level according to them is quite low

then teleportation is removed from the list easily

Another oddity at the scene was the manhole which was impossible for humans to pass through, but Reino used it to release his poisonous smoke

There was only 1 passage from the garden that led to the treasure room so the perpetrator couldn't go another way

and to get past Alaz who has the chain and wind knife he has to be able to become invisible

But even if he couldn't be seen, it would be useless if he couldn't get through the treasure room door

and from the evidence above it can be concluded that Count Alex's power is to turn into smoke

Apart from that, when he turned into smoke he accidentally brought a little bit of Reino's poisonous smoke which made Reino and Alaz faint when he tried to enter the treasure room.

"As I thought you were not an ordinary person"