
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

priq priqerue

a flock of crows standing on the roof of a random hut in a forest filled with thunder and rain

2 men are discussing

inside it

a man in his 20s with short, messy black hair and light blue eyes that looked like the sky sat on a rather fragile wooden chair.

The other man who was chained had the face of a nobleman who was quite handsome with the same black eyes and hair

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"That's so you can be more cooperative with us"

"that's stupid"

Reino knew that what was in front of him was the same magician who was chasing him

he has already had some strange experiences with it such as extremely fast wind blades and the technique of eliminating footprints

but Reino still mocked him even though he already knew about his strength

after connecting all the events that happened to him with the information provided

Reino soon realized that the main reason the man in front of him stopped chasing him was because he was attacked by the man who also stole the chest of green.

"The person who took the magic item has a kind of teleportation ability that will make it difficult for you to catch him."

It all was reino lies trying to survive

The blue chain that restrains Reino looks increasingly similar to the color of the man's eyes in front of him

"You can't ever catch a person who has that kind of power"

"What if our goal is not to catch him but to kill him?"

The man in front of him chuckles a bit before asking a weird question to reino

"Did you want to know who is the man we are going to kill"

Reino was not gonna believe the magician he just met today but he also curious by the descipsions of the culprit from the magician

Reino then say


"Count Alex.."

Reino's ears twitched when he heard the name of someone he knew said by the magician

which he just met today

"According to our spy, he used to be a good friend of your father, right?"

our spy?

Just by hearing those two words, Reino could guess several things from the magician in front of him

The magician in front of him has a strong enough group to support him because his intelligence can find out information from the Reino kingdom which has been guarded quite strongly since the coup was carried out.

"That is our target, the person who took the treasure of green from the treasure room

and the person who killed your family"

An evil smile appeared on that person's face, much different from the innocent smile he showed earlier

"Ah, so that's your plan

You're using my revenge to make your job easier but there's one thing missing from your offer."

"You mean that huh?"

all professional assassins need wages commensurate with their work and for that wage they will abandon other motives such as revenge

"You're really greedy, okay, after this job is finished, we'll give you a lot of mon-"

"I don't want silly things like that"

Meeting a magician who wants to work together is quite a rare opportunity and you should use it well

"Tell me how to use magic"

"You're really honest, aren't you?"

"Money is something normal for me"

"Apart from that, you can ask your colleagues, right?"

Reino was silent for a moment because he remembered the time when he was forced to be paired with his partner on a mission and it ended in chaos

they prefer gifts to their partners and they even sacrifice a newbie to divert the target's attention

At that time, Reino was 15 years old and he had already experienced what is called life

"in my job there is no such thing as partners only competitor"

"So that's how it is huh"

Reino, who is now 20 years old, will never forget his first experience working with other people 5 years ago

"let's make a deal"

with 1 flick of a finger


The blue chains that restrained Reino split into blue light particles that flew into the air

"if you do your bait job properly I will give you a way to get there"

go there?

what place he meant to visit

with a bang suddenly the wooden door was opened by a big wolf that had a furious expression on its face

"You can't do that alaz"

a calm and deep voice came from the wolf that sounded like a parent advising his child

and Alaz replied just like a child

"This isn't your business,

to kill count alex giving the formula to that place is a cheap thing"

"You are very naive and stupid but if that's what you want then I will gag your mouth."

"just try it"

Beneath the wolf's four legs, blue chains appeared like trees thirsting for water

Without further ado, the wolf's movements were locked using a blue chain

It didn't take long for the wolf to release a powerful aura that loosened the chains and immediately jumped forward

"stop it you guys"

The calm voice came from the man across the door wearing a tuxedo and pitch black hat

but when the sound was heard, 3 people who were here besides him fell and fell to the ground

"Reino Tival, sorry for the bad treatment of Alaz and Chandra, we will provide complete information at headquarters."

Without realizing it, the man was standing where the wooden chair was now destroyed

His gaze and presence give off enormous charisma

"and as an apology we will also give you the formula to that place, now please follow us to the city hall"

The man pointed to the horse-drawn carriage outside which was neatly arranged and looked like a noble horse-drawn carriage

"oh yes, let me introduce myself, my name is priq, priq priqerue"