
legacy of the horror

there is an assasin that no one knows that have succeded in every single mission he had and his name was reino tival but little did they know that reino tival was a former prince from tival kingdom but after an incident he was sold by his own parents to an assasin guild and from that point reino live become hard and dangerous in one of his mission reino met a magician and her life become more surprising with a ton of secret ritual,demon world,the 5 god,forest full of scream and monster,dragon,curses,soul mysteries and more reino just become deeper and deeper in the world mysteries untul he found out he was trapped inside it and couldn't escape with his new life can reino survive and open those mysteries? or it will be a journey about sorrow and pain? a rising and folklore of *him* his legacy or so called *legacy of the horror* ... my first story and english was not my main language so sorry for the bad grammar in my story

floating_chairs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

reino tival

(Vol 1:assasin


step, step

Red flags flew around the stadium,

several soldiers wandered around while looking for intruders

"Hey, are you sure someone will break into this place?"

"Even though there are many strong soldiers here

we cannot forget all possibilities"

around 50 guards are stationed all over this place

a glimmer of light moving in the hallway caught the attention of the 2 guards guarding the garden

"Quickly check there"


Blood spatter covered one of the mustachioed guards who appeared to have a sleeping bag under his eyes


Before he could act on anything, he saw his own body on the ground lying as the world around him spun

beautiful dandelion flowers covered in blood and moonlight on a bright night

"There's an intruder!"

the remaining soldiers ran into the garden where one of their comrades died

"check the entrance and treasure room! see if anything was taken"

black smoke emerged from a manhole in the park that had been sealed years ago

all the soldiers broke out in cold sweat while showing gloomy and shocked expressions

After years of torment in the training ground they soon discovered the composition of the black smoke

corpse moss, crow brain, devouring fungus!

it is a deadly composition capable of imparting many diseases to those who inhale it

step, step, step

The sound of footsteps appeared among the soldiers who were saving themselves

"Someone's gotten in!"

"Quickly tell 'him'"

"Wait, where is he!"

"He's already chased the intruder inside."

The cloaked intruder had entered the stadium carrying 1 bottle filled with black smoke and 2 daggers

"someone is following me"

as a professional

he was able to hear the sound of footsteps in the distance and guessed their profile

"a man in his 20s and quite skinny and he doesn't wear shoes which means from the sound of it he's not very strong in terms of physique"


"that voice disappeared"


Invisible wind blades flew past the intruder's cloak and shattered the bricks in front of him

Magician !

News about people who are able to perform miracles such as flying and emitting fire is quite well known and people call them magicians

even though there is a lot of fake news about them

but someone who had seen such a miracle would be filled with more confusion than fear

and the same goes for the intruder as he ponders a pile of questions about the wind blade and the magician who created it.

how, how and how

The potion he had in his pocket had been taken by his right hand

and with careful calculations the intruder thought about the magician's location

The sound of his footsteps had disappeared but from the direction of the wind blade his position was confirmed to be in the hallway leading to the garden

The glass bottle filled with black smoke swirled in the air towards the garden hallway

and a smell smoke appeared when the glass bottle fell to the ground

With many steps the intruder ran to the treasure room and looked for the items he was looking for

The target this time is a level 2 or dangerous magical item

treasure of green!

a small chest that holds hundreds of pale hands that have poison and will pull anyone nearby into the chest when the chest is opened

The effect is very strong and also this item is very dangerous for the user

because there is a bigger possibility that this item will actually pull the owner when this item is opened and not the target


The intruder's entire body vibrates and produces a lot of sweat

right in front of him was the door to the treasure room which opened and revealed a broken glass box whose contents had been taken

Chest of green has been taken!

a black silhouette appears from behind the pillar holding a green box that has a green keyhole

Darkness increasingly filled the intruder's mind when he finally closed his eyes and lost his energy


slowly opened his eyes

His only expression right now was sorrow and confusion

in the room where he was sitting was a small dark room that had lighting from torches on each side of the room

his hands, feet and neck were chained to the wall by blue magic chains

Before he realized it, a man wearing a black shirt sitting on a wooden chair appeared in front of him while smiling

"Now let's start the puni-!"

the man chained in front of him shouted using all his strength

"I know what you're going to say...but I'm not the thief."


"It's true that I infiltrated there last night but I didn't steal anything

someone else stole it"


the man in the chair let out a terrifying laugh that resembled a murderer

"We already know about that, you think we wouldn't know something so easy like that"

"Then what do you want from me"

"One thing, we will make you a witness and bait to catch the real thief."


"You think we don't know who you are?

you are reino tival

former youngest baron of the tival kingdom"

Reino was shocked as if he couldn't believe it and his eyes widened in surprise

"How do you know that and do you know that I've thrown away that identity?"

"But are you also know that the real thief was actually someone from your kingdom, Reino Tival"